Dumping chapter 107.
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Flute a cute
DDL as usual.
Love that little happy smile of flute over Kazuya's faith in her.
Thanks OP.
And that's it, short chapter this month. Next month is when things start to get good, until then.
>this is the song of my people
thanks champ
Flute looks so happy ;_;
Thanks for the dump
Feels great that we've finally reached this fight and the old goat will finally get what's coming to him.
The popping veins make me think he isn't smiling.
I miss flute.
She's not gone. Yet.
That was a good plan. Where did it go so wrong.
Did we got new stuff from stream ?
Nothing too interesting. Just finishing the fight with Madarai.
Does he get split in half?
Not yet, but he's about to be defeated.
Oh yeah, forgot he finger blasted her.
I wonder if he had accepted spear's offer, would he have gotten to load her up with spirit energy as well?
Oriobana would probably make them do it or entice spear into taking action just like flute did last chapter.
>That smile
Dammit Kazuya, you failed to protect it and killed her!
So he's cancelling all the vibrations except those in Kazuya's own body which is why it works when he makes contact?
>old man tells other old man to get off his lawn
Not a fan of some of the stuff from the raws, its a bit too fast imo, but hopefully when its all done it will be less painful
Dat lower right smile is a nice highlight of their relationship till now. With Kiriha, he already started off with an affection bonus, whereas with Kyouka they started at zero and gradually broke the ice. She better get fixed for some steamy hot bagpipe action later on. I want to see her and Kiriha clash in a friendly manner.
Looks so fucking boring. I hope he'll be done with the "forced martial art tournament" arc because the entire idea is retarded.
I like it, the action is good
Don't worry, we'll get more suffering in just a couple chapters.
Same. Each fight had interesting things happen, varied power displays and in between fights we got some of the lewdest stuff to date.
I care little about action in mangas because it's always retarded.
>"okay imma pick a fight with a professional soldier who has decades of experience fighting"
>"hahah rekt him instantly"
>"oh no an old man, he's wrecking my shit"
>"quick let's have a flash back, use a Deus Ex Machina, and win"
>"hahaha I win and I only have all of my organs crushed and I lost one testicle"
No matter what manga, it's always complete bullshit like that.
See you in the translation thread
Maybe read some good manga
I just hope that tournament will be done soon.
Define "good".
>Define "good"
There are plenty of series with realistic combat that you want to see
Thing is I can't decide if I'd rather have "realistic" combats or shorts combats. Since they always end up being about people punching/shanking each others.
Maybe I should just stop watching anime in general.
>I just hope that tournament will be done soon.
Define "soon" because we're months away from resolving this fight. If you're not feeling it just drop it and come back around the summer time.
To be honest, I already dropped it and was hoping that new chapter would happen after the tournament.
I need a small coupon that says something like "it's okay to not like this" and can be traded for a hug.