First wholesome romance of this kind I've seen. I never thought I'd like this. I usually dislike romance.
Is this the best of its kind? I need more.
First wholesome romance of this kind I've seen. I never thought I'd like this. I usually dislike romance.
Is this the best of its kind? I need more.
It was alright, but had too much forced drama.
Should have been more about them getting closer and less about bad love triangles that you know aren't going anywhere.
Maybe they could have done more with the ending had they not wasted time doing that.
A solid 7/10 with the confirmed marriage and baby end maybe bringing it up to 8/10.
Too much awkward mumbling 4 me
I liked Ore Monogatari better
>forced drama
This was about as straightforward as it gets. I would even say boring since besides the literally who rival subplot that's dropped quickly it's extremely idealistic that a couple would make it to marriage from that age.
It was all unnecessary though.
We didn't need Chinatsu getting all mopey over Azumi for several episodes and scenes. Especially since it seemed like that whole sub got dropped as soon as it was introduced.
We didn't need Azumi getting all pissy during the festival.
Could have been much more sweet with the main conflict coming from the change in schools and future careers.
It had some downs but overall it was great and had a nice happy ending. I felt bad for Chinatsu. She also deserved someone. But not that other guy. Fuck that guy. Also that blonde guy and the teacher should have gotten it on too.
Well, aren't they in junior high? I kind of expected more mumbling.
>Is this the best of its kind?
Watch/read some good shoujo like Ore Monogatari and Shirayuki-hime. If you don't mind yuri then Kase-san is also very similar but with much less awkwardness and much more skinship.
>had too much forced drama.
It barely had any drama, any less and the whole series would have ended in 3 episodes or turned into a comedy.
>A nice happy ending
One that felt almost entirely unearned, sure. When you remove all the tropes from a genre you get pure, distilled idealism and very little stakes. It's a romance for people who don't like actual interactions and character growth.
Good taste.
Thanks, added to my ptw
>>Is this the best of its kind?
>proceeds to list whats arguably a romcom and a fantasy story resembling snowwhite with a truckload of combat sequences and overarching political plotlines
you people, mentally deficient and youre not even trying to hide it.
Are you retarded? They're all romances.
>waa why do you recommend me Naruto when I said I like One Piece! It doesn't even have pirates!
like i said, youre not even trying to hide your mental deficiency.
guess kuzu no honkai and touch are also the same thing now. they are romances after all.
Go shitpost somewhere else retard.
OP wanted wholesome romances, that's exactly what Ore Monogatari, Shirayuki and Kase-san are, whether your autism agrees with it or not.
what are your suggestions?
read the rules you fucking retard.
Just wanted to say this should have been AOTY.
Fucking retard, they're all romances either way lmao.
chinatsu is best gril
This is probably my favorite romance, It felt so wholesome. I fucking loved the MC, He was alpha shy tried his best and just an all around nice guy who you felt you had to root for because he wouldn't do any wrong.
>anime board
>discussion about wholesome romances
>sperging autist rages in thread about god knows what
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what are you referring to?
All request threads for adult content belong on /r/, and all request threads for work-safe content belong on /wsr/, unless otherwise noted.
he's not asking for a request, he's calling you out, you dipshit
and kill yourself
OP didn't ask for recs, he started a discussion by asking if Tsuki ga Kirei was the best of its kind.
I understand that back on R*ddit you guys pay a lot of attention to enforcing strict no-fun rules, but I would suggest tuning off your autism around here. Lurking 2 more years before posting wouldnt hurt you either.
Suggestions are requests, retard.
>OP didn't ask for recs,
>Is this the best of its kind? I need more.
like i said, not even trying to hide the mental deficiency
This is not a request thread. It's a thread about Tsuki Ga Kirei and my surprise for liking these kinds of romance Anime.
sperging autist confirmed.
now please stop derailing the thread and start contributing or get the fuck out. You are literally spamming right now. How many rules are you breaking yourself with your Sup Forums rules gestapo shit?
What surprised me the most in this Anime is how conflicts got resolved in a very smooth way. It felt very satisfying. I always expected some kind of argument on conflict. For example when Kotaru doesn't show up to the shop. Ultimately it lead to the cutest scene in the Anime.