So, we all agree this is AOTS even AOTY right?
So, we all agree this is AOTS even AOTY right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sure, why not.
Not even close
>Animating the rain slowly drenching Violet's clothes
Are KyoAni animators as autistic as Violet?
You see, OP, this shitty insecure attitude is part of the reason why there's been kind of a backlash against this show on Sup Forums. And it only invites "dem hayterz".
It's either VEG or Sora Yori.
This is genuinely the best show this season though. Nice projection though.
How is it genuinely the best?
there's already Veg thread desu
Best animation of the season? Sure. Anime of the season, not by a longshot.
Great story. Great voice acting. Great soundtrack. Captivating characters. Only real flaw was it was a bit slow for the first four episodes, but seeing where they went with it, the set-up was understandable.
You won't catch many fish using the lowest quality bait, user.
>mass quoting
>please pay attention to me
Great (but admittedly very predictable) story. Offers literally no surprises but it's so good it doesn't matter. Very romantic setting. Good music. Good voice acting. Good characters. Great animation.
> we all agree this is AOTS even AOTY right?
Nope as long as Devilman exists.
>the set-up was understandable.
Not really, they could have made it full episodic from the start,and by that I mean directly starting with violet traveling the world as a doll, and nothing of value would have been lost.
Devilman? What the hell is that?
I like how most of the posts here are just shitflinging and not actually discussions of the show.
It's a great anime that's also shown on Netflix.
How come nobody mentions it anymore. I'll tell you why, because it's seasonal trash
Well it's a bait thread
Yuru Camp >>>>>>> this trash
Still better than this shit
u wot
Imagine being so insecure you have to constantly convince yourself of something every week.
It must take a toll on your brain repeating “veg is aotyda” 5 Times in the mirror before you make a thread.
Being a vegfag is suffering so before you anons critically tear the show apart again, just think about how sad these anons are.
You get to watch and enjoy your shows with other anons without feeling the need to prove anything to anyone cause your shows are actually good.
They don’t have that luxury so just so pity when the desperately try to hype up the show, just be easy with them they are prone to aneurism.
>dude sparkles lmao
top tier directing amirite
>newfag still thinks that animation is important
>anime so bad
>manga gets axed
Obvious bait is obvious.
>manga gets axed
That would be Yuru Camp.
This season is actually pretty good so no.
opinion discarded
Unironically Yes.
The thing is that Violet Evergarden doesn't cater to Sup Forums It's limited western audience are normalfags with Netflix subscriptions that probably wouldn't normally come here otherwise. I'm seriously enjoying the show but there's just nothing to really discuss about it, even if we were free from shitposters. It's great all around. It's very predictable and melodramatic but it has an audience that is very happy with it because it hits all the right buttons. The same can obviously be said of all shows.
It's poorly written and will be forgotten before it even ends. Biggest let down of the season by far
More like toilet in the garden
>VEG forgotten
>When it's made by KyoAni
oh boy are you in for a surprise.
more like flopping in the garden.
What kyoani show is still remembered in Japan?
>It's limited western audience are normalfags with Netflix subscriptions
But it's not even out on netflix yet. How would the normalfags be coming here for a show they can't even watch yet and likely don't even know exists?
Sucks to be american
It would probably be easier to list ones that isn't remembered. That's Munto.
I like this show. I thinks is the most great show off this season.
K-On, Clannad
Hey, remember Phantom World and Kyoukai no Kanata? How about Tamako Market?
Yeah, me neither.
You just remembered them retard.
>greentexting to make a point
opinion discarded
That's not the kardashian anime.
Kusoanus doesn't want you to though. That's why they don't put those characters on their promo materials.
No. Japan doesn't give a shit about k-on.
It depends on the region you're in. Some of the audience are waiting for the episode to land on Netflix which is probably in a couple of hours. Most of them don't come here. I thought I made it clear. I'm obviously somewhere in the middle since I'm, you know, here. I just don't bother to enter the threads because there's just nothing to really talk about. VEG-fans are happy with the show. It's a bit of a bubble, I suppose.
Don't force the stupid Kardashian meme. But sure, in a way that might be true. I like FranXX too. Not the greatest show of all time (neither is VEG) but I find it to be good and entertaining.
same with amagi none of that shit made kyoani much money and attention like these drama shows do like the music one and the bullying disabled kids one
Is her picture of franxx a meme too?
It's all too real, it's an anime for niggers.
>posting a reaction pic to make a point
opinion discarded
Fuck you guy
Why is she so cute even in 3d.
What is this?
china numba wan?que?
VEG is #1 in China despite being behind a paywall.
chink ranking for top animu
Good, clean design.
>Nips are Kyoani bros too.
This is great news, Get the chinese money rolling in Kyoani lets get some good shit going.
Who the fuck are those wierdoes? Looks like shit.
Get your racial slurs straight.
I wonder if people defend the Transformer movies with this logic too.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
Considering #2 is Classroom of the Elite, VEG being #1 is more of a negative than a positive.
>Tamako Market
I still remember when the threads were here as the episodes were released,though I never got around to watching it myself
What does Sup Forums mean by this?
Ha ha, fuck no. Did you watch the newest episode? I couln't stop laughing at the unironical schlock that is the military """"drama""" and the ridiculous action scenes on this tripe. Saberface's breakdown and how it was resolved was shit shoujo-tier.
Seriously, why are this show's fans so thin-skinned and vicious? You're not exactly spreading any goodwill for it. You people have officially surpassed the Madoka fanbase as /a's worst.
I don't even hate the show but China liking this show is probably a bigger insult to VEG than most of the shitposting that you eagerly respond to.
Stop spamming this chink site in every thread. Literally nobody cares.
>t. butthurt baizuo
Why don't you answer my question, asshole?
Is that Seibah?
underage third-worlders.
Pedros love Kyoani
Layoff the hyperbole. Madoka threads have spawned some of the worst persistent shitposters in the history of Sup Forums.
Pity the anus won't see one yuan of that. Meanwhile it's being ko'd in BDs by a literally who about cinnamon rolls starting forest fires.
You guys deserve it.
>let's ignore the kardashian spam that happened not 2 days ago
>You people have officially surpassed the Madoka fanbase as /a's worst.
Nothing beats Fatefags.