Baki Dou 194 translation

Notice: we, the scanlation team, no longer have a cleaner. If you are a cleaner and would like to help us work on either Baki Dou or Grappler Baki, please let us know in this thread.

>Chapter 194: Farewell

Forgot to stitch this together. Whoops.

>Hino: HE'S DEAD!?
>Narrator: Assistant Commissioner Hino Toyokazu
>H: You're sure it's "he's dead",
>H: And not "he lost"!?
>Mabuchi: That's the information we've received from the infiltrating members.

>N: Superintendent Mabuchi Nao
>M: There's a lot to go over... The soul...
>M: Came out of Musashi's body. They say.
>H: "The soul"... Are you...
>H: Look,

>H: What are we supposed to do with these guys now?
>H: There's a thousand people here.
>M: Yeah.


What a crap way for him to go.

>Baki: Sabuko-san.
>B: Thank you for your troubles.

>Sabuko: Though the appropriate time for this has passed...
>S: We were short-sighted.
>S: 'Conjuring' Miyamoto Musashi...
>S: That is when it becomes real.

>S: That which would, without a doubt, happen. That which would absolutely never happen.
>S: We had a general understanding of both of those things.
>S: And, yet, we continued.

>S: What happens...
>S: If you let loose a monstrous beast in a city?

>S: Even though we already knew part of the answer, we couldn't stop wondering.
>S: Neither myself,
>S: Nor this screw-up.

>S: It was an action...
>S: Which is worthy of punishment by one thousand deaths...
>B: In truth,

>B: Even though we were all afraid,
>B: All of us had expectations.
>B: All of us were really stirred.
>B: And, of course,

>B: We just had to see it for ourselves.
>B: That sword's...
>B: Power.
>B: Its sharpness.

>B: And, dare I say it,
>B: His brutal, inhuman way, too.

>B: We have committed the same crime.
>B: This country behaved like itself,
>B: And Musashi-san behaved like himself. Nothing more.

TN: There's a nuance here that I can't translate. Baki says that the national state of Japan behaved like the country of Japan, but the furigana for both "national state" and "country" are written as "country". Presumably, there's some sort of intended slight here, but I have absolutely no idea what the implication could be.


>Tokugawa: Everyone.
>T: This is not a burial.
>T: This is the departure of the strongest swordsmaster. Of an unwonted great elder.
>T: We must not clasp our hands in prayer;
>T: We must raise our breasts.

Note: not "unwanted".

>T: This is a biddance of farewell to a soldier.
>T: I would like for you all to present yourselves at attention.

End chapter.
End transmission.

Not a lot of meat for what looked to be a lot of text from the Korean scanlation. Oh, well. Oh, and I think that I cracked the code - Musashi is going to return in the way that Yuuichirou did.

Is this shitshow finally at an end?

Musashi, or Baki?


Itagaki talking about himself here.

What happened before? How did he lose?

Got kissed by a grandma.

>Musashi is going to return in the way that Yuuichirou did.
So, will he become a zany, autistic series mascot - showing up as a ghost to give his opinion on random fights? This could be both fun and retarded

I just meant that he'll come back as a ghost. Maybe he'll espouse some random bits of wisdom.

But where is memetobe?
Is he here? Will he steal the body?

He was at the top of the stands with Gaia. There's no wheelchair ramp down to the arena, so he couldn't actually get down there.