It's all okie dokie

It's all okie dokie.





Fuck off

godspeed op



Dumb crossboarder



I know these are all "ironic normalfag memes" about a "weebgame" that we're posting "ironically" but... I unironically like them. I also unironically like DDLC and all the girls in it.

Fite me.



Toasting in epic bread.

Are we being raided?

The absolute state of this board.


But why, the creator's an ass that hates CGDCT and intentionally made them flat and predictable. Waifing them is the last thing you're supposed to do, otherwise you're proving him right that anime sucks, further encouraging more 'subversive' EVNs to come out and take priority over actual VNs

She must be really self-conscious of her height!



just fucking delete this board already. we're too far gone

Uh, no, the game is part of an ARG to promote their horror game which uses the characters and about preventing the bad stuff in the game from happening ...

Jesus fucking Christ.

Subversive shit about otaku culture comes out since Evangelion, friend. And CGDCT DOES suck.


Welcome to the ironic weeb thread. Who are your waifus, sempai?


Fuck off



What the fuck is this and why is it anime

But you wouldn't realize that going in, would you? Having the fake files in the first place requires you to know these things before playing, which a vast majority of players don't, and go through the standard route with all the bland characters suddenly becoming spooky with jumpscares and ending with Monika.