Episode 43: イグニスの誕生 – Igunisu no Tanjō
(The Birth of Ignis)
Playmaker has realized who Revolver might be during their Duel. However, due to a shockwave generated in the Data Storm, Yusaku is forced to log out. In order to stop the Tower of Hanoi’s completion, he heads to a certain location in the real world, where Revolver is supposed to be…

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: ルーチェー・ヤギ || Ruche Yagi
Direction: 武藤公春 || Mutou Kimiharu
Animation Director(s): 川村裕哉, 宇代祐規 || Kawamura Yuya, Ushiro Yuki

Episode 44: 運命の囚人 – Unmei no Shūjin
(Prisoners of Destiny)
Having learned the truth hidden by the Ignis and the truth behind the Lost Incident, Playmaker tries to persuade Revolver to stop the Tower of Hanoi. Unfortunately, his words fail to convince Revolver. Having been driven into a corner, Playmaker entrusts all his hopes to his new ace monster!

Script: 吉田伸, 立原正輝 || Yoshida Shin, Tachihara Masaki
Storyboard: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Direction:: 髙田昌宏 || Takada Masahiro
Animation Director(s): 荏原裕子, 横田明美 || Ebara Yuko, Yokota Akemi

Episode 45: 極限領域のデュエル – Kyokugen Ryōiki no Dyueru
(An Extreme Duel)

Script: 吉田伸, 立原正輝 || Yoshida Shin, Tachihara Masaki
Storyboard: 町谷俊輔 || Machitani Shunsuke
Direction: 布施康之 || Fuse Yasuyuki
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk, Seo Soon-young

Episode 46: 未来を描き出すサーキット – Mirai o Egakidasu Sākitto
(The Circuit That Draws the Future)

Script: 吉田伸, 立原正輝 || Yoshida Shin, Tachihara Masaki
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生, || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei

I hope they're going for an irl duel.

Considering the spoiler uses Playmaker and Revolver instead of Yusaku and Ryoken i'm assuming its not going to be in irl duel which is pretty sad

Why is Vrains so goddamn boring?

>people actually watch this
I'm honestly impressed. Keep doing you I guees.

To be fair Revolver is a much more familiar name than Ryoken.

nice Ryoken best boy

Yea but they switched from Playmaker to Yusaku and now back to Playmaker, pretty sure they are going back into vrains

I don't know you care its not like they aren't going to use holograms.

Does that make 9 episodes with focus on Revolver in a row? Was everybody besides the idolmaster guy busy, or do they just insist on painfully slow pacing?

>the cast is so limited it makes other series feel diverse
We are at episode 42, call me impressed

Fuck off then.

They seriously dragged this arc out... For what????????

Revolver is gonna lose anyway. Can't u guys duel in one ep? Just when I thought they actually let Yusaku talks to Ryoken irl, they still come back to Vrains to duel.


Using Yoshida is a mistake.

>Prisoners of Destiny
Ryoken or Yusaku?
The title screams FLASHBACKKKKKK but I thought we r gonna learn about Ryoken's childhood next ep?

>due to a shockwave generated in the Data Storm, Yusaku is forced to log out.
How nice. While people r struggling to log out, Yusaku just recieved the convenient shockwave.

I think the episode that only has yoshida as the writer is probably the most plot/flashback laden. Not that the other ones couldn't have a lot of that stuff too.

Do you not understand what the VR stands for?

only akira

Daily life of Kogami Ryoken!

kogami seems a lot like this guy.

Kind of wondering how the three knights contributed to making the ignis.

Actually, I'm glad for this. Better have just few characters that are actual figures in the overall story, than horde of one shot characters, or mass of characters that tend to be completely forgotten after their initial appearance.

I think it depends, if we get more back stories like specter's then it won't matter how much focus they get.


I don't think anything will ever top echo.

Why is Revolver the only character in this show to have summon chants?

He has to act like a jackass to cope.

not a asspull, we saw his father before when he was talking with akira

>Episode 46: 未来を描き出すサーキット – Mirai o Egakidasu Sākitto
(The Circuit That Draws the Future)
>It's what Playmaker say when Link summoning

Damn, I wasn't supposed to get hyped for an episode just for the title

Maybe it'll finally be the episode where Firewall Dragon finally evolves.

Sure killed all the momentum though.

>Yusaku and Ryoken not dueling in their real life personas

Disappointment. I'm bored of Revolver's boring ass virtual design already. He dueled like a gazillion of times with Playmaker by now.

No hype.
No Mexican memes like DBS.
What else to expect?

All the characters are damn stale at this point, it doesn't help the writers don't want IRL duels to happen for some fresh air.

Wasted opportunity.

People still using my crappy drawings
Feels good man

>Playmaker entrusts all his hopes to his new ace monster!
Poor Firewall Dragon

So when will Ghost Girl be back?

Yes, Yes, Yes

We finally get firewalls version of shooting star. Guess it's also the cover of cybernetic horizon or the new structure.

Please be good and be revealed at the next shone. Jump

46 at the earliest, but more likely later on.
it could just be the water code talker.

So changing his skin will make that better? He'll use the same deck you know?

So Revolver can tie a duel any time he wants right? Is that one of his abilities?

>Revolver managed to not lose to the protagonist twice in 40 episodes

which other rivals could do that?

kaiba, kaito.

but kaibi did, in the beginning and later when he tried to kill himself

It was dirty but Yugi surrendered. If you want to count the cut season, I guess you could say Kaiba lost twice in 40 episodes

marik's father reincarnated into a hot villain

you got that in the reverse I think


I thought Firewall Dragon wasn't very effective at fighting revolver's deck anyway.

I'd say it being dirty is cancelled out by the fact that Kaiba until then did well considering that the game's vague rules bent to accommodate Yugi's needs for the entire season.

>not using maiku the magical mist to wash away the poisonous scales and create a better conductive environment for summoned skull

when are we going to virtual hell, so my husbando Dante show up

You are aware of the hell themes in the show, right?

Kaito never lost against Yuma

Wasn't him losing to kaito in episode 70 or so the first time a protagonist solved all the problems and then lost?

It also happened in GX since Kaiser Ryo and Judai tied after the events of the sacred beast arc but that depends if you consider ties too

ties aren't losses, even if some consider them more disappointing.

the only similar situation that comes to my mind is yugi surrendering to kaiba but it was mid arc and on a different circumstances so I doubt it counts

Well he did only bring it out in only 2 duels out of 40 episodes. I get the feeling that Firewall Dragon is just another monster to make ends meet, no bond with it whatsoever. Hope I'm wrong.

Ignis has shown more emotion for monsters that weren't his, than yusaku has ever shown for his own.

So basically every time Ryoken/Revolver and Yusaku/PlayMaker duel there will be a Draw via Speed Duel and Master Duel(Though we all now Yusaku would win). Kind of boring to be honest.

Episode 45 is going to be some Quality shit.

It's going to take some time to get used to the whole blue eyebrows thing. Already starting to get used to the name Ryoken.

I hope Yusaku actually loses at some point

I want to see him cry.

How can other rivals even compete?

he will cry when he gets embarrased by playmaker once again

Am I the only one slightly excited that they are finally going to meet irl? hoping for an irl duel but a bit skeptical. And if they duel in Vrains then what is Hot dog bro going to do?

I'll honestly give them points for not having Revolver lose, after seeing everything that was in play, he still at least managed a tie, hell I kinda feel like he could have one if he didn't go for the suicide.

>loses his father and the ignis gets away in the same hour
we're about to see.

Why did he make himself such a horrible avatar? He is too handsome to have used that awful avatar, though I must admit that he was at least original and actually hid his face well.

Well he did a better job at hiding his identity. Seriously Playmaker is just a recolored Yusaku in a skinsuit. Is everyone in VRAINS too dumb to not notice?

Did go catch on, or was he just bluffing?

not dying on the moon.

47 is the earliest.

Altergeist seem to do pretty well in the game, but I think she'll keep losing.

Yusaku and PM does have the same face but very minor differences. I think PM is also look older and taller than Yusaku.

I don't think there would be a reason for her to duel anymore if it wasn't meant for her benefit.

But if Konami is gonna farm Altergeist, Emma got a job to do.

And she will probably appears for the plot purposes.

Would be nice if she turned against PM and Akira.

What would be the reason?



why are they so nervous? it's just coffee

More like he's being an over bering host.
>Guest, it's been a while~ Please come over. Sorry I don't have much,but~. That Ignes? Talk, talk, there is a lot to talk about.
more or less

We really do need a traitor character since Ai won't play that role anymore.

And Emma is a good choice. She turns bad and good simultaneously.

That thing looks like a gundam

Does ignis have to be a out of nowhere backstabber to have questionable loyalty or traitorous qualities?

The CGI animation of some monsters in this show is Gundam tier.

Hopefully never.

Post That One screenshot


Don't be salty.