New KABANERI is the medium-length movie
KABANERI the movie
>not tv series
New game PV
Let me guess, Biba returns?
Dropped this show when the pink prince showed up and it doesn't look like it got any better.
Is it a recap movie?
All new animation.
No you didnt, you finished watching it
>New KABANERI is the medium-length movie
What do you mean medium length?
will Ikoma fulfill his promise to Mumei?
It middle volume not medium-length
Who the fuck asked for this
>Kabaneri visuals but this time in movie quality
Should be nice to look at but I doubt the story is going to be any better.
Is that white haired punished Biba?
Nice, i loved the anime, despite its flaws.
I did
I want more loli slaying zombies
>not cheap tv series with 3 frames of animation
Maybe we will get the movie here a few years after the nip release, if ever.
The artwork tells me it's going to get even mors ridiculous.