You guys are watching the greatest love story of our generation right?
Darling in the Franxx
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I require more cute cuddling scenes.
I'm just waiting for the scene where her horn fucking gores him.
Yes, I can't wait for the main heroine to overcome the demon bitch and win her love back.
>greatest love story of our generation
Cant tell if bait or newfag
These threads are now on par with shit umaru threads. I'll never watch this eva rip off because of the 17 threads up at a time.
I'm rooting for you, buddy.
im only here for the shitposts
Is Mari Okada ghost-writing this series? It really feels like it.
I can't believe this shitty love triangle has lasted for eight fucking episodes. Good god it's so typical and boring. It just goes to show how much of a fucking hack all these anime writers when this guy's 'dream project' was writing the equivalent of a seasonal teenage drama romance with occasional mecha innuendo.
Like I watched this anime already years ago and it was called Waiting in the Summer. What a fucking disappointment.
Okada would have done a better job desu
02 isn't interested in goro, retard.
PV soon.
Maybe she is, there's even the Okada self-insert girl.
>pv starts
>ichigo narrates
Fuck the PV episode when?
Yeah, the love triangle is fucking annoying. Just pair Ichigo with Goro already, for the love of God.
Hard and thick Hiro dick
Goro deserves better.
Why is 02 looking at Ichigo? Shouldn't she be more focused on Hiro?
I agree, he deserved Kokoro instead
Hiro's dick isn't hard since he's not piloting a robot.
002 loves Ichigo
They just finished. She's sliding off the Hiro dick.
PV when?
>Kiznaiver remake with mechs and more sexual innuendoes
I should have known she was behind this.
>he cant tell 99% of frankxx fags are the same type of retards that enjoyed n/a/ruto when it aired
I already told you fuck the PV episode fucking when?
>Goro deserves be cuck.
It's mostly oniniggers though.
There would have been much more progression at the very least by this point if it was written by Okada
>frigid ice queen with a secret
>starts gay romance with a friend
>It fails
>Later accepts fatguys advances
> NTR will lead to death.
>pegfags get BTFO
>You must be loyal and work together with your mate to succeed.
>normalfags get BTFO
>Arranged marriages can be necessary sometimes.
>Pistils_handle_all_the_controls_fags get BTFO
>Females are necessary for society to work, but need the strong hands of males to be controlled properly.
>Gender Bender get BTFO
>gays not allowed
>headcanon/fanwank/fanfiction are instantly denied.
Thank you based Abe-Sama for making this work.
Goddamn even Mitsurufags are better.
>Please start making babies. -Japan.
Hello EroKing, go back to your shitole
You must be an idiot if you think Ikuno is getting with the fatty
Way to Go, Hiro!
>02 becomes the villain half-way through the show
>Hiro goes full on Simon trying to save her
>He pilots a super-version of Franxx
>Last couple of episodes is super hype which is all about love conquers all
If this shit doesn't happen, then it won't be the greatest love story
You are a weak child in trying to make Ichigo suffer. Watch this.
>strawberryfags shit up yet another DITF thread
Like clockwork
Isnt this just kenzen robo Daimidaler?
It won't happen. Hiro and 02 run away and Code 016 of the Rebellion begins.
Jesus christ man. What a downgrade for poor Fatty.
Believe me, Kokoro is the cutest, sweetest, purest little cinnamon roll on the planet, but if FAToshi ends up with her I'd rather see her get MILKED
delete this
fucking lel
how does he do it bros?
Trigger got infected during Kiznaiver production.
Sure check a lot of boxes here
This is too fucking cute man
I can actually see it.
He hasn't had his episode yet you sperg. Calm down. Fatoshi is a bro and someone who you want as a friend.
Gotta be real the triangle is delicious. And I don't normally care for triangles.
Just wait till tits cucks fatty. They're clearly setting her up with bland guy.
Should i watch the anime or read the manga? Which is better?
>Fatoshi is a bro and someone who you want as a friend.
Fat. Useless. Fuck.
Literally the most boring character. Ikuno has done more than him, it's fucking pathetic
Tsundere x fat guy the kino of ships. Plus Miku would get Fatoshi to man the fuck up (by some inches) and lose some weight and trigger the dere then tsun mode with his compliments.
Hiro gets a solo Nine mech and the Doc customizes it so it can gattai with Stampede Strelizia.
We really need to make a bingo once 2nd cour starts
Agreed, but not until then
Is there any mecha show where the fat cool guy gets to live?
/r/ing a drawfag to do this
What qualify a character as Okada's self-insert? Smart and cool glass girl who fall in love with a jerk?
>Let Futoshi say something this badass.
Post yfw Darling's virginity is taken by 9'alpha.
the eating part , I can see it
Bubuki Buranki
コード 016: 反逆のダーリン
The guys on the left are going "Are you serious?"
It actually reminds me of a Jewish expression from somewhere, that the Leviathan will be slain, and we will eat its flesh while sitting under a canopy made from its skin with the arrival of the Messianic Era.
Fuck off.
better than Toradora
>breathing hard as they finished, she slides off hiro and boasted how it felt so good
Just finished this 26-episode pile of shit. Thought it couldn't get any worse after Kill la Kill but apparently I was wrong
I fucking love that artist
>Franxx fag has shit taste
What a surprise.
thank you for giving me another 4koma idea that will sink me further down into Oblivion
reminds me of this
Looking forward to it
Here let me tell you so your little brain can accept it.
It is not Trigger show. It is not A-1 show. This is Nishigori's personal dream and venture. He
always been wanting to make original anime since he the TTGL days. When Gainax broke, he parted with Imaishi and other to A-1 cause this one Aniplex producer he'd been working with offering him to direct anime (idolm@ster) at A-1. That was one step to reach his goal. Yet after so much pressure from directing imas and imas movie, he still want to direct his own anime. That's why the aniplex producer who gave him the chance to step up as director believed in him, and that producer does everything he could to realized this Nishigori's dream.
Why A-1 got involved? Because Nishigori had strong backup and connection with A-1 producers too. Plus there were several Gainax people who went to A-1 with him to made imas before, for example Megumi Kouno.
Why Masayoshi Tanaka designed the character? It's actually easy for Nishigori to design the characters himself, but he IS the director. So he needs to focus on the big picture. Character designer job entails a duty to maintain the quality of the animation, so obviously Nishigori can't do both job in order to save time and energy.
Why Trigger got involved? Cause Imaishi is his bro. TTGL, PSG. Nishivori designed the
characters for both of those anime. He'd rather not make DarliFra if Imaishi is not involved, that's why they discussed this project with Trigger's producer even though he thinks it sounds crazy (but fun). And this date back to two years ago.
Why they agreed with this project? It's simple, because they are bros from Gainax. They got
same blood, Gainax blood. And people said blood is thicker than water.
You got it now?
that is one insanely puffy vagina. Are you sure she doe not have balls?
Here let me tell you so your little brain can accept it.
It is not Trigger show. It is not A-1 show. This is Nishigori's personal dream and venture. He
always been wanting to make original anime since he the TTGL days. When Gainax broke, he parted with Imaishi and other to A-1 cause this one Aniplex producer he'd been working with offering him to direct anime (idolm@ster) at A-1. That was one step to reach his goal. Yet after so much pressure from directing imas and imas movie, he still want to direct his own anime. That's why the aniplex producer who gave him the chance to step up as director believed in him, and that producer does everything he could to realized this Nishigori's dream.
Why A-1 got involved? Because Nishigori had strong backup and connection with A-1 producers too. Plus there were several Gainax people who went to A-1 with him to made imas before, for example Megumi Kouno.
Why Masayoshi Tanaka designed the character? It's actually easy for Nishigori to design the characters himself, but he IS the director. So he needs to focus on the big picture. Character designer job entails a duty to maintain the quality of the animation, so obviously Nishigori can't do both job in order to save time and energy.
Why Trigger got involved? Cause Imaishi is his bro. TTGL, PSG. Nishivori designed the
characters for both of those anime. He'd rather not make DarliFra if Imaishi is not involved, that's why they discussed this project with Trigger's producer even though he thinks it sounds crazy (but fun). And this date back to two years ago.
Why they agreed with this project? It's simple, because they are bros from Gainax. They got
same blood, Gainax blood. And people said blood is thicker than water.
You got it now?
>futa ichigo
I'm surprised that this pasta is posted so rarely, it's a good and useful one
please don't, I try not to draw such things these days, but for sure will haunt me with the idea