Hunter x hunter

Spoilers are out

Spoiler tag it you fucktard.

Wake me up when the Spiders get here.

Chrollo Final Form

whoa... it's beautiful

Is the dude with no body a new Spider or a mafia contact? If he isn't, then who is the tenth limb?

Illumi is Hisoka in disguise

It's just some maffia dude. We don't know, maybe it's Hisoka and he kills himself

I want IllumiXMachi to happen

She's going to get spitroasted by NEEDLE and RUBBER.

Summary waiting for Full Translation:

377 Mechanism
Seiko: "You want to do a Music show at the dinner party?"
Kaa: "" I want to play a glass harp with Fu-chan, Melody is good with the flute "
Seiko: "Well, okay very good "
Melody: ("our move is next Sunday ... !!)
Melody thinking of a way to withdraw from succession war.

All the phantom brigades are gathered in the large table of the 5-layer central cafeteria No. 0
Chrollo Lucilfer
No. 1 Nobunaga Hazama
No. 2 Feitan Porto
No. 3 Machi komatine
No. 4 Kalluto Zoldyk
No. 5 Finks Mug Cub
No. 7 Franklin Bordeaux
No. 8 Shizuoka Murasaki
No. 10 Bonolenov Lundong
No. 11 Illumi Zoldyk
"I do not know in which desk Hisoka is in."
" I found that from 3 to 5 layers the traffic is effectively restricted by the Mafia. "
" The fifth layer (here) is the Sho(?), the fourth layer Shuf family is partitioning, the third tier"
"Passengers can end up getting used and mafia make money by exploiting the country by all means such as on-board labor, service, experimental body, donation of organs, contract after departure"

Sha family member approaches the PT.
Illumi introduces himself, explains he joined the troupe to kill Hisoka (not too clear here?)

Chrollo talking with Sha representative and tries to dissuade him to partnership.
Chrollo tells him they are looking for Hisoka, " height 190 cm or more "
" Let's check the royalty's passenger list "
Chrollo: ""What's the way to go to the first tier?"
" Do not get in the way , my mind will not change"
(Not too clear here but)Chrollo"Let's get together and get together at that table"
Chrollo "Get the head of Hisoka ... ..."

Shizuku "Meand Bono are not compatible with Hisoka's rubber, we are not suited for combat"
They decide to disguise themselves(?)
Shizuku asks Chrollo for new fortune(?)

Shizuoku "Will not you tell me again?"
Shizuku "I think that some kind of clues will come out"
Chrollo: "I'm sorry, but I can't"
Shizuku" What? "
Chlor" It has disappeared from the book

as Hisoka is getting murdered by Chrollo the last thing he'll see is Machi and Illumi having sex

Hisoka doesn't care about Machi though. The best scenario is Hisoka raping Machi to make Chrollo sadder.

Hisoka didn't kill Machi when he had the chance

He needed her to deliver the message. 100% style.

to be the messenger

>Illumi introduces himself, explains he joined the troupe to kill Hisoka (not too clear here?)
I thought they were friends? Fucking Zoldycks, can't spell their family name without a good dick.

He could send selfie

Illumi "Hi, I am I. The eldest son of the soldic family and Kirua and my brother's brother"
Illumi "I joined the brigade (spider) at this time Hisoka's request"
Illumi "though he was tangible, I thought that one would be kill either last at the end."
Illumi "This time it will will come true"
Illumi "Hisoka himself was the target (target) he asked for"
Illumi "A pre-marriage contract (engagement ring) in which he pays a reward if he dies"
Illumi "He and I are serious, so I do not know the place."

Friends kill others too and Hisoka hired him this time.

Translation of Illumi's speech from Reddit


This time I joined the Phantom Troup on Hisoka's request.

イルミ「彼とはもちつもたれつだったけど最後はど ちらかがどちらかを殺すと思ってた」

I had a give-and-take relationship with him but I've always thought in the end one of us will kill the other.


This time that's it.


Hisoka himself is the target he requested for.


The contract stipulates that I'll receive the reward if he dies (note: God help me why is he using "prenuptial agreement" and "engagement ring" to refer to their contract, it will probably come into play later)


We are both serious about this, so I don't know where he is.

Illumi you fucking traitor

Is Illumi lewd?

Reminder that Shizuku's death was predicted in York Shin. She will die to either Hisoka or Prince Bateman because his room is probably the one that's filled with "black treasures."

>Chrollo "Get the head of Hisoka ... ..."
Chrollo is focusing way too much on Hisoka rather than the heist. That'll be his downfall.

>I had a give-and-take relationship

>entire chapter devoted to Spider/Hisoka shit
pls no

No, they're getting married.

It's not, don't only read summaries retard. The first half is about the succession war.

Illumi is a troll. He probably joined because Hisoka paid him, and he's probably down with the idea of killing Spiders. More importantly, who's the bald guy with the suit and beard? He has a weird thing by his ear.

Threadly reminder the tenth limb and currently unknown Spider is Sadaso.

There is no tenth limb. Illumi is the only new Spider. Hisoka said 10 were left, and he was correct. There are only 10 spiders now, including illumi.

Argubly the gayest thing in all of Shota x Shota and that is saying something.

These summaries always only include a part of the chapter at first. There's going to be other POVs.

Kienei "Oh"

Kiyini "To be more accurate ... It seems that the head has come out of the bed of a cappuccino"

Kiyini "Like opening a manhole lid"

Fuugetsu is getting progress.

How did Neon's ability disappear? Is she dead?

We have the entire script. Most of it is focused on the Spiders.

>Hisoka probably wants to get it over with so he can go play with Gon's butt later
>Blueballed when he learns Gon can't use nen anymore.

No. 1 Nobunaga Hazama

No. 2 Feitan Porto

No. 3 Machi komatine

No. 4 Kalluto Zoldyk

No. 5 Finks Mug Cub

No. 7 Franklin Bordeaux

No. 8 Shizuoka Murasaki

No. 10 Bonolenov Lundong

No. 11 Illumi Zoldyk

Count on your fingers then.

In the Spider metaphor, Chrollo was always the head, not a limb. And it's weird that they would only replace 1 Spider when Paku and Uvo died 2 years ago.

I'd barely count Illumi. He doesn't seem loyal to them and only cares about fighting Hisoka. If one of them gets caught by or dies to a nen beast, Kurapika, or Biscuit, I doubt he'll try to save them.

Shizuku asks Chrollo for new fortune(?)

Shizuku "Will not you tell me again?"
Shizuku "I think that some kind of clues will come out"
Chrollo: "I'm sorry, but I can't"
Shizuku" What? "
Chlor" It has disappeared from the book"


I think illumi was ordered to joined the spiders this time because hisoka murdered a zoldyck butler.

Where is it? All I see is a partial summary.

Hisoka killed her before getting on the boat. Or she just died to the maffia.

Kalluto was a replacement

Dicked to death by Pika

K-Kurapika just sealed her Nen!

Maybe she hired someone to get her abilities back.

Chrollo is number 0. Don't focus on the Spider drawing, and make the mistake of assuming Chrollo is the head of the Spider. Hisoka said there was 10 left, and there's ten left.

Hisoka's replacement.

Did Illumi take the Paku/Ubo/Shal/Topi's slot in Ryodan?

Neon wasn't really knowledgeable about Nen, she was just a genius specialist developing a hatsu on accident. She had no idea what happened to her.

To be fair, Phinks or Bonolenov weren't going to help Feitan against Zazan. So I don't think that's going to be a big problem.
Illumi is no. 11. Its confirmed.

Wasnt allumi hisokas friend ?

Didn't Illumi give him permission to do so though?

He was his gay lover.

You are samefagging, aren't you?

For Hisoka, that means they both want to kill each other. Although it was really cute seeing them hang out during the Hunter Exam and having a drink together on the blimp during the Election arc.

That's because they were confident of Feitan's abilities, and his nen ability is really destructive. Illumi seems like he wouldn't care if any of them dies aside from maybe Kalluto.

Butlers are expendable, they're not real members of the Zoldyck family. I doubt they'd care even if Canary informed them.

>Feitan's height

The Butler is alive because he wasn't human to begin with so the fatal blow wasn't fatal

He can motorboat Shizuku comfortably.

He did but i don't his father or grandfather gave their approval to kill the butler. This might be reason why they hired the "transforming monster"(forgot the name) to give them cover that one of their butler died.

>That's because they were confident of Feitan's abilities
No, they don't like interferences in battles. They were even ready to go next after Feitan's death.

So, Hisoka hires Illumi to help Chrollo kill him because alone Chrollo can't even do that, huh?


user, they were perfectly fine with Feitan dying. Heck, they even tossed a coin to see who'd go next.

he was replaced wasn't he? I mean the fact that he had a grave pretty much confirms they saw a corpse probably buried him to

You're just mad you can't live out your /ss/ fantasies while Feitan still can.

Yeah, the magical beast is a replacement to keep Killua from finding out that Gotoh died protecting him (most likely suggested by that panel). Gotoh wasn't a Kiriko, user is just confused.

They thought he died but he didn't

>pretty much confirms they saw a corpse probably buried him to
Having a grave doesn't confirm any of that

>Kalluto, a literal child, is higher than Feitan, a middle-aged man

It seems like for this op, Chrollo should ditch the coat. Not standing out is useful right now and also helps the power of Convert Hands.

Kalluto is such a chad.

who do you think would've buried him? the zoldycks would've just let him get eaten by the dog

So Hisoka requested Illumi to join the Phantom Troupe. To convince him, he said that he will get paid if Hisoka dies (Not necessarily from Illumi's hands).
What is this madman up to?

feitan is taller than kalluto in the manga
also when was it stated that feitan is middle aged?

why the hell are Illumi and Chrollo the same height as franklin? Dude's a giant

>Not necessarily from Illumi's hands
No, Illumi has to be the one to kill him.


>what is perspective

The ship itself is also a pot.It prevents interference from anywhere not within the ship.

This means Fuu can't portal her way out.

No one leaves until there's a successor.

The contract stipulates that I'll receive the reward if he dies

a grave is never confirmation of someone being buried there

though he is dead

Perspective retard.

I'm glad Illumi is involved in the boat. We will finally get a chance to see him get serious. Out of all the human Manipulators, he's always seemed by far the strongest because he has so many needles. Shar only had two.

Also, RIP Sharl.

well aren't you lucky, user

Yes, Illumi the assassin must kill Hisoka. Hisoka is his target.

Fun Fact: in that picture Franklin is actually on the other wise of the Whale but perspective makes it look like he's right there.

i'm making a guess based on circumstantial evidence, mainly that to know he was dead they'd need to see the body and after seeing the body they would either bury or burn it and after erect a grave

Shalnark also seemed to be able to give much complex intstruction, such as putting someone on autopilot acting as themselves. With Illumi we've seen people turning into zombies.

I'll concede about being wrong in regards to the members not caring about each other to the extent that Chrollo seems to care about them. However, I still see Illumi as the odd one in the group. Like Hisoka, Illumi is a random variable that could be thrown into any situation in order to make it interesting. Illumi would probably kill any Spider who tries to steal kill his Hisoka kill, and Hisoka could make use of that.

Illumi is clearly the strongest human manipulator so far. How did you even doubt that? Are you one of these Morel wankers?

True. But I meant in a straight fighting situation rather than utility. Hisoka had to be wary of Sharl's 2 needles and now he has to be wary of all of Illumi's.

It seems like illumi can share his nen with his puppets though since they were strong enough to beat HA members

If Chrollo or some other PT member kills Hisoka. Illumi will still get the money.
This is an important distinction to make.

I'm hoping he'll show off some of those assassin techs we haven't seen in awhile

They care, but they were fine with him dying. Yes, Illumi is the odd one here.

As far as I remember, as per the rules of their inter-family 'war', Zoldycks aren't allowed to kill each other. Everyone else, including butlers, are fair game though. I doubt the dad/granddad gave a shit. They probably allowed the replacement as a way to keep killua from rebelling even further.