Guy 12h to ep 9pw what do you expect?
Darling in the franxx ep 9 pw
1 darling the frannx thread in the catalog is enough
do your job janny
>advocating generals
Drink bleach newbie.
>clogging up space for threads by making a new one every 2 seconds
This might work on reddit but not here.
there's literally 8 threads about this show on the board right now
just shut the fuck up
I woudn't know how leddit works, but I feel you can tell me all about it.
No go and stay go.
suck a dick
Sorry I don't reply to ESLs
I won't reply to this post.
Because you can't
>every show deserves a chance to be discussed!
Fuck off
>DarliFag deserves to be discussed in 15 different threads
You didn't even try to hide samefagging
Good! We can keep the shitposters of the Franxx threads in here.
>y-you s-samefag!
How sad.
>typical samefag non-argument
>doesn't first provide an argument
>wants others to provide one instead
See >I don't think it's an argument therefore it isn't
Wew yourself
I wouldn't know how it might work on reddit, therefore I have no reason to take your words as an argument.
Hi, welcome to Sup Forums.
You just proved you were samefagging this is hilarious.
>Countdowns to fucking previews
>2 different posters stating the truth means they are samefagging
Consider yourself BLOCKED
>the absolute state of discord shitposters
Fuck off newfag, popular shows always have created a lot of threads.
Episode 9 preview