Darkness vs Megumin?
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Darkness easily
If they fought, it would probably end up with both of them lying exhausted on the ground, with Kazuma complaining about how much they suck.
Aqua is probably going to somehow get hurt too, despite not being involved in the fight.
>Konosuba became exactly the kind of generic shit it used to parody
Where did everything go so wrong?
money talks. konosuba isnt kazuma, darkness, aquq and megumin. in japan it is megumin, and megumin alone.
Always and forever Darkness
Marry Yunyun
Adopt Megumin
Kill Aqua and Darkness
Fuck Wiz
Didn't expect there to be so many Darkness fans
Go away Yunyun, no one cares enough to marry you.
I am not into lolis but this time somehow I prefer Megumin over Darkness.
She's not a loli anymore though
For a long term partnership? Megumin is definitely the most diamond-in-the-rough of the two. Darkness is for runty plowing and short heart-pumping escapades. Not anything like a relationship.
I'd take Darkness, and switch her out with Megumin in a couple of years. Easy peasy.
>more than friends
>less than lovers
what's that supposed to mean?
Its a meme
darkness doing pushups
aqua > darkness > megumin > yunyun > rotting cow
Why does Japan have such an obsession with Megumin anyway?
it means you're trying to date a child
Because they read the LN
Its mememi's way of not wanting to disrupt the groups unity but still have a claim on Kuzuma against darkness
Largely inoffensive personality, loli, and falls in love with the MC first
The first point seems to be the most important when you consider who their 2nd and 3rd favorite girls are
When did Darkness become such a huge slut?
>when you consider who their 2nd and 3rd favorite girls are
i haven't seen the jap popularity polls for this. guessing wiz #2 and PAD #3?
She has always been a slut
Since she started getting turned on imagining that she was being raped by monsters
Thickness, obviously
Here's the Japan Popularity Poll of konosuba sneakerbunko.jp/special/konosuba-charavote/index.php
#2 is pad and #3 is Iris
Nips really like their perfect idol girls
oh right i literally forgot about her
sasuga japan
For some reason the first thing my mind imagined was how easy it would be to break her arms
>Megumin's panties tied in 30th with Beldia
it is not surprising that the best girl would also have the most jealous haters
Axis cultists should go
Her strength stats is actually higher than Kazuma so good luck with that.
go and spread the good word, yes agreed
Aqua > Darkness > Chris > Yunyun > Megumin > Wiz
Lalatina obviously
Darkness would be perfect if she could be trained to only enjoy pain received from you. As she is, she'll be cucking you every time a random level 1 mob attacks her.
Bitch, I already have trouble sleeping. I don't need this.
>Marrying Lalatina is the same as signing up for a lifetime of being cucked by slimes
I am sure we can spin this into an isekai light novel title
No-one from Konosuba. I don't wanna catch retard.
>I Love My Crusader Girl, But She Gets Fucked By Slimes Whenever We Grind.
>The wonderful world I was reborn into has NTR Slimes
As noted, it was meant to keep it on the low to spare Darkness's feelings awhile longer....not that it mattered in the end. Meaning as intended is 'above (in public) friends, below (in private) lovers...'
In v13 they are both open about it now btw since Darkness found out in a day anyway.
She gets wet when treated like trash, but gushes like a fountain when kazuma leads as a strong, brave, confident and commanding man that single time it happened and will probably ever happen.
Aqua is also a rotting cow with a cellulite ass and only slightly less nigger bait....
Darkness, it's obvious.
This guy gets it
Darkness would maybe be able to tank a hit though? and then she will just win by default.
THOT vs true, pure love? If this is more then a one night stand There can be only one choice.
>Autistic child, uses explosion magic because illogical reasons
>Flat chest
>Cant' drink
>Useless in close rooms
>Useless after explosion
>Will name your kids something autistic.
>Can't aggro, misses every hit
>Flat personality
>A rock can do her job
>Hides her sexual appeal under her armor
>Will NTR you as soon as someone hits her harder than you
I think they can still keep the group dynamic and comedy despite kazuma and megumin being in a relonshonship though. The problem is when there are 50 different girls in kazumas dick.
Darkness is the kind of girl I'd like to marry. Although, I'm stupid enough that I'd probably go with Aqua and ruin my life by following in her alcoholism. If there was a child I'd probably have to be the one to get sober since she would refuse.
Shut the fuck up, Aqua.
>50 different girls in kazumas dick
>in Kazuma's dick
sounds painful
>all this garbage taste
It's obvious who is best girl
Isn't it canon that Kazuma cannot be sexually attracted to Aqua?
Anyone but the screeching damigami Peg Bundy ?
didnt he masturbate to her while they were living in a barn?
>teenage blonde with big breasts who is perverted and horny
i think ive made my choice
- incredible body
- kind and funny
- rich
- hurr explosion
- durr black panties
- muh kuro neko
The things I would do to this girl... God damn. I'd take her from behind for hours, she wouldn't be able to walk for days.
Good for you
Marry Dorkness, fuck Megameme.
Friends with benefits.
Nope, he did masterbate to literally every girl BUT her, same story with the succubus dreams. He simply cannot see her sexually due to her personality.
I would marry Megumin
The things I'd do to Darkness...damn, that cow would be begging to be milked while I just read the newspaper and sip coffee.
- thic
- thic
- this
- kind
- sort of funny.... sometimes.... maybe.
- incompetent in every way for her noble duties and generally dumb.
- will lose her family's fortune in record time due to above.
- will cuck the shit out of you , always.
- obese body already sagging horribly.
- will try to help help you when in trouble and will fail horribly by fucking you and losing her family fortune and still not saving anyone.
- pure love
- perfectly sinful petite that will age like fine wine.
- excellent life partner
- thrifty
- good with raising kids
- goes full mama bear when her loved ones are threatened, actually succeeds in aiding them.
- intelligent as all fuck
- might get you labeled a terrorist and lolicon...
>More and friends but less than lovers?
Megumin has been absolutely obnoxious ever since shit became romantic, Jesus Christ.
That lasted a fucking DAY , get over it.
So wait, are Megumin and Kazuma an actually item now? I have no idea what goes on in the LNs past like Volume 8
Yes, yes they are
It just HAPPENED to last a day, but her intention was to make it last who knows for how fucking long. And I imagine it would be quite the long span of time consdering her previous blueballing behavior.
MM Saber
She was perfectly willing to go full shotgun marriage if Kazuma wanted there as well.
Darkness wants to get raped by everything, Megumin is a meme so that leaves Aqua I guess.
I'll take Chris instead
Ding ding ding. I don'd mind if they're padded.
>tfw the thieving escapades stopped being fun because the other girls just HAD accompany them.
Megumin easily.
Divourceness is worst girl.
she would have held it against him
119 people are legitimately retarded
Agree. I wish I had a girlfriend IRL like Megumin, my life would be so great. Fuck.
As expected of best girl.
Oi, can anyone post that manga page with Kazuma and Megumin sitting on a couch, Megumin looking at Kazuma an the narrator text saying something like "she's looking at the one who inspires her"? Also, some general KazumaxMegumin pics? I need them for my folder. Thanks in advance!
>sexually attracted
thats the only thing he can do. he says shes undoubtedly beautiful and goddess tier etc. but he knows her as dumb, arrogant, cowardly damegami. everything about her EXCEPT her looks is no go.
Why not both?
I choose both