Why is this show so popular around neo-Sup Forumsnons and SAO fanboys?

Why is this show so popular around neo-Sup Forumsnons and SAO fanboys?

Why is the janitor deleting anime threads on Sup Forums?

>SAO fanboys

They're too dumb/new to recognize forced hype.

enjoying the homages to older mecha animne and the sexual innuendos

>why is a meido deleting blatant shitpost threads

Gee I wonder. Fuck off faggot OP.

We actually have over 6 threads about Franxx, and they're all "FRANX IS AOTY, TRUST ME".

Fucking disgusting. 6 threads about the same fucking anime with the same message.

I love her hair

>why is this show so popular
Wish fulfillment for beta manchildren who want a confidant quirky dominant girl to swoop into their lives and inexplicably fall madly in love with them.

>wahh my feefees
>anything i don't like is a shitpost

How about you and the Janny fuck off and let people criticize or shit on terrible anime on Sup Forums. Now that's a good idea.

That is sure a good criticism, right?

learn English, ESL poster

No, it's your whole conception of forcing liking this show as "neo Sup Forums" and that somehow Franxxfags are SAOfags. You're full of shit, don't pretend that isn't shitposting. There are many threads earnestly for discussing this show already and this thread clearly is not one of them. Maybe OP as a comment in a thread wouldn't be as bad but to make a thread like this is to try to force fanbase warring from the rooftops. Fuck off.

>You're full of shit

Equally obnoxious, equally annoying, equally retarded, equally terrible. I can confidently say you don't have a single thing to prove that he's full of shit.


>neo-Sup Forumsnons
>brings in SAO for no reason
This post scream Sup Forums.

Sup Forums has infested this board for a long time. Its nothing new.

Its not just Sup Forums, you need to watch out for the Sup Forums tripfags and their hoards of discord drones that completely destroy any thread by filling it with their shitposting.

>le discord boogeyman
Sup Forums was dead years before discord was a thing

I really don't understand the mods, I was just in a non franxx thread that got deleted.

Hey, it's /u/ to focus their assmad into this thread, too.

Weird, because I got into it later and enjoy it a lot all the same.

Sup ForumsIDF go home

>neo Sup Forums
>literally best threads we had since fucking code geass not counting the obnioux shitposting from discordretards
I also wonder how high must your autism be to spend 24 hours of your day shitting on a series you dont like and probably dont even watch

>SAO fanboys

Good post

Darling threads aren't usually that bad, aside from a few things. Shit like Kimposting, but that's done by anti-Franxx posters, and clogging Sup Forums full of Franxx threads when one will do just fine. Both anti-Franxx posters and Franxx fans are guilty of this one.

I find it annoying you're giving them credit for the way Sup Forums has been for 5+ years.

Pretty much this, I fucking hate this show it's basically an isekai

Thread ended here.

nearly all the shitposting is done by the discordtards who hate the series and dont even watch it.
I missed kill la kill threads, were they also there?

Damn, Franxx fags bleown the fuck out



And I fucking love shows like this.

From what I remember, there was never a dedicated group of shitposters for Kill la Kill threads, no.

Sorry it isn't the yuribait you so desire.

There was but the threads were faster than DF so it wasn't as noticeable.

I'm also really forgetful, to be honest. I don't even remember if I followed the threads from beginning to end. Could be that I dropped the threads around halfway through.



Such wish fulfillment. All guys wish to get Oni-aids.

>if you don't want effortless "guy does nothing and woman gets on his dick" romance for pathetic self-inserters, then you want yuri
Is this the extent of anime Franxxfags have watched?

Kill it with fire

>Forgetting about Ichigofags

>guy does nothing
Is this the extent of the reaching Discordposters have come to. Your flagrant ignorance makes me want to bully you with love, you massive faggot.

I haven’t bothered picking it up yet because these threads are nothing but waifufags. I don’t even know what the fucking mech looks like.

I kind of want to get along with Ichigobros. Ichigo just needs to get over Hiro for that to happen. I hate implicating them all in the Oni-targeted shitposting, because a lot of them are probably cool.

>guy does nothing and woman gets on his dick
Okay retard.

PV fucking when?

>Why are VEGfags so butt blasted about their show being less popular on Sup Forums than franxx?

ITT: IRCfags and Sup Forumsedditors trying to create a consolewars thread because stalker threads are now forbidden.
Get fucked shitposters.

muh SAO boogeyman

>stalker threads are now forbidden
really? why?


11h 40 mt

Have you been in one recently?
