Let's talk about the worst shounen ever

Let's talk about the worst shounen ever.

tokyo underground?

Fairy Tail?

Beet the Vandel Buster?

I dunno about, but aside from the spinless faggot MC, I think the worst sin of it all, the fucking worst of the worst. The MC is the same guy at the end of it all, as he was in chapter 1. Fucking really? Fucking all that journey and you didn´t grow a fucking squat. Same shitty faggot. And don´t come and say he was badass in certain fights. Because it means nothing when we all pretend like it didn´t happen some chapters after. Jesus fuck.

It's not that bad, Bleach is much worse.

The final chapter never happened, user. It was all a bad dream.

No it's not Bleach have at least one ok arc.

Beet the Loud Ugly Faggot is definitely up there but Reborn is worse simply by being longer and more drawn out.

I’ve never read a series that felt like a bigger waste of time by the end. I hate it.

But at least boys are pretty :)

Full Metal Alchemist?

That would be the best user :)


Tokyo Ghoul


That's probably the biggest sin the manga commited, the fact the final chapter could be placed after the first and it wouldn't feel that strange.

I bet you that the mangaka thought it was an emotional move. "Remember how it all started? Now this will tug your hearstrings"

That not fairy tail

Tokyo Ghoul at least had an ending where the MC dies and a good atmosphere going. Power leveling through suffering at least makes more sense than most shounen.
Plus people seem to like Re: for some reason.

Fairy Tail.
The manga equivalent of clickbaiting.

FT at least had humongous fap material while Reborn was just a huge fujoshit.

Mfw it has an isekai arc

Like I said, anime equivalent of clickbait.

>Shinigami Agent arc
>Soul Society arc
>Arrancar arc
>Hueco Mundo arc
>Turn Back The Pendulum arc
>Thousand Year Blood War arc
>one ok arc
What are you so retarded?

reborn was bad but it was no fairy tail

FT author can't draw women for shit.

He's too unintelligent for Bleach

Don't insult Reborn like this. It was good. Only the end was shit.

only Soul Society arc is good rest is trash

Okay I can play the dumbass game too.

>Only Chimera Ant is good rest is trash
>Only Marineford arc is good rest is trash
>Only MA arc is good rest is trash

Though I'm actually right about two of these shit series.

It starts going to shit midway through arrancar arc and literally never recovers.

I like how every time you retarded bastards say the same shit when there's zero evidence to back up these claims. The final arc even had 100 good to great chapters straight while still having some great chapters afterwards and that's not recovery enough for you?

I would let this bullshit slide if you idiots didn't shamelessly fellate so many shit series that are way worse than Bleach in the first place.

man this is so old
Did a Bleach assistant make this?

Nanatsu no Tanzai?

It wasn't THAT bad. Definitely wasn't good though.

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

The Varia arc was good. It's one of my favourite shounen arc.

i can say the same about naruto
Chuunin Exam arc is good rest is trash

People in this thread saying Reborn wasn't the absolute pinnacle of shonen mediocrity have without a doubt never watched it.

the evidence is that it's shit, retard

It wasn't that bad honestly. Characters and fights were nice, plot was okay, power and skill stuff was good. I don't know why it's so hated here, aside from the ending of course.

Sorry for what?

And that's why Hunta Hunta will never end you nasty slut.

This isn't MHA

No, you're right.
It's not. I encourage you to download the show in its entirety and watch it.
If halfway through you don't want to murder someone you are Buddha incarnate.

>15 year old becomes stronger than inhuman warriors with literally centuries of experience in less than two weeks

Such bullshit. Why did anyone forgive this?

I dropped it right before the fight with Byakugo because at that point I still didn't care and this was supposed to be the high point of the series.

Best is HxH.

It's literally kongo banchou 2.00 fantasy n magik.

It's dumb powerleveling for the sake of it, almost ironic. It keeps fights exciting. The stories are cheesy and they don't pretend they aren't. Has some great characters and the art conveys a lot. Feels like dragon ball at points.
Also pride guy is an amazing character

>12 year old uses up all his potential and life expectancy to defeat foe for revenge even though the guy who was killed was asspulled back to life anyway
>Another 12 year old uses his genie possessed androgynous sister to heal his friend of all repercussions when she wasn't even mentioned beforehand
>A monster with the components of different beings who is just a month old completely outclasses a veteran martial artist who has over 100 fucking years of combat experience
>Best is HxH
You're mentally ill for supporting such humiliating filth. FMA is the best manga and that's final.

The last point is fine to me because of how everything built up to Mereum being such a big deal.

The other stuff is complete bullshit though and detracted from the arc.

Also by the end of the chimera ant arc it felt like 99% of everything was just long,
laborious narration.

ESCAGOD is definitely a prime man.

No, fuck you. That shit makes 'The Heart' look like Citizen Kane, if Citizen Kane was 10x better

Not too familiar with Reborn but even my retarded past self thought that the whole premise was fucking stupid back when I had a Jump subscription and it had some of the earlier chapters.

There's lots of terrible shonen but I'd think that one of the incredibly forgettable ones that Jump axed are probably all contesting for worst. The handful that had like 4 chapters before getting cancelled comes to mind.

>15 year old punches out a god
>while his friends cheer on the sidelines

Almost as bad as Ichigo. HxH has better fights and much better villains. Even by battle shounen standards characters like Lust, Envy, and Pride are just bad. Given that even the Ginyu Force had more personality to say nothing of iconic villains like Raoh and Frieza FMA has no place being called the best anything.

It's frankly baffling that you rank it so high.

>A monster with the components of different beings who is just a month old completely outclasses
A monster with genetics from thousands of nen users from a naturally superhuman species.

>12 year old uses up all his potential and life expectancy to defeat foe for revenge even though the guy who was killed was asspulled back to life anyway
>Another 12 year old uses his genie possessed androgynous sister to heal his friend of all repercussions when she wasn't even mentioned beforehand

In a genre where death generally means nothing anyways from a series that has subverted this for 100s of chapters up to those points.

Every time that the discussion about Reborn comes about, everyone leaves aside one of the most important things about the series.
It's written by a woman, for women.
Its volumes are in the girls section of bookstores.
Its doujins are released on the yaoi day at comiket.
The entire fanbase is female.

You're looking at it and judging it as a battle shonen and you're not going beyond that, when you're simply not in the target audience.
Once I went to karaoke with a group of friends, and I was called a faggot for choosing a Hitman song.

By the guy who had just finished singing the Heartcatch Precure OP.

>Characters and fights were nice
You literally had a guy who was too stupid to realize that shit wasn't a game even when he was sent to the future, a cocksucking yes man, a meat head jobber who you forget is the main 'love interests' brother, a dumb kid who doesn't become useful for 20 years, yaoi fanbait 1 and 2 and of course let's not forget the MC who makes Superboy Prime, one of the whiniest characters in fiction, look like a mature adult in comparison. 99% of Tsuna's lines are whining and crying or said in a whining/crying tone. He is entirely insufferable, being trumped only by the World's End Harem MC.
And the fights are a fucking joke. Either they're overhyped and lead to nothing, they devolve into Orange Kamehameha Spams, or are Pokemon battles.

>You literally had a guy who was too stupid to realize that shit wasn't a game
He did though. He just pretended the whole time to keep team spirits up because he knew that was his job as the ring of rain.

>yaoi fanbait 1 and 2
You mean the entire cast? Stop pretending it's not a fujoshi series

>And the fights are a fucking joke.
Be as that may be, every time Tsuna's theme fired up it was the hypest shit.

I'm not denying that the series is garbage, but you have to recognize that, for a bottom of the barrely fujoshi fodder manga, it made for a pretty nice tournament arc at the beginning.
That's what like 3/4 of posts end up being every time for a reason. Always with the same "Varia arc best Arc" spiel.

>Fucking all that journey and you didn´t grow a fucking squat
How could he?

The kid literally had to be drugged into becoming a Chad Thundercock temporarily

The mangaka got cancelled.
Besides, Tsuna is the pure hearted uke to be bullied by strong characters like Mukuro or Hibari.
If you make him consistently badass you can't keep fueling the buttsex-oiled machine behind Reborn's success.

I don't think it's bait because there's no female MC.

>A monster with genetics from thousands of nen users from a naturally superhuman species
this same excuse could be used for Ichigo seeing as he's a walking eugenics experiment

It's not a harem series, fujoshibait anime have male MCs more often than they have female ones.
Even ones that end up in the category by accident are the same.
Tiger&Bunny too has an almost entirely male protagonist cast.

It's only FUJO bait if there's a female (read FUJO) self-insert.

>It's only FUJO bait if there's a female (read FUJO) self-insert.

The most popular fujoshi series is Kuroko no Basket, with zero female protagonists.
The most profitable fujoshi series of the last 5 years is Haikyuu, with zero female protagonists.
Before that, one of the biggest momentary fujoshi successes was Ao no Exorcist, with zero female protagonists.

Why do you speak of things you know jackshit about

You haven't proven me wrong you know. Are you even on the same page?

You claim that to be fujobait you need a self insert character, when in reality all you need is several good looking men interacting in a way that can me misconstrued as sexual.

Okay. Well well. I'm still going to claim my definition for the word bait, which matches many a dictionary, is the correct one.

Not even written in until years after Soul Society and the "three halfs hollow" explanation is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. The result is a protagonist who has to do fuck all to get absolutely insane and undeserved power ups.

>Not even written in until years after Soul Society
It was made clear from chapter 1 that he was a special snowflake

>15 year old punches out a god while his friends cheer on the sidelines
>Almost as bad as Ichigo
Even though you're completely wrong on all fronts, this is a really retarded analysis.

>Even by battle shounen standards characters like Lust, Envy, and Pride are just bad
Wrath, Pride, Envy, Greed, and Father all had great development while all Hunta Hunta had was Meruem and Youpi and that's it in its whole entirety of characters. That's fucking terrible given the amount chapters and villains for both series.

>A monster with genetics from thousands of nen users from a naturally superhuman species
Sounds like a fucking bootleg Cell to me.

>In a genre where death generally means nothing anyways from a series that has subverted this for 100s of chapters up to those points
>An edgy manga can't even kill off characters with no screentime
FMA does this just fine and that's just another reason why it's better.

>fucking yopi

You didn't even read/watch Hunter x Hunter. HxH has the Phantom Troupe. Of the Royale Guard the character that would actually make sense, if you could only choose one, to mention if you were going off of anything other than memes would be Pitou.

>Wrath, Pride, Envy
Pride and Envy have virtually no development. The only thing we got from Wrath was his wife and Greed has one of the weakest versions of the Vegeta/Hiei style villain to hero conversion
ever to happen in a shonen. Meanwhile Father reads like a primer on what not to do for a fantasy villain. A dark lord who sits on his throne for the entire story and wants to become a god.

>Sounds like a fucking bootleg Cell to me.
Which would still be better than anything in FMA even without the development he received with Komugi.

>An edgy manga can't even kill off characters with no screentime
I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Hunter x Hunter killed off most of the cast throughout the Hunter Exam, York Shin, and Greed Island. Are you praising FMA because it's not "edgy" and people don't die?

Beyond his ability to see ghosts where?

>The last point is fine to me because of how everything built up to Mereum being such a big deal
I'll give you some more asspulls that people forget like the random ass nuke and Youpi and Pouf oozing out cum to not only revive a dying and poisoned Meruem but make him a hundred times stronger than before.

And it's a damn shame the best arc only had three moments worth a damn in a sea of disinterest.

>Even though you're completely wrong on all fronts, this is a really retarded analysis.

It's what happened. And it is one of the worst power of friendship moments outside of Naruto's second half.

>cell clone
Brainlets should die

>fucking yopi
>One of the few characters that actually changed for the better

>HxH has the Phantom Troupe
You mean the one dimensional psychotic murderers that do dumbshit for the sake stupidity? Wow that's a complex group of characters amirite?

>Pride and Envy have virtually no development
>The only thing we got from Wrath was his wife
>Meanwhile Father reads like a primer on what not to do for a fantasy villain
Reread this series or actually read it before saying such hubris.

>Which would still be better than anything in FMA even without the development he received with Komugi
How is being an overpowered asshole without any motivation better than FMA of all series?

>Hunter x Hunter killed off most of the cast throughout the Hunter Exam, York Shin, and Greed Island
You mean Netero? That's all I can remember.


>A series where the side characters and fodder are actually useful in the final battle
>Power of friendship
Your bait is really lacking today but the shenron sister asspull will never be topped.

>You mean the one dimensional psychotic murderers

The one dimensional psychotic murderers who genuinely care about their fellow teammates and hometown?

>Reread this series or actually read it before saying such hubris.
>no u

At least try to refute it.

>How is being an overpowered asshole without any motivation better than FMA of all series?

Meruem sees himself as better than humans because of his physical power but gradually comes to appreciate the fact that even the lowly humans he looked down on can be better than him at other things such as gunji. He develops a sense of justice and gradually becomes disgusted by the unfairness of the human world in which worthless people like Ming Jol-ik live luxuriously while children starve through no fault of their own than being born in the wrong country. You'd know this if you actually watched the series.

>The kid literally had to be drugged into becoming a Chad Thundercock temporarily
This is pretty much how I interpreted the premise of this manga after reading a few volumes and I didn't understand the appeal at all. It made me take a step back and appreciate main characters who have something unique only they themselves can do.

He literally proved you wrong with his first sentence alone.

Still mad about this.

Back off, man. Teenage me loved this series. The ending was inexcusable garbage though.

>The one dimensional psychotic murderers who genuinely care about their fellow teammates
you do realize that's how it is in every shounen right?
For as much shit AgK gets for having completely evil villains even they had a sense of comradery amongst themselves

>Worst shounen
>ctrl+f black clover
>no match
Honestly black clover is beyond redemption. Its literally cliche after cliche with weak characters.

>You mean Netero? That's all I can remember.

Ponzu, Pokkle, Gotoh. Almost everyone from the Hunter Exam, York Shin, and Greed Island.

>cheer from the sides while the hero takes out the villain

Yes. The power of friendship.

>you do realize that's how it is in every shounen right?

That's not how it is in FMA.

>The one dimensional psychotic murderers who genuinely care about their fellow teammates and hometown?
The whole reason why so many people hate those autists is because they care about themselves instead of innocent people who they steal from, torture, and then murder. Horrible writing in a nutshell.

>At least try to refute it
Either read the manga or stop pretending to be retarded.

>Which would still be better than anything in FMA even without the development he received with Komugi
You can't even remember your own post.

that's because FMA only has one villain and that's Father.
The sins are just an extension of him, they're not their own individual people.

She was a cute little slut but even Leorio was more relevant.

A weak ass jobber who was humiliated the whole damn time.


>Almost everyone from the Hunter Exam, York Shin, and Greed Island
I want you to name all those nameless ass NPCs so I can laugh at your pointless effort.

>Horrible writing in a nutshell.

Bad people caring about their friends and family but not total strangers isn't horrible writing. It's realistic.

>Either read the manga or stop pretending to be retarded.

Either refute the argument or fuck off.

>You can't even remember your own post.

Which one? The post where I said even bootleg Cell would be better than FMA's villains because Dragon Ball had better villains in general? Or the one in which I detailed how Mereum isn't just bootleg Cell?

BC is not that bad. It has great moments and some characters are cool.

So we all agree that Lambo was the worst character right?

>An edgy manga can't even kill off characters with no screentime
>posts side character deaths
>b-but I meant relevant characters

Backpedaling like there's no tomorrow.

>Its all right to be edgy little shits who kill for no rhyme or reason because it's realistic
Even Hisoka has a motivation for killing people you goddamn fool.

If you can't see how those characters had great development but you can post a character summary for Meruem then you can suck Togashit's cock instead.

>The post where I said even bootleg Cell would be better than FMA's villains because Dragon Ball had better villains in general?
This isn't what you insinuated and you still didn't refute my other point.

>>Its all right to be edgy little shits who kill for no rhyme or reason
>for no rhyme or reason
>explicitly thieves who kill people for money

What did he mean by this?

>This isn't what you insinuated

Are you telling me what I insinuated? You lack reading comprehension.

>you still didn't refute my other point

What point? "Sounds like a fucking bootleg Cell to me," was the entire statement to which I replied.

I must say, regardless of how shit it turned out, I still like the idea of a jet propelled fighter. I'm sure The BnHA author agrees. Also while the whole firing blasts from two sides should have been a fucking duh moment, I still like that momentum was an important consideration.
One of these are good. Another is okay. The rest are shit.
This is accurate, except One Piece also
had CP9.
If you're not here to watch little kids beat the ever loving shit out of more deserving adults, then why do you even read shounen?

>Maes Hughes

These are the characters I'm talking about that were actually important in the series. But posting weak ass characters who make shit worse and fodder is bad energy and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>little kids

The prototypical shonen protoganist is Goku from DBZ.

>beat the ever loving shit out of more deserving adults

And most battle shonen characters do more to earn their power over a much longer period of time.

Not again. Why does Sup Forums always want to talk about BNHA? Isnt it getting old always shitting on a series that is down already?

>One of these are good. Another is okay. The rest are shit
It's not my fault you have shit taste lil nigga.

>This is accurate, except One Piece also had CP9
You mean the arc with only one good fight which consists of Luffy having a friendship powerup? Nah that's shitty just like their character designs.

Also OPM doesn't have shit arcs.

>a telegraphed character death and another who appeared for one episode

Are the best on that list. Still backpedaling on this quote that was already proven wrong

"An edgy manga can't even kill off characters with no screentime"

but I bit.