Hunter x Hunter

Summary from bakadata:

Chapter starts with a conversation between Seiko and Kachou.

Kachou plans to do a music show with Fugetsu during the dinner party and asks Seiko to convince her father to get the permission to perform. Kachou then says that she will fight with pride as a representative of the Kakin Kingdom and that there’s nothing to be scared about. But after Seiko goes away, Kachou calls her “Useless shit hag...!!”

Kini from the Association talks with Melody

Kini explains that suddenly someone appeared in Kachou’s room and Melody predicts that it’s someone’s Nen ability. Kini also says that prince Kachou didn’t panic at all and the presence vanished immediately. They assume that it must have been Fugetsu.

On the 5th floor the Phantom Troupe have gathered:

Phantom Troupe
0 = Chrollo
1 = Nobunaga
2 = Feitan
3 = Machi
4 = Kalluto
5 = Phinks
6 = Shalnark (dead)
7 = Franklin
8 = Shizuku
9 = Kortopi (dead)
10 = Bonolenov
11 = Illumi

They still haven’t traced Hisoka. Chrollo asks Illumi to introduce himself and assume where Hisoka could be. Illumi says that he has no idea and that they are currently playing tag. Illumi introduces himself and says that he joined the phantom troupe as he was requested by Hisoka. He also says that both know that they will eventually kill each other and now they have the chance to fulfill that. And the target Hisoka requested this time is himself (Hisoka). But as both are serious this time, Illumi doesn’t know his location.

None of the protagonists in HxH are goodly written. I can't even name three character defining moments for each of them.

The “Sha” family surround the phantom troupe and ask them to leave where they are sitting. Chrollo at first says no but the “Sha” family say that whatever they are planning to do on this ship, they will help them out. The “Sha” family consider to be indebted by the Phantom Troupe since they changed the whole landscape of the Mafia and the “Sha” family obtained more power as a result. As the Sha family will help them out, Chrollo asks what they want in return but they say that the Phantom Troupe just have to leave this place, so they leave.

The Sha family talk about the Phantom Troupe. And Sonbin says that they are like wild fire dragons and if they actually go to the first floor, then everything will be destroyed. They say that they have to stop this from happening and they contact their Young Head.

Phinks realizes that their eyes have changed after they discussed about the first floor, so he predicts that there must be a huge treasure hidden. But Chrollo says that is for later and their focus should be about Hisoka now.

Chrollo orders them to bring Hisoka’s head.

Shizuku and Chrollo are talking and Shizuku has a request. She asks him to do the fortune telling again, as that may help them out but Chrollo says that he can’t do it.

Chrollo: “Suddenly, the book vanished”

Shizuku: “Oh, that means…”

Chrollo: “That’s right.”

How's Basho gonna get out of this one?

Wait just a second. The BOOK vanished? As in, The Bandits Secret? Because Neon's ability isn't a "book"

isn't Illumi appearing on the boat a huge giveaway ? I think Togashi made a huge mistake this time and Hisokafags/Gonfags will be really mad about where this is heading.

O my Rubber Nen
After death, come back to life
With my Heart and lungs

The ability vanished, that's probably a poor translation.

Where do you think this is obviously heading user?

It just disappeared from the book.

I think it´s fake.

>only two posts worth of text
Confirmed fake.

Basho will tell Kurapika about the spiders.

Maybe Kurapika will broadcast it.

>trusting baka translation THAT much

Hai guyz what's goin on in dis thread

Gosh, you guys, it's so obvious that is going to happen one hundred chapters from now. You'd have to be a brainlet to not instantly know what Illumi's presence indicates.

Let's go under the assumption that it was, in fact, Hisoka who took out Neon to remove the ability from the book. Do you guys think it's possible he took out Owl too? What other abilities could he have already stripped from Chrollo? Indoor Fish? Covert Hands?

Every single time there's a spoiler, people like you automatically assume it's fake even though bakadata has been using the same system for years. You imbecile. It doesn't translate the full script. The full script is available, but not through baka. Stop being so goddamned stupid.

So we're all in agreement that Killua is on the boat right?

God, where the fuck is redditchink with the full translations to this chapter?

Unless he knows who he took the abilities from, I don't see how Hisoka would do that. Owl and Neon are probably the only two he'd know about.

Hisoka knows that Neon had the ability because he was there when Chrollo explained it to everyone and read their fortune. Other Hatsu like Indoor Fish, Convert Hands, etc. Hisoka would have no idea who the original owners are.

My Killuafag side would be happy, but I don't want him to be on the boat. Also, taking Alluka on this boatride with maffias and people selling organs is pretty dangerous.


Why would Killua be on the boat? He's guarding his imouto right now. Why would he deliberately go onto a ship headed to the most dangerous place in the world?

Hisoka had been in the troupe for a few years, and it's possible (not likely, but possible) that he failed Chrollo when he went to snag Covert Hands. I wouldn't be surprised if Chrollo was a fair deal lighter on abilities next time he fights

Indoor Fish seems to be something he's had for a long time, so I doubt he lost that, but if he's down H.G.W, then it's likely he no longer has Fun Fun Cloth too

Working on it.

He's not on the boat, but if he was it would have something to do with "something" being from the D.C. Theory, probably


Brainlet here. Also has been a while since I read the chapters. Are they going to the fake or real dark continent?

it was Hisoka

It's slowly spiralling down to a chaos from now for sure.

Kakin Princes/civils go on the fake. Hunters/Beyond's team are going to the real DC.

I don't think we will get a full translation this time.

>week 10
>i-illumi won't betray the t-troupe
>week 12
>i-illumi is a triple agent, y-you'll see!
>week 14
>I-illumi only killed Phinks and Feitan to give Hisoka a false s-sence of secuity
>week 15
>I-illumi is only controlling Chrollo to sneak attack h-hisoka
>week 16
>h-heh! h-hisoka let Machi live, so he technically failed. C-clownfags b-btfo!

That doesn't mean he has no way of finding out. Chrollo's conditions are so specific that he can rarely steal someone's ability without them knowing about it, so the information is probably circulating.

>Nanika is with him
>There are more creatures and answers like it in DC
>He has his family, Illumi and Kalluto on for backup now and is looking to protect Alluka
It would actually make a lot of sense for Killua to be heading to DC with them now that we know Illumi is onboard.

>that Franklin
Hiatus is close by, his drawings are getting shoddier

Wow, a new advanced form of shitposting

>2 years in-story and Paku still hasn't been replaced
>Uvo wouldn't have been either if not for Illumi being hired
Did the events of York New scar the Troupe THAT badly?

I think we have 2 chapters left.

they are looking for him through is height.
you don't suppose he cut his other leg off just to morph better?

>He has his family, Illumi and Kalluto on for backup now and is looking to protect Alluka
Killua would never rely on Illumi. I'm not sure how much he'd trust Kalluto, given that we never saw them interacting.

Since Hisoka was confident he could beat Danchou no matter what, I doubt he scouted who had what abilities he stole. It wouldn't make sense for his character, pre-death.

He's supposed to be in the background and it's probably the same size IRL as that full-profile Cammy panel from last week.

>Hires Illumi to kill him
>Cuts off his own leg
Is there anything this madman won't do?

Why wouldn't he?
Illumi won't let anyone hurt or attack his family members afterall.

It's not that easy to find strong psychos that will follow even few absolute rules.

Hisoka is fucked !

Franklin looks fine. He's drawn simplified because of distance and his lack of focus. Mangaka do that all the time. The shoddy ones are Bono and Finks.

Did you skip reading the Election Arc or something?

That's true. How much time has passed since the fight? He had time to kill Neon (which is by far the most important ability to get rid of), and likely owl. Maybe he did a little research and tracked some people down?

It's a pretty mejor reveal, I doubt it's just a 1 off nerf. It is the biggest restriction of his ability after all

I hope Togashi portrays him as more deranged than usual.

they are retards if they think that's gonna work
he is totally capable of cutting his other leg

No I didn't, Illumi said he cares about and wants to protect his family in that chapter. He may not consider Alluka one but he'd want to save and protect Killua and Kalluto atleast.
Did you speedread it perhaps?

>Hisoka transforms into a cute Loli and assassinates the Troupe easily

I kind of wish the PT side doesn't connect with the Kurapika side too much. Otherwise this is just shaping up to be Yorkshin 2.0, I'd much rather see Kurapika focus on the princes and the PT to deal with Hisoka.

How is that fanfic coming along in which you show Togashi that he is wrong and Hisokek really should have won?

Killua doesn't trust Illumi and doesn't consider him a "backup".

thank you.

post some fake spoilers pics for the waiting

IMO they are gonna be separated for quite a while and meet only on the final part of the arc with just a few princes and spiders left

There's enough of them that Danchou has ~10 abilities stored up, minimum. Of course, I guess at the end of the day, Chrollo has to decide between stealing their abilities or letting them join.

Yeeeesssss, kill them allll.

The Troupe has spent days looking for Hisoka and no leads or bathroom ambushes have popped up.
The magician's latest trick is not even being on the same floor as them.

Its already connected since the Mafia is contacting Luzurus and telling him that the PT is on the boat.

For fucks sake, he isnt even 190 cm tall. What are they thinking? Keep up this level of retardation, and they may actully lose.

Can you imagine the butt hurt here if he actully manages to do It? I like both sides, but if he manages to pull this off with odds this shitty, I will have lost all respect for the Troupe and Illumi

Yeah York shin was one of the worst arcs.

Do you think that Chrollo will be focused on Sun and Moon from here on, or that he'll change his fighting style for every single fight?

They two plotlines are going to mash straight into each other at some point, along with the killer clown. The Prince arc isn't going to go away, there will be more variables in play for their fight.

You fucker.

Kurapika and the Troupe will meet 100%. It's just a matter of when.

For Luz's sake, Basho better be present to tell him how bad of an idea it would be to invite the spiders.

Well, I know it is connected, but they don't have to be really connected just like how the PT fought CA while being only tangentially related to the whole arc. I don't expect this to be that unrelated, but the more connected these two sides get, the more of a clusterfuck this'll be.

Rematch soon

His databook height probably didn't include his ridiculous clown shoes. And besides, it's not like a person can instantly tell how many centimeters is a person is.

Well, it's the only ability he won't lose for sure. Probably already placed it on himself too just in case.

>There's enough of them that Danchou has ~10 abilities stored up
What does that have to do with people joining?

Nanika and the CA Queen aren't the only ones to come from the outside.

Of course he'll change it up. In doing so, he'll pull five new abilities out of his magic book, but it'll be done. We'll see Sun & Moon again for sure, since the post-mortem death is such a big thing, but he's not going to turn into a one-track pony.

Illumi needs to meet Killua, he isn't on the ship like others are already saying, Hisoka most likely will die soon. Gon x Gyro end of the manga

Current Spiders vs Zodiacs
Which side would win?

>it's not like people can instantly tell how many centimeters a person is
Which is EXACTLY my point! Why are they so fixated on his height when he can likely maniplate that by removing another leg? Hell, he could just become a security gaurd and nobody would even think to bring him in.

Why wouldn't he? They're family.

It means he's found a bunch of people who could potentially join the Troupe but stole their abilities instead of inviting them.

>all of the princes are blond

Why is Togashi so lazy?

>Illumi needs to meet Killua
Why? They have some shit between them, but it's not any more importent then Gon vs Hisoka rematch, which already isn't important on its own

If you've got practically nothing to go on, might as well use what little you do.

Training with Cheadle really paid off.

Zodiacs has Kurapika, that can kill most of them without any problems

Luxury, Fuu, Maryam and Tyson aren't blond.

What will become of the state of these threads is Hisoka actully manages to pull this shit off? Will it be even worse then O?

I believe that Togashi has explained in interviews that he doesn't have official colors for his characters. Hisoka is even blond sometimes.

There are different hair colors for Benjamin, Tubeppa, Sale-Sale, Marayam, Momoze and Woble in the official colored manga.

What killed the hype?

Lets rank Princes by who would be the best ruler:
The Leviathan Tier Has principles but knows to be ruthless when it is necessary. Looks for alliances, but pressures his allies to be useful rather than parasites shielding behind him. Leaves personal feuds to destroy his enemies, has no personal foes himself.
Zhang Lei

Ok Tier: Intelligent, but stubborn, hotheaded or flawed in other ways. Let emotions guide them to suboptimal choices. Make allies and enemies based on what they feel like at the moment.

Mediocre Tier: Lacking in ruthlessness, mental fortitude or foresight. Have personal flaws that would be easily exploited by their foes.

Bad Tier: Incapable of leadership due to delusions or young age. They are easy to read and take advantage of by smarter opponents and "friends".

Dystopia Tier: Rather than ignoring morals when necessary, they completely lack a moral compass to guide them. They have nothing but their own ego and self-satisfaction in mind, with little care to the lives of others. They are hated by everyone who comes into contact with them.

If we ignore the Boar and the Rat, they have the same numbers. We don't know most of their abilities, but we do know they sparred with Netero, and they're all at least Double Star Hunters, meaning they've been around the block and then some. Hisoka gave us some numbers and they were all lower than Illumi's, but we don't know how reliable those numbers are, and as Bisky and Morel taught us, power levels are bullshit.


Illumi vs Chrollo who wins?

Get ready, Chrollocucks.

The Volume covers mean nothing. Sometimes the characters look way off-model just because. Don't take them to be canonical.