Are there any step by step guides for creating successful isekai? Everyone is doing it!

Are there any step by step guides for creating successful isekai? Everyone is doing it!

Other urls found in this thread:

step one: make a character from our world.
step two: plop him in a fantasy setting.

step C: good worldbuilding
Step quatro: have actual consequences for the MC actions or have a reasonable justification as to why certain rules do not apply to the MC

he fucking did it

Just make one girl charcter with a really memorable and cute design and you're done. Literally nothing else is imporant, people only watch this dogshit for the girls.

Get a random "cheat" power:
Keep streching it further and further.

Have MC buy a demihuman slave.

BTW polygamy isn't looked down upon here. *wink*

>mc is a japanese neet
>video game hud and mechanics
>gets broken powers like an impenetrable barrier or savescum
>all cute girls he meets fall in love with him for no reason
>everybody is impressed by the common knowledge he brings from the modern world

Make sure the MC is completely average and “the worst” in terms of powerlevel, but somehow he manages to beat the super strong love interest character anyway so she has to swear her undying allegiance to him and also falls in love with him and also he’s super strong whenever he needs to be.

Step one: be a good author
Step two: make aura battler dunbine

Oh wait sorry you said successful, not good.

>Oh wait sorry you said successful, not good.
Goddamn right sempai

>create the most pathetic and useless mc that has one particular obsession
>create a world populated solely by waifus and background characters where his obsession is the most important skill one could have

I mean dunbine is pretty successful I think, it's still getting models and re-releases 35 years later. Odds are it's also the most fiscally successful isekai.

MC is reborn as a girl
Gathers yuri harem
Actually scissors them

>make an MC that your average otaku can self-insert into
>give him a power that makes it completely impossible that he will ever experiencia defeat, loss or humilliation
>throw him into a Dragon Quest-like fantasy world
>put some video games elements like stats or skills, you can handwave this by claiming the God of that world made it like for X reasons
>throw the MC into this world
>have him meet a cute girl two chapters in, she must be the most waifubaitish waifubait to ever waifubait
>from that point onwards have the MC travel the world and meet different "conflicts" that he can solve easily and antagonists that don't stand a chance against him
>add at least one waifu per "arc"
>bonus point if his enemies or other people underestimate him only to be proven wrong and idolize him later (or they just get killed, who cares)
>alternatively, have the story take place in a magic academy where MC is looked down due to X reason but eventually amazes everyone with his talent

crop rotation

>good worldbuilding
is very rare in anime, manga and japanese games

they're so often slapdash, unplanned, throw-it-in-with-the-kitchen-sink, why-not collections of cliches
things exist (or don't exists) without reason, or even against reason
no thought is given to consistency or cause and effect

>World building when you can mix Lotr and DnD

My concept for an atarashii battle shounen is one where people literally fuck to get stronger, but as the strong dudes fucked the women into a pulp they were forced to fuck each other in order to continue battling. After some time a mythical being called the Virgin X showed up, offering her divine body to the supreme warrior. Now the MC seeks ultimate power in order to get the Virgin X while avoiding all the gay shit along the way because he's genuinely straight.

Farming for slave harems using your cheat skill of crop rotation.

step one: angst
step two: write about it

whats with this "Isekai" meme that Sup Forums keeps spewing? Sounds retarded

step one: make an mc that actually likes the world he lives in
step two: isekai him
step three: make him want to go back home and have to jump through countless realities until he finds his world again as he turns crazy in the process

>Are there any step by step guides for creating successful isekai?

None that were written by someone successful.

Carrot-chan best waifu


Someone post the bingo please

1. Show the MC living a happy life as a married father of two who goes to work at a magazine publisher every morning by riding the bus.
2. Have some minor office characters show up that fulfill some generic templates: best friend, tomboy office girl, office know-it-all, etc.
4. The MC is reincarnated by God, who says he can't revive him in his old world but can send him to a new one that's almost the same, with all the same people. MC accepts.
5. MC is reincarnated in a modern world almost exactly like his own, only with a different written language that he doesn't understand. This world is so similar that the house he wakes up in is his own house. He was reincarnated as the family dog.

Thus begins the adventure of Mesu-kun, the man in a dog's body.

I am enjoying jewloli way less than I though I would

>MC is a robotics engineer and hobby blacksmith
>Acquires copper and builds a generator in the first episode, takes it from there

You'll almost never see good world building in WNs from both the west and the east and that's because they're just an idea almost all the time. An idea they start to write to gauge interest and if people take interest they just keep going. Often times things come out of nowhere because the author literally goes "Oh what about X?" and suddenly there are six masters of wooden blades or some shit.

Jesus did this thread seriously need people repeating the same thing over and over again?

OP asked successful, not good

If you want successful, then you just have to appeal to as many people as you want. A good thing would just get several different isekai's and mix them together. Such as, like, I dunno. Male MC with a harem, female side-character, another female side-character (who's a lesbian) and male side-character, with another male-side character (who is gay). Then just add plenty of people you could ship them with.

I know you said successful but I've found the best isekai's are isekai's which are barely isekai's. Grimgar, Shinju no Nectar and Goblin is Very Strong (especially this one as the protag isn't from another world, the side-characters are and it's mentioned once) are barely isekai. You get it mentioned but who cares? I followed Grimgar because it was nice seeing progress. I follow Shinju no Nectar because boobs plus ETERNAL ANGLO (which is then killed and a Jap pretends to be it... funny, huh?) and latter because cute goblin, he lesbian succubus friend and poor isekai girls who suck.

>shipping your characters with anyone but the MC
Motherfucker do you want to crash and burn?

No no, I mean you let the readers do the shipping. Don't actually state they're with X or Y. Just let the fans do it. This produces artwork. Artwork produces R34, R34 gets people into looking at it and asking for source or reading the tags for the manga/anime/whatever. Then people go read it. Keep it up and shit works out eventually.

In that case you're a genius.

They’re right, you know.

It doesn't matter if they're right or not it's the same thing over and over again. How does that make for a thread of any substance what so ever? Feels more like a /vg/ thread.

Is the Matrix a reverse Isekai?

If isekai is so easy then why arent you rich from it? Could it be that writing is actually hard?

no japanese otaku to buy moon books with their nip shekels. If you live in Japan, can write in moon, and actually have talent: you could be in business.

Step 1: Main Character must have a desire(any will do)
Step 2: Main Character must adapt to the world he is in but also able to use his knowledge from his world to his advantage.
Step 3: World build
Step 4: Let the Main Character move naturally in that world and as an author you shouldn't railroad it too much.

Have broad knowledge and be either mechanical or civil engineer then do it RTW or Risou no Himo way: MC without any powers transforming medieval fantasy into magitech empire through sheer power of his technological knowledge. I've consumed countless isekais of nip, western and slav origin and this is by far the best one in both volume and quality.

Shit thread for a shit OP.

What if Relife but as a isekai?

>Have broad knowledge and be either mechanical or civil engineer then do it RTW or Risou no Himo way: MC without any powers transforming medieval fantasy into magitech empire through sheer power of his technological knowledge

>Have broad knowledge and be either mechanical or civil engineer
>MC without any powers transforming medieval fantasy into magitech empire through sheer power of his technological knowledge'
user... If the writer is an engineer then he knows that such thing is impossible and bull. It might as well be written by someone without technical knowledge

>such thing is impossible and bull
They are with aid of magic and you'll drown in wikipedia if you attempt to write such a thing without being a specialist.
Hell they can probably jail me where I live because it has a detailed recipes for explosives.

Knowing something isnt even close to doing it, especially when tech and infrastructure is thousands of years behind. Wikipedia itself doesnt even cover manufacturing processes well

RTW does cover manufacturing processes well though. Tech and infrastructure is thousand of years behind, yes, but they have witches with up to 3000C° flame, Healers, Magentizers, impervious magic coating etc. as well as local specialists like Alchemist and Blacksmiths. It's not hard to assemble steam engine with a living welder who can shape melted metal in her hands. It's nice how magic helps MC to advance civilization in a fast pace. It's nothing far-reaching either:

Sure there are some asspulls with magic as one witch having precision nanocutter and other single-handedly solving food shortage with her druid-like powers, but progress still looks pretty natural.

You know how it's always Truck-Kun bringing a guy from our world into fantasy world? I want to see a starfighter's hyperdrive malfunction and a sci-fi dude has to search fantasy land for a way to repair his ship.

There are a shitload of fantasy where magic is actually forgotten technology and villain or a quirky sidie is actually a stranded space traveler under technological immortality or something.

If verse has such advanced metallurgy and alchemy then there is no reason to assume it would be your typical medieval fantasy setting. Well, if its the case then author is simply a hack who portrays MC as smart by giving everyone else sub 100 IQ

> such advanced metallurgy and alchemy
It didn't: they hunt and burn the witches as your good old inquisition. MC was the first one well not actually to make full use of their powers.
He also gave alchemist elementary chemistry book from his memory and put them to work in producing various chemicals. Prior to that Alchemist just stumbled around like charlatans discovering shit like devil's stone, mirror or recipe for clear glass once very 10-20 years.

>hack who portrays MC as smart by giving everyone else sub 100 IQ
There's also good reason for humanity being backwards in the setting and the reason is consecutively losing two world wars against powerful hostile race and living practically on the brink of a continent behind cover of massive mountain range.


If magic is useful as you claim then humans with bow and sword cant hope to beat em. That either means no persecution or more advanced weaponry. Well, that is assuming a state wants to drive away people who would kickstart economy and living standards overnight. Its absurd and unrealistic, something someone striving for it wouldnt write

> alchemist elementary chemistry book from his memory and put them to work in producing various chemicals
If the producement part is that easy then why arent these simple chemicals known already? Handwawing aside the scientific language barrier one would assume that these productive alchemists would have had fooled around already and found whatever youre looking for.

>Alchemist just stumbled around like charlatans discovering shit like devil's stone, mirror or recipe for clear glass once very 10-20 years
I mean thats not really a bad pace for a single alchemist. Also if youre refering to float glass then we did discover that in mid 1800s. The techbase isnt your usual isekai at that point, even glass mirrors were first discovered during renaissance

>has these
>goes to a brothel

>If magic is useful as you claim then humans with bow and sword cant hope to beat em.
Range is 5 meters user and there are special stones that ban even that.
>that is assuming a state wants to drive away people who would kickstart economy and living standards overnight
I don't want to spoiler too much, there's the reason that Church hunts the witches and it's a pragmatic one.
>If the producement part is that easy then why arent these simple chemicals known already?
It was isekai knowledge + magic + alchemists experience, and MC knows local language perfectly.
>The techbase isnt your usual isekai at that point
Well yeah, they're basically a post-apocalypse, formerly magitech, society

>not even light armor
Do they distract enemy with their naked thighs or what?

>Step One:
Make the girl from the real world super skilled but naive and kind
>Step Two:
Make the MC a low level monster who somehow became as strong as the Demon Lord
>Step Three
>Step 5

I wanna fuck Marcille

WELL WELL WELL, what do we have here?

ear nibbling

>certain rules do not apply to the MC
AKA shit writing.
Japs love getting jerked off by shit writing.

Just like isekai.

How to write a perfect isekai in few simple steps
>Make an average self insert bait protagonist
>He should be your usual "nice guy"
>Give him bullshit powers (or at least they should turn out like that after 3 chapters at most)
>Make him save a girl who will obviously be waifubait
>Make him save other girls
>Since all girls have the same thrist to MC's dick
>MC is for some reason either impotent or pussy who gets nosebleed an runs away
>Since making up different girl characters is too hard you should give them visual difference
>By that I mean not drawing different faces, it's much easier - just give everyone different hair colour from entire RGB palette
>Maybe add racial diversity: loli, catgirls, slave girls, dragon girls etc. You can obviously mix them all together in a randomizer

If you want I gonna write an isekai template chapter after my exams where you can choose different names, hair colours and background

Isekai used to be good before Japan appropriated the genre.

Not really.

That was time travel.