Pitou didn't deserve to die

Pitou didn't deserve to die.

I liked him but he obviously deserved death.

fuck off

Sure she did. She killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

>WhatsApp image

>She killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.
Not really.
Even if she did, they were her food.

fuck off

Yes really. She started by killing military and used those military corpses as puppets to kill innocent civilians.

>She started by killing military and used those military corpses as puppets to kill innocent civilians.
These humans were pretty cattle.
And she didn't know emotions yet.

>Even if she did, they were her food.
Fuck you, if something goes out of it's way to kill and eat humans it needs to die.

fuck off

yes xe did

Those humans were waste in the selection process. And plenty of people were dying at the puppets' hands outside the palace too in villages. This wasn't natural selection.
>And she didn't know emotions yet.
Thanks for confirming that you're clinically retarded, Pitou was absolutely "knew emotions" from the moment we saw her wishing to fix Kite.

I was speaking in general terms retard,.not just referring to your boyfriend.

I wonder if you'd still hold the same opinion if he weren't so "cute."

Stop using bullshit excuses and just admit you don't want him to die because you want to dick him. The fact that you aren't saying the same things for Pouf or Youpi prove it.

If humans were cattle they wouldn't have outsmarted and rekt the smartest and strongest of the race.

Dumb dubfag.

This is the only post that is needed here. Thread closed.

He killed millions.


Pitou is a woman, the "boku" thing was just stilistic, and so the translator team took some liberties, but it was a female right from the start.

>built up as a complete monster that you hate and want to see killed
>one of the only characters in the arc that anyone in their right mind gives two shits about
>ability is revealed to be an absolute joke
>humiliated instantly by Netero
>character does a 180, becoming pathetic, cowardly and “humane” in an attempt by the narrative to make them sympathetic
>narrative obviously fails in doing so
>doesn’t actually get to fight
>death ends up being so unsatisfying that it might as well have never happened
>rest of the arc is boring as fuck with no real payoff

The castle arc was one of the worst single arcs I’ve watched

Good bait, lots of effort.

Should’ve healed Kite.

I read that Pitou might be a trans that identifies as male. Which makes sense considering there are characters like that in the series (I'm partial to the pronoun discrepancies in regards to Alluka indicating she is transgender).

>I read that Pitou might be a trans that identifies as male.
You've read tumblr nonsense, user.
There's a more legitimate case for Alluka which reaches much farther than personal pronouns, but no such thing exists for Pitou. Tumblr just can't handle the reality of bokukko in their anime and as a result they try to spin anything they can as "representation".

I am ok with either, I don't care that much now that I think about it.

Pitou isn't transsexual. She's just female you nut.

Yeah, I am more inclined to believe this is the truth, except less extreme and more on the lines of somebody reading way too much into it.
Not like there aren't a ton of female characters that use boku, or male characters that look just like a girl.

No point to this argument m8.

The entire Chimera Ant arc was a subversion of the shonen genre's sense of good/evil morality. The Chimera ants, though they possess a degree of intelligence, are no different from humans in simply requiring prey to consume. Even Isaac Netero realizes how 'human' Meruem had become, and became even more resolute to kill him, not out of moral superiority, but out of need to preserve the human race (i.e. self-preservation). How different is he from the ants who act to preserve their race?

Pitou deserved better.

Manga refers to Pitou with masculine pronouns and gives it a more masculine/androgynous figure. They made her clearly female in the anime though

I love pitou!

And yet Viz has Pitou be refereed to as he regardless of visible breasts in the anime

>ant chimera
>deserves to live

ant chimera pls go

I don't really remember Pitou killing anyone personally aside from Kite and a few nameless guards offscreen. I don't know where these hundred of innocent civilians come from but Pitou personally did no heavy lifting in killing, all Pitou did was keep watch.

I'd say the worst thing he ever did was lobotomize that one guy, that was fucking grim.

Pitou was given tits in the manga and was never once referred to with male pronouns in the script.


Gon a shit

The first day of the Selection it's stated that 500,000 civilians have died. Pitou remote controlled military personnel planted into each village and performed Baptism indirectly hence the bodycount.

Nobody deserves to live or to die. Characters only die because others want them to die. Gon wanted Pitou to die for killing Kite, and he managed to be strong enough to kill him. Simple as that. HxH, especially Chimera Ant arc, displays a lot of grey morality that comes with the characters. No character is strictly good or evil; they all have redeeming and despicable sides. Togashi made it a point to show this off in YYH too.

Do you remember where it said they died?
Because all I remember was that 500,000 was the total number of humans gathered, not the total number of humans that have died.

>Manga refers to Pitou with masculine pronouns and gives it a more masculine/androgynous figure.
Both false.

This is also repeated at the end of the arc

Things are only grey from the perspective of the ants retard. And even then their flirting with the line.

Phantom Troupe and even Zoldycks are shown with grey traits as well. The ants' gray morality are just more obvious because Togashi focused so much time on them.

Huh thanks, dunno how I missed that.

This. She was a good girl who just wanted to serve her king. Gon was such a faggot for killing her for his petty vengeance.

Well, serving her king meant genocide but again I don't think Gon cared.

>The fact that you aren't saying the same things for Pouf or Youpi prove it.
Unlike Pitou, those retards actually thought they knew better and tried to control Meryem's actions. She was just loyal to him and followed his wished faithfully.

Those could be pecks

I love her the most

womanly pecks

Yeah I mean
>a more masculine/androgynous figure.
Where did this meme even come from? There was never anything masculine about Pitou's design, the only truly androgynous aspect was a flat chest for most of the series, and she had even lower shoulder-hip and waist-hip ratios in the manga than the anime. The anime made her arguably more masculine, if anything.

You're maybe right, but one of the antags had to die in that stress inducing arc.

>Thanks for confirming that you're clinically retarded, Pitou was absolutely "knew emotions" from the moment we saw her wishing to fix Kite.
Not really. She was just curious.

>I have no idea what pecs look like

It's racial competition, it can't be helped. Otherwise you should feel guilty as well since our ancestors caused the extinction of the Neanderthals too.
And Gon was really stupid to kill Pitou, he should know that those who live by the sword would eventually die by the sword. Kite himself most likely bore no hatred toward her.

I wish Gon died in the hospital before Killua was able to make it in time with Alluka.

Death to all ants,Kite was such a cool guy.

Stop replying. Buttblasted homosexuals will use any excuse they can to pretend Pitou isn't female, not matter how little sense they make.

I'm confused, does she has benis? Does any of the ants have benis?

>And Gon was really stupid to kill Pitou

>Wanting to fuck Pitou
>Not wanting to caress the muscle of built biskey.

I don't put much weight in this low quality background artwork

>does she has benis?
>Does any of the ants have benis?
Males like Meruem and Leol should.

Pitou is so ugly

this. Togashi's hand just slipped a lot and gave him breasts

How else is Toga going to write himself out of the deus ex wish machine?

aren't all non-Queen ants male?

>literally would have died if he hadn't
>stupid to do it

By making Gon seals off her ability and turns her into a domestic pet.

How can she be so cute as a loli and beefcake at the same time


He shouldn't have tried to find her in the first place. Just forgive her and move on.

If you believe those delusional theories

He was out for blood, there was no stopping it

>female ortho sibling

>>>/care bears/

Even with all that muscle Pitou is still stronger

That may be true, you no-titty furry.

Gon is inssufferable mary sue

I mean in real life

Even bigger no, all worker ants are specifically female and all drones are male. Then there's the fertile female queens.

at least we got a good rape doujin out of it

Any good recommendations. I haven't read any Gon and Pitou Doujins

trash character for a trash anime


Everyone in this thread defending Pitou needs to neck themselves

Did he deserve to die? Yes
Did he deserve to die in that ass pull of a way? No

Leave Pitoufags alone.

Any pitoufag worth his salt isn't trying to pretend Pitou didn't do anything wrong.