How exactly do males keep their sanity in Strike Witches universe?

How exactly do males keep their sanity in Strike Witches universe?

Since when were you under the impression their sanity remained?

Miyafuji is so cute

simple, all men are gay, or not pedo.

user, those two are synonyms.

Their libido are already jaded from the daily exposure.

They're already broken. All they have to keep them going are their shaken-up lunches.

What about Hijikata?

look up milkie strike

I have lots of sex with my wife, Perrine.

Do they exist?

Best SW doujin ever.

We know Lynne.

Only to suffer.

Is that the ball crushing one?

Flying Officer Hartmann keeps their genitals in check

It's Lucchini getting gangbanged.

She honestly seems like the type that wouldn't mind a quickie in storage room.

No, that one has a really long title, something about wanting Hartmann to destroy my dual core.
I only remember that because I once got banned for dumping it on /tg/

What do you think about Huminkane's new space Strike Witches?

Cute designs, decent enough gameplay, but I'm not a huge fan of gatcha.

It could become next SW if anime is good. Setting is interesting.

Is BW BD actually watchable for a change?

>born male in SW universe
>probably some form of mandatory conscription because humanity is losing a war with fucking ayyys and has been for years
>if you're lucky you're stuck on comms or driving a truck
>if you're unlucky you're infantry or maybe an artilleryman
>if you're really unlucky you get stuck in a tank
>and if God just hates you, you go aviation or navy
>basically no matter how high up you get, all you are is cannon fodder
>have to hold off fucking ayyy lmaos with laser vision and supersonic flight capabilities with your WWII era equipment
>at best you just shoot and the witches show up
>at worst you get killed in some horrible manner while you watch your friends die around you and your hometown gets destroyed
>your only hope is that a bunch of pre-teens with magical abilities that only work if they're happy and well fed and not on their period can get to your position in time
>eventually learn they get pampered and get amazing food and luxurious accomodations while you freeze or try not to drown out in the field every day for months on end
Honestly with that sort of life before you, maybe seeing some tight teen booty is enough to make it all worthwhile. Remember they said that most girls copy how the witches dress so basically once you get leave and walk around town, every young girl is just walking around in a swimsuit bottom or underwear.

I really hope we get an anime about the 505th at some point, but I also realize that they're very lacking in popularity and that this probably won't ever come about.

It's a lot better than the TV release. Less CG overall, but what CG it does still have isn't as good as the Strike Witches/Operation Victory Arrow CG studio.

Depends on why you stopped watching. The BDs correct a lot of errors and remove some of the CG, but there's still plenty of CG and it still gets pretty awkward at times.


>Lucchini getting gangbanged
Oh my yes, how could have I forgotten that one?

How could someone actually enjoy this pedo garbage?? Probably one of the worst animes I have ever seen.

You could also get super lucky and became one of witch maintenance dudes. Maybe even some witch would fuck you.

Probably my favorite anime and setting of all time.

Go back to Sup Forums.

Oh, I guess someone up above doesn't much care for Strike Witches.
Or you could be lucky enough to not be born on the Eurasian continent. That'd be the best.

Neuroi are everywhere. Most of China is fucked. Neuroi war is literally same shit as WW2.

I'm pretty sure that the complete lack of Neuroi in Liberion is well established and that Fuso hasn't had a problem with them on their land since that one time they decided to cross the sea and got wrecked.
I'll go digging around some of the manga for some pages to post here, assuming the thread doesn't archive in the next few minutes.

Exactly, just get born in the US and you're golden.

That'd probably be one of the worst places to be. The Witches rarely even see maintenance workers and are expressly forbidden to even speak with them. If the COs of the witch squadrons make it that obvious, you can be sure the COs of the maintenance squads drill it into their men's heads that even speaking to a witch is a major no-no.

On top of that, you don't get afforded the luxury that the witches do. So every day you wake up in your barracks with 20 other dudes farting all over the place, then pile in a shitty truck and head to the amazing mansion where the witches live and operate from. Your meager breakfast of thin, cold potato soup means you're already hungry when you walk in and smell the amazing mountains of food the witches had cooked up for breakfast. You're there before the sun rises and half the witches don't even get up til noon on a regular day. Then you might see them goofing off or napping from time to time as you rebuild their striker units for the 10th time that month after they crashed playing some stupid game or sneaking off-base.

On top of all of this, you have to live with the knowledge that your friends and comrades are out in the field, fighting and dying, with meager meals and miserable hours, and these girls are your only hope to reclaim your world.


There were no Axis in USA during WW2 either. World trade is still fucked and so is economy. There may be no aliens there but it's definitely not super nice.

>The Witches rarely even see maintenance workers and are expressly forbidden to even speak with them.
Maybe the 501st.

>and are expressly forbidden to even speak with them

That was just 501 because Minna.

Okay, I get you now. Yeah, not the best, but at in Liberion the aliens aren't murdering you on a daily basis. I think that would be preferable to being stuck in Europe, mainland Asia, or Africa.