What did he see in her?

What did he see in her?


She looks like a loli and she's like 16, what more could you ask for.


easy to manhandle

The actual answer is perseverance and heart along with a need to be needed

alternatively degeneracy

I wish this got a second season

So people would start drawing porn of it again

Actually the real answer is that he's just M

But the author wrote a special chapter where they had their first child

Her tight little anus

You can't see it? Then I don't think any explanation will suffice.


At first nothing, then as he got to know her better and they both realised their original targets of affection didn't work out they kind of fell into it through routine and it worked out.

You'd know this if you'd watched this 10 year old anime.

Nothing. This is why she turns his head.


From what I recall everyone else was terrified of him, so I guess she just got there first because everyone else was a pussy.

I figured she would have died during child birth.

Don't really see it in his character, but I'm sure there's lots of doujins given her's

Explain further

Why would you want a girl that beats you up and spouts BS at you? You've gotta be a bit masochistic to like such a person.

Gee I wonder.

The mother he wanted to care for but could only powerlessly watch slowly dying inside each day.

tight virgin cunny

Basically any MC that choose a tsundere

violent tsundere

His mom was best girl

He never takes satisfaction in the abuse. Overtime as they get to know each other better Ryuji understands why Tiaga lashes out and the understanding and acceptance mellows her out, as that behavior was a result of social fears. He doesn't stay with her for the abuse, which more or less becomes banter, he stays with her for the underlying characteristics and feelings that manifested in her aggressive behavior early in the show. But maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Stockholm Syndrome

>that behavior was a result of social fears

what kind of social fear makes you break into someone's house and beat him up with a wooden sword

It's slapstick comedy user.

She doesn't beat him up though?

He dodged all the swings, and you're taking it way too seriously

The scene is due to him mistakenly getting her love letter. It couldn't be more spelled out for you.

well, society makes people do some things, so clearly it's the motivation behind every action taken ever.

Forced writing.

Standing blowjobs

It only happens in japan

Ryuji accidentally got Taiga's love letter meant for
Glasses Chad (can't remember his actual name), and she thought he read it, but he couldn't anyway because she actually forgot to put the letter in the envelope. He had to get her to calm down before she'd listen.

Tight omanko.

A person he can be confortable with and at the same time someone who forces him out of his comfort zone.

>forces him out of his comfort zone
I remember it being other way around, he's like a father showing world to his daughter

his dic

Maybe the child was small, too.

You forgot the part where he is basically her housewife because she's a lazy hikkiNEET slob while he's a neatfreak.

Then animate it

> 144cm
> roughly 34 kg
Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body...


> 144cm
>roughly 34 kg
What's that in american?

75 pounds


>0.0071582 Furlongs

I want rape Ami and post it on idolforum

Why american uses that retard metric sistem?

He likes.. looking after her? I can't remember the details at all.

Alright, I have a co-worker who is 4'10" as a grown woman, I can see that

Girl needs to eat some oats and do a few squats.

He liked both Minorin and Taiga for similar reasons. They're fun, and aren't afraid of him. But Taiga needs him. Minorin just wanted to be with him. Ryuji wanted to be needed, I think.

He was wrong. Amin needed him most. She definitely killed herself after High School

Now you're speaking my language

Ami is used, she dont deserve Ryuji

The first Episode or whatever when she's just wearing a sleep gown and socks and initiates the entire sword-fight...She was too fucking cute. Taiga's cool peeps.

Ryuji should rape her right there

She didnt hate his eyes from the start.

Shipped Amin x Ryuji so hard, but meh he still ended up with Taiga.

That outfit combined with her antics made me absolutely DIAMONDS. Her doing this to me, while wearing that could be an absolute fantasy of mine; lucky Ryuji!

Socked feet don't get nearly enough appreciation they deserve. And it doesn't even need to be said, because of the levels of obviousness, but Aisaka herself, is fucking great too.

>being a cunt and destroying peoples property is cool!

fuck off

Girls are cool if they are cute

>he could have fucked Ami but rode off into the sunset with the autistic dwarf

Taiga is cool, I loved when she beat up the school president.

Never get your dick in crazy.

Top cute

die in childbirth, cunt

She didn't die while giving birth.

I don't know why I like this show

because you self insert as Ryuji


>implying taiga wasn't crazier

all the girls were fucked up in the head

>Japan doesn't have the medical technology for c-sections


The characters and drama are all kinds of fucked, but it's incredibly thorough in covering a year of student life and has a good OST

she will die even they get a surrogate mother


They found each other attractive from the get go to some extent. After sharing a lot of bodily contact and getting more comfortable around each other they started to enjoy it a lot.

But since the basis of them meeting was that they did not like each other it was a bit taboo which made it a bit more hot. Since they also were "off limits" to each other they were able to share details about their love lives normal men and women would be a bit standoffish about sharing. Basically the "brother" "sister" dynamic a lot of people in high school get because they don' want to admit attraction.

I had this in highschool and used to get handjobs from her all the time despite us dating other people.

Ami had her head on straight. If she didn't have such a bad first impression there is no reason for Ryujii not to fall for her.

Nah Taiga was normal just a bit of a bitch. Fuck about to watch this and death note again. Shit is taking me into a time portal.

>I had this in highschool and used to get handjobs from her all the time despite us dating other people.
user that is sinful

kill yourself

dbs avatarfag being retarded as usual

I don't regret it as it's much harder to get shit like this as an adult. I one time had a nerdy asian girl confess to me like it was an anime scene. Despite all the bad parts i miss the sweet moments
Butt why? .

Are you implying you read this in frieza's voice?

I was watching anime when it aired but didn't something like a half of episodes was about Taiga's trust problems, daddy issues and other shit that came from abandonment?

Best girl didn't win.

amin a cute

Ami a slut

Yea i mean that was pretty much the whole school festival arc but before that and after it does no really come up again. by Christmas it's done with.


most of the show was about Taiga's emotional problems IIRC

How the fuck is she that flexible?

In the full pic another girl is doing a handstand in front of her it's very misleading.

The part I want animated is before that, but they would never do it.

You can't just say that and not give up the full pic, user.