You're waifu (or husbando) is amazing! Love them! give them all of your heart just like they'd give the same to you.
How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold?
Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco?
Remember to compliment a waifu or husbando today, yours are all absolutely stunning!
Ian Williams
Mai Waifu and I wish you all a happy Waifu Wednesday!
Robert Watson
>cold I don't think she would particularly mind, but the best way to warm up on cold days is to snuggle close. >coffee or tea I think she'd prefer tea for some reason.
It's been awhile but I usually lurk the threads. I appreciate you guys and support you're love for you're waifus. Would she watch anime or read manga with you? If so, what genres do you think she'd particularly enjoy?
Luis Miller
Mint is a smol cutie.
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? She'd probably cuddle in a blanket or something. >Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? She strikes me as a hot cocoa kinda girl.
Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? Given the choice, would they choose sweet or savory?
Have a nice Wednesday.
Blake Williams
Good evening waifu thread! Your beloved is as devoted as they are cute and you're lucky to have each other!
Good evening Mintbro! As ever, you and your fluffy cutie are a very good match!
Yukari has pretty much an entire episode on how she stays warm, with various military techniques! Though I prefer a good cuddle
She's a big fan of cocoa, though anything warm in a tin mug is appreciated!
>compli-Mint All your waifus/husbandos are both super cool and incredibly cute! Please keep loving them!
No time to think of questions, just popping in to say I love Akiyama Yukari more than anything in the known universe, and I hope you have a great week!
Jaxson Morgan
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? Extra layers of clothing I guess. Maybe throw on some gloves/mittens or some ear muffs. If inside bundle up and cuddle under a blanket. She never mentions hating or disliking the cold so I don't think it bothers her. >Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? She does like coffee but her love of sweets makes me think hot coco would be her hot drink of choice. >Would she watch anime or read manga with you? Probably. >If so, what genres do you think she'd particularly enjoy? I think she would like sappy romance anime. Anything with a femme fatale type character that she could cheer on would probably interest her too. >Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? Not exactly /fit/ but it's something she's working on. She's too energetic and full of life to be lazy. >Given the choice, would they choose sweet or savory? Sweet.
Dylan Hernandez
That's a comfy Mint; comfy is important, especially with the weather being as cold as it is right now.
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? 100% using the kotatsu. Having it sizzle away keeping your legs toasty while wearing the biggest and heaviest loungewear we own is the peak of comfiness. At least, until someone brings up the whole 'staying under for too long makes you catch a cold' thing. Is that even real?
>Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? Tastewise she'd totally prefer cocoa. More elaborate than it should be, at that. Problem with cocoa is you can keep adding things to it and there's a lot you can add to it, so it winds up looking more like a fancy sundae than a hot drink - which we're kinda both at fault for I guess, eyes bigger than belly and whatnot. Though hers is a fair bit smaller than mine, haha.
A pretty Saya, I've always liked her hair, especially her cute little 'hair ears', they're adorable.
>Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? She's lazy but with the somewhat enviable position of being fit regardless of being lazy. Somehow. Maybe it's all the DDR and Taiko.
>Given the choice, would they choose sweet or savory? Definitely sweet, because we're alike in the fact we don't really have much restraint with the stuff we like. When it's on offer... the amount of sugar and calories in something kinda gets ignored a little. Even though she doesn't really have to worry about it. Grr.
Ohayou Yukaribro, hope you're having a fluffy week as always!
Christian Brooks
-They definitely prefer the heat to the cold, so I imagine they'd bundle up heavily in the cold. Plus, some nice cocoa would suffice for her. -...Though granted the choice, she'd take iced coffee.
She's usually too busy with her career to have enough time to sit down and give something a go, though I have some stuff I wouldn't mind sharing with her.
Fit, though her stamina could use some work. Also, savory.
Oliver Roberts
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? The gems really don't like the cold at all and spend all of winter hibernating.
Phos herself though is a bit better off with the cold than most the other gems though.
>Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? Hot coco i suppose.
>Would she watch anime or read manga with you? If so, what genres do you think she'd particularly enjoy? I think she'd very much love stories, in particular fantasy i think she'd real enjoy.
>Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? Depends on which version of Phos, at the start of the story she was very lazy but as the story went on she got very determined and stopped being so lazy.
Liam Mitchell
We would warm up together.
If I suggested it I think she would. She might want to watch some mecha.
She has to stay fit for her job.
Brayden Johnson
Inside near something or someone warm. He's sensitive to the cold but I don't think he dislikes it; if he's in good company he wouldn't mind spending some time outside with them. He's a coffee drinker hands down, though maybe some hot cocoa if it were offered. I'd doubt he'd be much inclined to but as long as it were time spent together he wouldn't mind it too much. He's probably more /fit/ than average but not by choice; he's more inclined to exerting himself physically only when necessary. Savory, I think. Maki is a cute tomato; Fuuka is a wonderful person. Have a good rest of the week.
Jackson Ortiz
This is speculation, but I think Ann likes the cold. She always seems to be relatively lightly-dressed. Her summer outfits are fairly skimpy, and even her winter outfits aren't that thick. Pic related is what she wears in winter: a varsity jacket, shirt, and some other sort of shirt underneath, with tights and sneakers unpictured. Fairly light. She can always cleave to me if she wants to get warmer.
Ann likes coffee, but I think she has a bias because of the protagonist making coffee in the game.
I watched Lupin the 3rd part 3 recently, I bet she'd enjoy Fujiko and Rebecca. I think anything with a strong or interesting female lead would entice her. Saya's always wearing that cute sundress, and I like her ears.
>sweet or savory? Sweet, probably the easiest question I've ever been asked here lol. Ann is very trim, but she just doesn't put on weight. She does want to work out more though. Nice cloak there.
Joshua Cook
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? I think she would stay wrapped in blanket or get under kotatsu. I could always help her warm up as well. >Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? A tea I think, but I'm sure she would love some Hot coco from time to time.
I'm sure she would like to. I think we would pick some SoL comedies or romances.
>Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? She is lazy and thin. >Given the choice, would they choose sweet or savory? Sweet I think.
Have a nice week too, Yukaribro.
Michael Cox
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? Cuddling up with me. >Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? I think she would drink coffee most, bust she probably enjoys all three.
She would enjoy watching with me, as for genres she would probably enjoy romantic shows most, but would still enjoy other types of shows.
>Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? She can be lazy at times, but she does a good job of keeping her figure. >Given the choice, would they choose sweet or savory? I think she might lean more toward savory.
Questions: Is your waifu into sports? What sport do you think that they would be best at? Is your waifu tech savvy?
James Peterson
>Is your waifu into sports? She's not necessarily into sports, but she's an idol so she's pretty /fit/, at least. >Is your waifu tech savvy? For some reason, she's posted on Sup Forums a lot? I'd say she's adequate with tech, more or less like a normal person. That's a cute snek
Ryder Green
I know she is not as pretty as your waifus but here is my contribution.
Joshua Miller
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? In front of the fireplace with a hot drink. She likes the cold, she's not a very outdoors person, so the cold makes it even comfier inside. >Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? She probably drinks coffee the most often for energy, but her real favorite is tea. >Would she watch anime or read manga with you? Yes, definitely. She might even like anime and manga more than me. >If so, what genres do you think she'd particularly enjoy? Fantasy action stories, like the one she made with her friends in high school. >Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? I don't think either, really. She doesn't go to the gym everyday, but sit around all day either. I'd put her somewhere in the middle. >Given the choice, would they choose sweet or savory? Savory. I think she can't really be doing with any flavor too sweet. >Is your waifu into sports? What sport do you think that they would be best at? She's not into sports, but if she had to pick one she'd be good at, it'd be golf. >Is your waifu tech savvy? I think she definitely knows more about technology than average, working around people who deal with technology everyday.
Thomas Taylor
I forgot to add my question on.
Does your waifu like reading? What's her favorite book/author?
Cameron Rogers
Who said waifus had to be beautiful?
Gabriel Miller
Do you not think your waifu is pretty?
Benjamin Scott
>Cold day Just bundle up and go about her day. >Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? Coffee >Would she watch anime or read manga with you? If so, what genres do you think she'd particularly enjoy? I'm sure she'd like sci-fi, given her affinity for ayy lmaos. >Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? /fit/, she's got a 10/10 bod under that uniform. >Given the choice, would they choose sweet or savory? Sweet >Sports She mainly likes track and swimming, but she's great at other sports. >Tech She's gotta fly her fuckin alien spaceship somehow But user, that's Sup Forums! Misery's a qt though.
Good evening, my dudes
Robert Lopez
She is the best on her show by far, but relatively speaking she is nowhere as good as an Anime girl.
Jonathan Garcia
Come on dude, don't get down. Isn't she the most beautiful girl in the world in your eyes?
Chase Nelson
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? Given that Mitsuru's element is ice, I have no doubt that she's fine with the cold. Warming up is simple enough, a hot cup of tea and a blanket while sitting next to someone special will do just fine.
>Would they prefer coffee, tea or hot cocoa? She's a tea drinker, the perfect foil to me who lives on coffee.
>Would she watch anime or read manga with you? I don't think she would. Anime and manga aren't the kinds of things that she would be into, but that's fine.
>Is your waifu /fit/, or is she lazy? She's fit, but she's not /fit/.
>Is your waifu into sports? What sport do you think that they would be best at? She's not really into sports, but based on how she fights in battle, she has to have practiced or is practicing fencing.
>Is your waifu tech savvy? I don't think she's savvy, but I don't think she's full on potato when it comes to technology either.
Besides, that's what she has me for.
Bentley Murphy
That's different, there is more to it, like sentimental value, deeper than just the looks.
Justin Garcia
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? By going out for a run or doing light exercise, maybe. >Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? I think she prefers tea.
>Would she watch anime or read manga with you? If so, what genres do you think she'd particularly enjoy? I think she likes the old-school shounen genre. Old school as in the ones with a predominant male cast, with little to no fanservice.
>is your waifu /fit/ or is she lazy Fit, she trains everyday. >Given the choice, would they choose sweet or savory? Savory I think. She likes sweets but only in moderation and she also takes her training very seriously.
Thank you. I hope you have a good week with your cute waifu as well.
>Is your waifu into sports? Well yeah, she is a martial artist. >What sport do you think that they would be best at? Well, fighting sports goes without saying. But she is also good at bouldering (which has a good carry over to mountaineering and probably soccer. >Is your waifu tech savvy? She knows enough not to be completely clueless.
Ryder Morris
>How would they warm up on a cold day? Do they like the cold? I don't think she's a big fan of the cold, she'd want to stay inside. >Would they prefer Coffee, tea or Hot coco? Definitely hot cocoa.
>Would she watch anime or read manga with you? If so, what genres do you think she'd particularly enjoy? Probably, though not as much as I do. She'd love Jojo for all the muscles and posing.
/fit/ as she runs everywhere she goes. I'd also try to get her to exercise with me, which would be good for her because she loves sweets. I'd probably have to cut down on the baking for her sake though.
Also, that outfit looks good on your waifu.
And that's a real nice picture.
>Is your waifu into sports? What sport do you think that they would be best at? I don't think so, but I think she'd be perfect for soccer. >Is your waifu tech savvy? She knows as much as any other person.
Dominic Harris
I love Hibiki with all my heart! >cold day Probably by hiding under the kotatsu or cuddling with her pets! >Coffee, tea or Hot coco? Mostly tea! >Compliment Miia has great fashion sense and lovely long hair! Mai would make a great teacher! Yukari top fluff and top cute! Ema has some good dance moves! Rika deserves many headpats! Akeno is very pretty and I love her long ponytail! Mizore is pretty cool, and also has great fashion sense! Kagura is YEY *thumbs up* Shinjiro is a gentlemen and a great cook! Shoebill is a very cute birb! Fuuka looks great with short hair, I bet she'd also look just as lovely with long hair! Konata is comfy and a loveable nerd! Hey Sayabro! Its been quite some time, hope you've been doing well!
Hmm, I think she would enjoy reading manga herself but I can see us watching some comfy anime together like Non Non Biyori or Yuru Camp.
>fit/lazy Definitely fit! She works out regularly and >Sweet or savory Savory, most likely!
Yukari a cute A CUTE!
>Is your waifu into sports? What sport do you think that they would be best at? Ping pong, if that counts! Hibiki is a very athletic person so I think she would do well at any sport she tries! >Is your waifu tech savvy? Not at all, she has a very hard time with technology, but once she spends enough time with it she figures it out eventually.
I dont believe she has ever mentioned in canon if she has a favorite book or author, but I wouldn't be surprised if she has a book or 2 she enjoys reading.
What does your beloved like to do in their free time!
Would they be responsible enough to own a pet?
Whats the most notable thing about your beloved?
Have they ever travelled somewhere unique or out of the way? If not where do you think they would like to go?
What's the weirdest thing about your beloved?
Tell us a random fact about them!
Parker Rogers
A god has noticed the love you have for your waifu, he tells you he is planning to create a new world where you and your waifu can be together
However he tells you he is only creating this new world to keep himself entretained, you will basically become an anime protagonist and your waifu will be the love interest, all you have to do is tell him
>what kind of world is this going to be >how are both of your lifes going to be before you meet eachother >what kind of adventures are you going to have together