Teaser summary for Volume 4 have been released.
It is finally the climax! Japanese school have won against the American school in the second round of Hexennacht, and is now entering the final battle. However, the battle between German and British school that would decide their opponent have been delayed. It is because evidence of behind the scene works by the American school and iniquity work by a member of the committee of 13 have been found. And then Lynne escaped with "that baggage". Qazan to trace after Lynne under instruction by the headmaster. Hazuki and co. is going to use their mädchen power to take on the incident that shaken the Hexennacht. It's the fate-changing fourth act for the Mahou Shoujo Fantasy!
Märchen Mädchen
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Dead franchise.
I can see her feet
Can somebody remind me why this got an anime in the first place? Was the writer some important person? I can't think of any other reason why a series that will never be finished and doesn't even have enough content for a full anime would get an adaption.
You're misunderstanding. He didn't die and leave it unfinished.
So were the people who said that lying?
Hazuki was a dumb autist.
The original author died and then his team continues the story
Sex with Häzükï
The team should die so Sup Forumsnons can write Hazuki's story.
>still 2 weeks to go until the next episode
Häzuki deserved better.
Häzuki is fucking PISSED her new episode is in 2 weeks!
I want Hazuki to piss on me.
We can get through this anön
>2 weeks
I forgot. I was expecting some more Hazuki today.
>hazuki builds her harem of international lesbodorks and becomes the witch queen of earth
Stop bullying
My daughter Häzuki is very cute!
Either someone really loved it and wanted to make an anime, or it was merely an ad for the ln.
I want to trick her into having sex with me, then take responsibility.
>2 weeks
production is a mess
they took 3 weeks off to avoid another episode 6-style blunder
Thank god.
I like hazuki
jiggly jiggly heaven
Official Team India theme song
Have you seen the bottom of the barrel tier bullshit that gets adaptations every season, user? Networks need more shit to put in their slots now compared to even a decade ago, and all of the 'good' eroge and LNs have long been adapted.
These anime usually buy timeslot and pay for TV channels to air them instead of being invested by TV station. That's also why this anime only barely air on Japan TV channel with zero VHF channels onboard
>Can somebody remind me why this got an anime in the first place?
Oh there are so many anime out there you could ask this about, you have no idea.
Iirc there's a game for this. Any news?
Nothing after last year's TGS. Not even prereg. Supposedly it should come this spring
Considering Häzuki's luck it's probably dead on arrival.
Mar10 2000 new info livestream
End card
>Completed version OP being used in reair version
So.it confirmed it is not for plot reason..
【CD情報】3月28日発売のTVアニメ『メルヘン・メドヘン』オリジナルサウンドトラック「MärMäd Musik」(音楽:rionos)の
>The soundtrack is named MärMäd Musik
>総集編すら出来ないレベルで万策尽きたアニメ #メルヘンメドヘン
My wife Sädohärä is so cute.
Sadohara is a sadowhora.
I need my weekly dose of cute lesbian dorks.
Isn't it getting mobage?
If it means better animation I don't care.
Slow Start
Toji no Miko
cute GOOD lesbian dorks
Slow Start
Toji no Miko
You have your answer.
Im surprised at some of the ages of the characters like Arthur being 14. Which means Hazuki got lectured by someone younger than her.
I do enjoy them, but Märchen Mädchen is my personal favourite.
I always imagine they got those few shit quality series every season as a cheap training project to new animators.
Yet another LN promo.
>Using Radio CD as BD bonus
They REALLY have no budget there aren't they
Could be worse
Hazuki might be dead but I'll never forget her.
Worse than quality code?
At least that one was worth it. The mechas looked good enough for the rest of the season as far I recall instead of turning into CGI cardboard.
Qualidea Code was the opposite, they kept going while every character melted down as opposed to taking a break in order to try fixing something.
Is Sadohara a virgin?
She's sold her slutty body to dozens of old women.
Nah, she's already raped like five Russians
Not anymore now that I married her.
Alright, who do I have to beat up to speed up the wait until the next episode?
I want to beat up Sadohara's tits.
First learn some non-useless martial arts, girl.
Why do people here like to bully a cute girl like Sadohara?
Wake me up in 2 weeks.
Because she's a useless gay whore.
Why wouldn't I bully the girl I like?
>Screws up everything anyway
America, fuck yeah.
Hazuki is a lucky girl.
Two more weeks
I guess I'll see you anons for the livestream in ~40 hours or not.