Boku no Hero Academia

Why is she so useless?

Because she has a broken power. If she was actually written competently she could resolve every issue instantly

Because Hori doesn't know how to write interesting female characters. Simple as that.

She's going to die tragically.

She helps people prevent prostate cancer. I consider that helpful.

>She helps people prevent prostate cancer.

Nah I don't think Hori has the balls to kill her off. She'll just remain useless and basically be a background character for the rest of the manga. She might get some time to shine if she fights Toga, but by then it'll probably be to late for her character.

Because her only purpose for existing is baiting waifufags.

It's her true quirk

Her only purpose is to bear Deku's children

She's very useful

For the Villains

Because she's not sitting on my face

Hi how are you

She hasn't done anything to dub her useless but she has a surprisingly autistic hatebase.

shut up you fucking extra

>mad that people have taste

>She hasn't done anything to dub her useless
No, she hasn't done anything at all. THAT is why she is useless.


So Bakugou is also useless

As if anyone sane would waifu Ochako.

>he posted it again

Being fat?


She's almost as shit as Kendou.

not interesting

I want tsuyu you have lots of bakubabies!!!

So apart from Deku and Todo everyone in class Sup Forums is useless?
Got it.

Wow you are bitter. Kendou is a treasure.

Because she can't decide what she actually wants to do with her life.

Todomomo is the best crack ship.

>Generic yandere bitch #137
Whew boy. Is this your first fucking manga or are your tastes just that shit.

>class B
>not shit

It's called "moe gap" and it makes girls cute.

She's done a lot of useful things, her main problem is that Hori wrote her into a corner regarding her feelings and now he's afraid to do anything significant with her

>and it makes girls cute.
Is this what Ochakofats actually believe?


>she's done a lot of useful things

I want you to fucking die

But Toga is clearly best girl.

>is that Hori wrote her into a corner regarding her feelings and now he's afraid to do anything significant with her

do you read the same manga?

Is the meme frog inbred?

Can Hori switch Heroines already? Mei would be 100% better
>creative gadgets

Just do it Hori


>t. Assmad Ochakofag who doesn't like when people bring up how shit they're waifu is.

Hori must have really hated Nighteye to kill him off that quickly.

I want to motorboat Yaoyorazu

But that's exactly what's happening.
Or did you think that a dumb reaction picture qualifies as an argument?

You proved him right.
This thread sucks ass whether you agree with one autist or the other.

I'm okay with this. For some reason

Her tits aren't that big.

>boku no hero sucks because I'm impatient

There I saved everyone 500 posts

Nah, it's just that Hori is shit writer and used his quirk and death to bring in forced drama for that arc

What do you think the next chapter is about.
>Hey Deku why don't you try using support items
>Oh hey look at this super genius girl who you get along with who's super interested in making you support items who is also standing right next to us
>Guess I better get out of the way and let you make babies

Treasure is supposed tyo have value.

this explains so much
such as why the comedy is so bad


But could she survive his Virginia Smash?

Which kind of babies, user?

Why don't you go back to /asp/ and never come back, you sockpuppetnigger?

Momo should have been the heroine instead of Ochako. She's smarter than Deku and a richfag. She could have complimented him way better. Instead Ochako is dumber, weaker, poorer, less flashy and as plain-looking as him. She contributes absolutely nothing.

>All For One narrates to the audience that All Might should have died triumphantly in their battle, and sticking around Midoriya would be detrimental to his long term advancement since he will be reliant instead of growing on his own
>the story then proceeds for another 80 chapters with All Might teaching Midoriya more and more and helping him out with no negative consequences at all, including Midoriya teaching himself merely from hints or leading statements
Does this guy not know how to write or what

>saved Deku from falling to his death
> made Kurogiri float so Iida could escape
> Saved Tsuyu from Toga

She's probably got some equipment for that.

Man I loved every time Deku autism'd out with her.
Shame he didn't this time but the chapter was too crammed.

Hori is setting her character development up just like he did with deku, you swine.

Why do you think he had those pages about her feeling regret for not being able to save nighteye? And the whole point of that love acceptance chapter was to move past it for now instead of having her constantly think about it and have the audience groan. It's basic comprehension.

>no Jirou posts
Great taste, she's worthless.

>Took over 100 chapters and a hero dying to realize she wants to save people
If that isn't a indication that her character is garbage and her development is going absolutely nowhere then I don't know what is.

Mei would be a terrible Heroine, but she's fine as a side character.

I hope her fight vs Toga in Season 3 is extended and has good animation.

Reminder that Smash already predicted that Mineta and Momo will end up together

She is a strong autistic girl

But is Momo a shotacon?

Her reasoning for getting her hero license before that was to help her parents make money.

She's realizing she doesn't just want to do that, she also wants to save people.

Who doesn’t? All he did was hold AM’s chosen successor back because he was salty and thought his choice was better, good fucking riddance

B-But she's cute and THICK haha

Patrician tastes my friend.

>It's basic comprehension
You put too much faith to anons

Damn dat delusion.
user thinks he's reading War and Peace instead of a shonen manga.

Hori's fault. She could be top tier girl with some adjustments. Fix her power and don't give her a first sight love interest right away, work a little more on her life purpose. With this design and the proper fix she could easily win the crowds while being a good character for the story.

What is wrong with supporting your parents as a motivation you absolute piece of shit?

No, it’s actually interesting because she has no hard set goals unlike the other characters who has a clear cut path

I wanna spank Ochako’s jiggly ass

She's a Shotocon

The pairings in smash are decided

I want to marry Deku and love him forever!

No, just basic reading comprehension, which is ironic since, as you said, this is an halal ISIS propaganda for good girls yet you can’t grasp it

yea, delusion about the same mangaka that made a successful rival character like bakugo through long set up in past arcs.

Momo, a Shotocon? Yay!

I wish katsuyu sketchfag was still here.


Except for the fact that her character development is practically non-existent so it looks more like Hori just doesn't know what he wants to do with her.

>yea, delusion about the same mangaka that made a successful rival character like bakugo through long set up in past arcs.
case in point

So are you bottling up your feelings or not Ochunko. Make up your damn mind.

Today I shall remind them again
And again
Until all they can reply is
>It doesn’t count

Pretty much.

Kurapika is a cuter girl than anyone in My Hero Academia.

Girls (male) don't count.

>people complain about ochako
>meanwhile iida

>Not even the cutest girl (male) in her (his) own series
