Slow Start

Can we get a Slow Start thread? As a show that’s right up next to Sora yori and Yuru Camp, it’s appalling that there isn’t discussion about an anime as good as Slow Start.

Other urls found in this thread: Start$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=2

More like slow fart haha.

Tamate is a horrible mix of Izumi Konata and Toshino Kyouko

It's not good at all though. Like Hinako Note. Or Unhappy.

It's unironically my favorite anime this season.
Go back to YouTube comment sections

Why is it that the girls in this either have realistic breasts or gag-tier breasts? Only Eiko is somewhat in-between.

Sure, let's have another thread where the OP already compares it to other shows. These are always fun and not filled with people's irrelevant opinions at all.

>As a show that’s right up next to Sora yori and Yuru Camp

It really is not.

This is amongst the most generic moeblob CGDCT shows delivered any season. The characters are barely memorable and rely on the same tropes we have seen many times before. It is just one of those 'filler' SOL shows a persons watches to kill time.

There is not nearly the same sentiment and love coming from the production as Yuru Camp where someone can actually learn and appreciate things shown in the show


nor either the grand adventure and development we see in Sora yori which is truly looking to be the best show of this season.

It's been what 8 episodes and we still have yet to see the true power of brain damage. I expect the finale to be a nightmare.

>It's not good at all though. Like this shit show. Or this other shit show.

>As a show that’s right up next to Sora yori and Yuru Camp
Don't get ahead of yourself, It's a better version of Hinako Note.

Yuru Camp is such overrated shit. YoriMoi and Slow Start are great though.

Hinako Note or Sansha Sanyou*


Please define your terms because I'm confused. Eiko, her sister, sensei and a few of their classmates are pretty realistic, quite a lot of them are flat and only Shion and Hannen have gag-tier breasts.

Hiroe is also 5 years older than the rest. They don't seem that big to me.

I'm sorry to tell you this OP, but you're kidding yourself if you think Slow Start will ever have the broad appeal of Sora Yori or Yuru Camp. It just doesn't have the material to. People in this thread are shitting on Anne-Happy and Sansha Sanyou for the same reason, niche appeal in an already niche genre. CGCDT anime that are either solely dedicated to creating a specific atmosphere, or have the characters unified by a specific goal always are received better than those that don't. This is fact.

More like slow shart.

Same here, but the threads are insufferable. Tama is by far my favorite loli in the last couple of years

Why do you hate it so much that you feel the need to make threads like this?

>Yuru Camp
>love coming from the production
See pic related. Enjoy your 23-minute long infomercials for normalfags.

What don't you like about the threads? Apart from ones like this of course.

More Tamachan please.

Because god forbid we see them shopping for camping supplies in a show where half the premise is learning how to camp.

It isn't very good and I have almost dropped it multiple times. When it is more upbeat and happy, like episode 9, which was by far the best episode, it can be really enjoyable, but the whole drama surrounding Hana and generally whenever the show tries to get sentimental or emotional (AKA trying to be iyashikei healing) it fails miserably.

I don't hate it though, and it is, at the very least better than something like Hinako Note which was actual garbage.

user was talking about how they're off model here. Flimsy evidence to showcase the staff "not caring" but that's autism for you.

I just love all the animation and attention to detail this show got from the staff. They could have just straight-up adapted the chapters, but they made it all so much more fun and alive that it shows that at least some people absolutely love the source material.

Did you ever notice for example that Hana's viewhole in the OP is missing a screw?

"Slow Start is better/worse than X" and the general /u/ spam any show with cute girls suffers from really get to me. My enjoyment from this show is how it's cute, funny and anything that Tama does.

I half agree with you. The show never gets me to feel serious about an issue or any drama, because the whole premise is pretty silly and Hana "gets off" the most lenient way. But I can 100% relate to her and Hannen's feeling of being left behind by your peers, by reasons you can easily tell. So it still really affects me on an emotional level, which is great.

Slow Start is the thing I look forward to the most, every week. It makes me want to make a small crown and call Tama "King Cute" while she drums her chest

Hard to tell sometimes because her sweat shirts make her look like a titty monster.

I agree that there is some off-modelling here and there with Yuru Camp, but overall its clear that the staff actually care about the show and have so far done a great job with the atmosphere, background, music, and overall tone.
I enjoy Slow Start for other reasons, but I don't come close to experiencing that same feeling here. Its more cookie cutter and formulaic, which obviously doesn't make it inherently awful, but I just wish that insecure faggots would stop trying to denigrate the other amazing shows this season for no good reason.

Don'y you have anything better to do with your life?

What makes Tama so perfect?

Well, at least the yuri posting for this show is somewhat more justified than for others and maybe even the most this season considering the author and source, but I can see how it would ruin it for others. For the anime I have to say that it tries to play Hana's issues more seriously than the manga did and I'm not sure if that was a good idea since they're just so silly. It's played up to the point where some people think that this is some sort of plot point, as if the show had a plot at all, instead of just one of the character traits and background. Even in the manga any discussions about being a ronin always end up with a joke on the same page.

>generic moeblob CGCDT
Buzzwords that mean nothing.

>The characters are barely memorable and rely on the same tropes we have seen many times before.
Explaining how Yuru Camp or Sora Yori are different will complete this point, until then it's hollow.

>There is not nearly the same sentiment and live coming from the production as Yuru Camp where someone can actually learn and appreciate things shown in the show.
There is no way for you to back up this argument. In fact, there's probably a lot of care put into all three of these productions. Furthermore, comparing Yuru Camp and Slow Start in this manner is pointless when the anime clearly have different goals in mind. Being disingenuous doesn't help your case at all.

Yuru Camp feels like a powerpoint presentation with real-life images with filters inserted as backgrounds. Way too many text conversations. It has very little effort put into it. When I'm watching Slow Start, I actually feel lile I'm watching an animated series and not a slideshow.

I think that goes both ways to be fair, user. Just like what you like.

7 years old reply... grow up kid

>general /u/ spam
How dare yurifags talk about yuri in a show that has lots of yuri.

They are animated differently, but I honestly don't know how you can say that Yuru Camp has very little effort put into it. Iyashikei series focus more on evoking a relaxing feeling from the viewer, and having an immersive environment that makes you feel as though you are actually there is a good way to go about doing this. I enjoy the work they do when it comes to the colours and overall designs of the environments, and how they modeled them after real world locations to add a sense of rustic grittiness to it.
Call it boring if you want, but don't pretend as though the creators had no idea what they were doing.

it s a generic cute girls doing cute things anime AND I LOVE IT people expect all anime to be the most memorable or amazing anime ever without thinking about what they realy enjoy and end up saying trash about every new anime they watch

>comparisons in the OP again
Yet another IRC shitposting thread? Haven't you had enough of them already?

There's interviews with the seyiuus, director and author every week, they are always commenting the episodes and other things. There's chara songs, duets and even things like the Enami/Eiko poster have a background that it's going to be adapted to a drama CD.

>right up next to Sora yori
Let's not kid ourselves, user. I enjoy it, and it's one of the better shows this season, but Sora Yori is in a class of its own. Tama-chan is the only really outstanding part of this, but she can only take it so far.

Also, there's still a couple days before the new episode, so there's nothing to discuss, as evidenced by the lack of any real topic in your OP.

Threads like those are the minority, comparisons are only made by Sup Forums-level shitposters and the yuri spam only really happened on the episode 7 thread because you saw what happened there (the occasional yuri comment is usually harmless). This is one of those shows that can only be discussed on its airing day due to its low popularity.

>the lack of any real topic in your OP.
That doesn't mean anything on Sup Forums, threads here are made more often to talk about shows as a whole than specific points of it and that's perfectly fine.
That said, this thread in particular was clearly made in an attempt to start shit among fanbases while using an ironic tone on top of that, so I encourage anyone who does actually like this show to not bump it.

>/u/ spam
So are you a self-insert nigger or just a shitposter?

I usually miss the threads on airing day, I suspect you are correct. Time to make an appointment with myself for the next episode


The former

Being genki/ADHD without being annoying, and also kind and considerate instead of bullying the other characters.
The cute hairstyle and accessory.
The delicious flat chest.

I think these three shows aren't exactly meant for the same audience.
If you seek a comedy-driven SoL show with lots of hints of yuri, you'll probably enjoy Slow Start the most.
If you liked a relaxing, atmospheric series like Non Non Biyori, you'll likely be fond of Yuru Camp.
If you want drama and story, perhaps Sora Yori will be your thing.

This guy gets it.

Yurucamp and Yorimoi have better comedy than SS

It's almost like people find different amounts of humor in different things. Well done, user, what a breakthrough you've made!

>Nadeshiko runs and faceplant on the window
Sorry user that's not my taste.

Yeah, but if the OP can't even come up with something to talk about and makes a thread just because "this show needs a thread" then that's a sign that there doesn't need to be a thread.

>here are big tits and the girls are envious of them and they also make boing boing sound haha
What a great taste you have

And if you just want cute girls you watch all of them. Because it's actually possible to enjoy more than one thing.

The way they put them on top of Hana and Hannen head was funny.

Amusingly enough, if he had written nothing but "Tamate" in the comment field we'd get a thread that fits Sup Forums better, has better discussion and doesn't immediately turn into awful opinion wars.
Also, there's never any need to be a thread about anything. The only way to measure how much a thread is "needed" on Sup Forums is the amount of posts it gets, if there really was no need for a Slow Start thread right now nobody would have posted here.

user didn't even shit talk Yuru Camp, he said the humor wasn't for him. Why are you being a condescending prick about it?

I disagree. Most of Yuru Camp's humor comes from Nadeshiko acting like a retard and "humorous" messaging. None of them actually manage to make me laugh ("I'm married to my kotatsu already" and shit aren't funny). Yorimoi forces comedy, there is a scene in episode 10, where for no reason at all, Kimari is hanging on the ceiling like an autist. None of those shows ever even made me chuckle, while Slow Start can actually make me laugh.
Watch the newer episodes.

The last SS thread was literally: "Is this true?" With this image attached, and that thread was mostly just discussion and playful shitposting. It's amazing how just a bit of bait can shit up a whole thread.

Disregard anyone who uses moeblob, or CGDCT as pejoratives. I bet you also call anime boring because there's no overly dramatic and unnecessarily complicated plot.


Are you actually idiots? The three fanbases shouldn't fight each other, the real enemy are the VEG and FranXX shitposters.

Shit this faggot figured out the plan

This. We need to all unite and drive out the true cancer from the board.

I'm with you on that.

Anyone know a place where they still sell these? Looked here and there and I'm gonna seriously have to search for em Start$pagemax=40$getcnt=0$pagecnt=2

why are slow start threads always like this?

I don't know, bunch of retards always have to make fights with others. I'm watching Slow Start, Sora Yori and Yuru Camp loving them all for different reasons. Fuck salesfag and fuck fanboys who have to start shit for no reason.

What do her thighs feel like?


Feels like it's been a while since we got footservice.

>Don't get ahead of yourself
Says the tripfag with a worthless opinion.


Why is Hana so perfect?! Everything she does is too cute. she so sweet I actually might get diabiates.

What's the show about? Is it worth watching just because I want to fuck Tama-chan?

The only correct answer.

was it autism

Fuck off to reddit or/and MAL and stay there, you pretentious faggot. Not every anime has to be cool, mature, emotional or informative. Being cute and heartwarming is more than enough and if you can't understand that sentiment you should stop watching anime.


W..why does the green eye one have sex eyes when the rest is just innocent eyes?

Because their teacher is holding the camera

tama-chan > hana >> eiko >>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kamuri

That's her natural look.


I want to do demeaning things to Tamachan's flat chest.

W..why is she acting like that? That's not how friends are supposed to act.

Being a lesbian seductress just comes naturally to her.

Like using it as a bongo drum?

god my wife is so cute and has a nice butt

Reminder that Kamu x Eiko is the OTP. Don't believe /u/'s lies.

Delusion isn't healthy

It's Hana x Tama


small boobs are the best though

It's actually Hana x Hiroe

This. Hanaretame is real OTP.