Military dictatorship, child soldiers, and genocide. BELIEVE IT!

military dictatorship, child soldiers, and genocide. BELIEVE IT!

Adult Naruto is so fucking cool

He got rid of all this shit

he really didnt though

>Start fighting the man
>Becomes the man

I still believe (no pun intended) that Kishi originally planned Naruto to get rid of the ninja system or at least make some radical changes but Shuiesha arrived with a truck full of money for a sequel so he had to let the setting unaltered in spite it goes against the entire point of the manga

He is kind of doing it, its just that he is doing it slowly.

Any example? Konoha is still a fascistic state run and sustain by contract killers, they still train child soldiers and Itachi is a saint and Orochimaru is valuable ally so genocide isn't a big deal

I haven't been keeping up with the sequal but have they had Yamto (the tree guy who was the result of Orochimaru's eugenics experiment) interact with pedosnake after he turned good? it feels like that's something that needs to be addressed.

naruto is bad but boruto is a mistake, a MISTAKE!

And Kabuto runs an orphanage despite the fact that he revived Madara and the war would not have been possible if not for him

Just like Lucas
It's poetry it rhymes

Orochimaru diplomatically is the ninja equivalent of Assad.
Only tolerated due to the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" mantra but still monitored.

He's had his head fucked with until he became a good guy, even if they half-assed the explanation he was completely reformed, something any prison system in the world could only dream of. He's technically already "paid his debt to society" (Unless you want him killed for being a war criminal, but that's another story),

Of course you can apply real life examples to Naruto. Nazi scientists were monsters when they were building missiles for Germany but they were genius when they were working for America, Von Braun, the unit 731, "Somoza may be a son of a bitch but he's our son of a bitch", etc but Naruto isn't a grey morality tale and it lacks the subtetly and the inteligence to treat such a complex theme anyway. It's a manga about magic ninjas and popular characters get away with everything because they're popular, period

Don't forget the propaganda

>completely failed his main objective

Is he the Luke Skywalker of anime?

Well, if you consider that it was a ninja war, that means they no longer have casus belli to continue fighting the opposing side after the war has ended.

Actually Kabuto is my favorite character. I just still think his reformation is a bit dumb is all but Itachi is hax I suppose.

>Yep, all of that happened.
>Uchihas r great n cool
>What do you mean attempted genocide? What do you mean Sasuke was a war criminal? Oh you read it from some old records? C'mon they're outdated and full of inaccuracies, trust me I was there. It never happened.
>Who are you gonna believe hmm? Me, your dear leader, or some paper feeding you lies?

nothing wrong with that

Why do spin-offs always ruin the MC? Same thing happened with Goku by turning him into a piece of shit that doesn't even know when his kids were born.

Holy shit you're right

>Kabuto is my favorite character
A fellow Kabutofriend.

At least Dragon Ball never had a direction, it was just adventures and fighting the strongest bad guy around. Naruto's entire journey was about changing his society because it's beyond fucked up but he failed. This is like the sequel trilogy

How about that Sarada girl?

Boruto, did I ever tell you about Kabuto? He was a Sound Village agent who tried to kill me a few times, and then revived a bunch of powerful dead ninjas in order to help start a war. But Sasuke brainwashed the evil out of him, and now he runs an orphanage filled with onion kids with Sharingan. Did I ever tell you about Sasuke? He was a good friend.

You do know that hidden villages are not countries or even the capital cities of their countries and that Naruto is not the president (or whatever) of the land of fire, right?

inferior to real daughter

I really hate how this girl is drawn with a baby face and shitty high heels that just don't work. Fucking dumb pedos that don't know how to draw women.

no shit. he still has power over life and death of people in and around his village though

It's a feudal society though not a military dictatorship.

I think you might be right

It seemed like a typical early 1900s japanese settlement rather than a feudal one.

The fire lord's land follow a feudal system. Konoha is a fascist state vassal to the fire lord and its economy is built around contracts that go from reacuing kitties to war.

Orochimaru did nothing wrong

>vassal to the fire lord

they are by all appearances de-facto completely independent


i wanted to fuck them in the original drawing but the fixed faces raise my dick by 500% desu

I think it's like Korea and China. The king of Korea was a vassal of the emperor of China but that never stopped Japan for chimping out any time they feel it. Fun fact, during the Japanese civil war, some intellectuals thought it'd be convenient if the emperor accepted the froendahip and the support of China to his crown and bring stability to the nation. That never happened but Japan could become a vassal state of China

His main goal was to become hokage, and he succeeded in that.

>narusakufags actually still exist

While it's never been explained well, the countries/villages are all actually run by non-combative politicians, while technically the kage are all figureheads. Also unless I missed something, while the Konoha regime has supported genocide Naruto hasn't. Finally I'm not sure if Naruto is a war monger but he didn't seem like he was from how the final chapter was going. He was in good with all the other countries, at least, hence using aliens as an excuse to create more conflict. I imagine it's more world police, less imperialism nowadays.

>I imagine it's more world police, less imperialism nowadays.

bro what the fuck do you think "world police" means

I would not be surprised if it is in fact the other way around, considering that Kohona has a near-monopoly on force and knowledge of ninjutsu within the Land of Fire, and that Kohona protects its borders for relatively little payment, IIRC. In fact, state-sponsored trivial missions (like the cat retrevial mission) can be viewed as a form of tribute by the Daimyo

Since the Zabusa arc, Naruto realized the ninja world is a fucked up place and he vowed to forge his own path rather than follow his predecessors. During the story, Naruto realizes about the injustices the ninja system have brought over countless people so his dream grow along him, not only become Hokage to be recognized by his peers but become Hokage for changing the system. At the end, Naruto became the system

I mean it literally, not in the ironic and mocking way America is referred to as a means of disguising its imperialism.

Konoha has no interests in expanding, as far as we know, and only has a military for the same reasons modern Japan has a military.

Why doesn't he realize the immorality of a dictatorship and bring democracy to the nation?

There should've been an epilogue where Sasuke hunted down and executed him.

The problem is that the system is the same but under another administration. Just like Hollywood movies, it's the easy way out, the conservative solution. Remove the bad element but remain everything the same. I think naruto may be worse in this aspect because Hollywood never stop with the USA military shilling while the manga admit there were serious problems with the system itself. So far Naruto seems like a weak leader allowing mass murderers to run free, not a good start

Asia doesn't understand the concept of democracy because they can't understand individual rights. When Asians start to get the concept of democracy, they're killed



her mom is sakura of course she'll be a fuck up

Yeah, and it is shame that the only other living person who can challenge Naruto, Sasuke, is now constantly giving fellatio to Naruto’s ego and converting disbelievers to the Church of Naruto and the Will of Fire and possibly brain-damaged, instead of reminding and pressuring Naruto about fulfilling his promises, or better yet, fulfilling them himself when Naruto has shown incapable

Except no, because they addressed this in the end with Sasuke's "I'm still going to crush Konoha and all the kage because the system is flawed" to which Naruto showed him he would improve upon the system yada yada blah blah he made peace between all the countries etc. so at least now "countries" are not a problem, in theory. That said there will always be dangerous elements, so the world has not been demilitarized.

I'm disregarding Orochimaru and other bullshit as bad Kishimoto writing, because as forgiving as Naruto is that's too stupid even for him. Orochimaru may actually be the most evil character in Naruto, it's kind of ridiculous.

why murricans hate democracy so much?

Aren't most missions to protect people or do basic stuff, not actually kill others? At least that's how Konoha portrayed them. Historically it makes sense for Shinobi to have to kill a lot though.

>disobeying Itachi

Change doesn't happen overnight, it takes time. Naruto has laid down the foundation for change, by brining peace and stability to the world, it will gradually move away from militarism on its own.

Idk, about Kabuto, but Sasuke should of hunted down and killed Orochimaru with the Human Path of the Rinnegan. It is pretty much the only technique that defeats Oro’s immortality, as it absorbs the victims soul and gives the user all of the victim’s memories, knowledge and experience

>Konoha has no interests in expanding, as far as we know, and only has a military for the same reasons modern Japan has a military.
Naruto has to apply political pressure against South Korea.

The same public reason.

Naruto wanted to put an end to war and usher in an era of peace, which he did. His goal was never to solve literally every single problem in the world.

Naruto did and is continuing to change the system, the fuck are you talking about?

>creates an era of peace where so-called "child soldiers" don't actually have to fight and die in wars, just rescue cats and shit
>B-But he didn't change the system!!!

Isn't Orochimaru likely to outlive Sasuke and Naruto? What's stopping him from waiting for them to die and then taking over?

Ninjas going soft and mosr of them apply to other jobs when they complete the academy though

He has given up on his worst pursuits, but he still pursued them and, if I recall correctly, he's into cloning experimentation now. Also I don't think he ever perfected immortality, so there's no telling when he'll kick the bucket.

Yeah, Oro prefected immortality during the Shippiden Boruto timeskip

Naruto did change the system, the problem is that the only thing that was needed was a "let's all be friends and not stab each other in the back anymore!!!!!!"

That's BS. I felt like the entire point of him pursuing that and all the lengths he went through was that in the end it was impossible and not worth it. Having him achieve immortality is bollocks

Also he still waits Konoha to get their hands full so he can conduct fucked up experiments again

Well yeah, that's what Naruto is about.

And they keep him in existence because it's a "ha ha funny joke I kidnapped and tortured children for years and years among other horrible things"?

That pretty much describes Naruto, post-Madara defeat. Sasuke should of have won, honestly

What are the chances of a Athens developing to the Shinobi system’s Sparta? I would love to see how the administrations of the Shinobi system react to seeing a better quality of life

Sarada dresses like a fucking hooker. Single moms, man...

wut? explain

It is Sasuke’s fault, honesty. He left Sarada to be raised by that attention-desperate woman child of a failure

The Uchiha Clan Massacre. Counts as a genocide as a there was a concentrated effort to kill every single Uchiha

the worst ever implementation of the Shounen 'enemies become friends' trope, even worse than how we were supposed to forget Vegeta genociding planet after planet because Bulma's pantsu got wet

Uchihas should never win, user


Its more like "you gonna come in case we cant come up with solution of this problem,"

>if you all don't play nice, I'mma throw a bijuu bomb at your village and there's nothing you can do about it
seriously how can people feel safe in this world?

Senju should never succeed either, as Senju leadership is responsible for 90% of everything fucked in this series
I believe that Sasuke should should of have won and was right in his plans, only because of the irreformability of the Shinobi system. He genuinely had a point about the System was a cancer on the world, sucking everything dry, and such, deserved to be treated with lethal force

But why blame naruto for genocide? except for complete history censorship

Yeah well there happened to be plenty of immortal zetsu goo around to use for a body, so there goes that

They probably brainwashed or drugged themselves into believing that the world is okay. Naruto does not give a damn about that as he got his happy ending and family

Imagine living in a world where the president of one country can shit out nukes at will, while the vice president of said country can conjure mountain-slashing gigantic flying mecha

You cant really have democracy when one in 100 is capable of killing the other 99 on a whim, and one in 10 000 can kill all the 1`s on a whim.

true, all not people are equal in naruto's world. to the rest of the people, the ninjas are like a different, superior race

>if you all don't play nice, I'mma throw a nuke bomb at your country and there's nothing you can do about it
That's the reason there haven't been any large wars between major powers in over 70 years

Samurai make even the noblest ninja look like a filthy nigger

Maybe it will all change once they invent some sort of weapon that would make mass-conscript armies viable to attack ninjas. Kind of like how feudalism only collapsed once you could arm a shitty peasant with a crossbow, and he can kill your shiny damn knight with one well-placed, or lucky hit.

Once you make ninja obsolete then you can become egalitarian.

You hit the nail on the head. People are rightly blaming Naruto as a co-conspirator to the Massacre, due to him misusing his authority to hide the Massacre instead using it to dispense justice, acknowledge, memorialize, apologize, and learn from the Massacre. Though blaming him directly for it is a bit too much, imo but considering that Naruto is completely fine with Sasuke terrorizing the Underground with norestrictions, they maybe on to something here

that's why Naruto commissioned the ninja tech weapons
now, do people still think he doesn't want to change the system?

I want wiki leaks equivlent in Narutoverse. Bring them all down.

He's aa worse a father and husband as Sasuke.

because Russia and other major powers can actually retaliate a little bit. If Naruto ever decided to go ham, nobody can do a thing (sasuke will follow naruto anyway)