Shingeki no Kyojin

Isa-hack delivered.

The thing about a joke is that you can only say or do it so many times before it stops being funny.

You have long since hit that threshold, FaceAppfag.

His name is Squall.

I think Joking Armin face will fit better than faceapp
Also an Armin transparent in the sky on explosion panel

>stupid faceswap
>early threads again
what a retard

>Only the elite survey corps still use the swords
>And FUCKING Sasha
Sasha is on the same level of Mikasa and Manlet confirmed

Wtf kind of name is Squall? Isn't that a bird name?

>We get to see Colossal Armin ascending from the water

>user doesn't get the joke
it's because of them sharing the same surname and annie acting like a female version of squall

Why do LAMEfags spam these awful faceapp images so much?

Crunchyroll translation link when?

Probably not today
Why not?

>next chapter
>Armin's colossal titan form is only partially revealed at first
>Reiner and Annie's father look up to it
>It has boobs

>save me pieck-chan

>shitty English
>shitty typesetting
>shitty FaceApp shit

Get out of my Sup Forums brainlet.

He wasnt there anymore

>Annie's father
>Waking up

>literally, LITERALLY, a Midnight Sun

Bravo Isayama, you fucking hack

>faceapp niggers are ESL faggots.

Explains a lot.

All according to keikaku

Eren sent letter to his husband
Screencap this ;D

Someone in the previous thread posted the official translation of the panels that had shitty translation in the reddit typeset

So what EXACTLY is Eldians' plan? So far, they are playing straight according to Tybur's plan, convincing the world that they are vile monsters that need to be erradicated.

Do they honestly believe that amassing all titan powers will be enough in a war against a whole fucking world (assuming it's their plan and it might not even be that, as they only actively try to steal WHT)?

Do fujos know that men can't have babies with each other?

Yeah but not all pages

Their plan is to destroy humanity using the Wall Titans.

Annie is love, Annie is life.

Armin is cancer

I still think they have a deal with the asians who will vouch for them before the international community. Showing they are not to be fucked with is not bad either.
Marley is a great country who didn't lose any war, and was completely defeated by Paradis in their own home. I doubt the other countries will want to get on Paradis' bad side if they can avoid it.
Israel also was a rogue state and eventually people had to swallow that they weren't going anywhere.

>inb4 spergout

The big plot twist is what everyone plotted with the walldians to erradicate marley.

Cute and alive.

Oh man imagine this. I want Isayama to deliver this

After that last thread that Annie pasta makes a lot of sense.

>Annie might actually be in love with eren, He's the only man in her life to ever bring her some kind of happiness. Even her and her father have a toxic relationship. Yet this cute oblivious boy she met brought her joy and help shift her world view, with his ignorant yet passionate ideals.

His enthusiasm and dedication for getting stronger as well as going against the current ,against all odds had a great impression on annie.
She thought it was especially cute how excited he was when learning a new move, it made her smile
She had wished she could be like him but admits she's a weak person at heart, scared to oppose the marley empire, yet she wishes for the courage to do so.

When she wakes up next chapter, she'll learn that eren possess the founding titan and humanity now has the colossal titan under their control. Meaning opposing marley is now a viable option and not just stupid optimism. She'll then join eren and the walldians to help save the eldians and destroy the marley she hates so much. So that the eldians stuck in marley, weak people forced along the current, can be considered people too.

Everything pretty much checks out. He's right.

After Eren tried to kill all their diplomats? There's a limit to delusions you know, Paradiscuck.

has anyone reuploaded an official release? the typeset looks like garbage.

It's impressive how we're four chapters into the festival and we STILL DON'T KNOW ANYTHING.
We don't know for sure on whose side Zeke is.
We don't know if Annie is alive
We don't know what exactly is Paradis' plan
We don't know anything about the asian lady
And more questions keep popping up: what are these lights for, what is "THAT" which the survey corps are waiting, etc.

Isayama is a fucking cock teaser

>Showing they are not to be fucked with is not bad either

But this will only have the opposite effect in uniting the world against them, North Korea style. And unlike NK and Israel, they don't have the power of nuclear deterrence - Eren can't use the founding titan powers, Historia will follow king Cuck's ideology, and I don't think they'd trust Zeke with that (considering that they are actively workint with him).

As far as the events go, I can only see it ending with massive assault against Paradis and death of everyone.

SNK has always been like this

>lose marciel to a mindless titan
>attack shinganshina
>attack throst
>Eren recovers trost
>female titan appears
>female titan jobs to eren
>zeke is out
>Reiner and bert gets discvered and kidnap eren and ymir
>they try to get hisu but faills
>bert and reiner reunites with zeke and pieck for the Shiganshina battle
>Zeke run aways with reiner as a little bitch and bert gets eaten by armong
If you think about Marley didn`t get destroyed earlier thanks to the king Karl Fritz

Post up to date time skip Armin fanart

4 chapters ago
>Pieck and Porco were stuck in a basement
>Mikasa, manlet and JSC hadn't shown up in more than a year
>Armong hadn't nuked anything
>Zeke was strolling through the streets
>we thought that Willy was the warhammer which still had never been seen before
>Falco and Reiner's fates were unknown
>the gate guards, the panzer squad, Mads, Zofia and Udo were alive

dumb frogposter

If the current was supposed to be the an allegory for annie's selfishness in the face of moral decisions and not an enemy, then wouldn't she relate the current she's getting swept by to Marco and his idealism which directly correlate to being selfish or selfless in the face of morality?

Instead she relates it to Erens ability to oppose a dominant force, like marley is to her, that's why she was so moved by his words, and that's why now that they share a common enemy in the world it'll make perfect sense when she joins him.
Incredible foreshadowing.

>The best marleyans are dying
>Maggath is the only cool marleyan left now

>Sasha spared a kid,but killed another one a few minutes later and another one indirectly at the same time

She was just saving bullets.

It's like sending 12 year olds alone with no military support into a dangerous and important mission is a stupid ass plan.

Sasha's mistake will cost Jean's life.
I hope she never hesitates again about killing a kid.

>hundreds of thousands died from inside the walls

She didn't though.

To save millions

It really is. Magath even points out how stupid it is.
Isayama is a hack

You don't know how to read, user


>Thanks to the walls government's incompetence.

Don't take the bait, is not worth it.

>this is the moment Annie decided to kill Jean in the FT arc

Who were humans by the way since they were nobles.
Maybe humans should be wiped out by the eldians after all.

You're just delusional.

No, no, no, user. Don't you see? It is all a plan. He has teamed up with Levi. Zeke is an awesome master of keikaku. Just ignore that the plan exists only to save him from actually getting btfo again.

This. Post cute Annies instead.

With that shitty reading compreension you must be brazilian, am I right?

>Annie's inspired from Avril Lavigne
Now I know why I loved her so much. Is Eren the skaterboy to Annie?


Stop ruining threads, retarded pedo

Amazing comeback.

thats a new one.

As unpredictable as ever well played Isayama
>Post your predictions for the next chapter

Sasha spared gabi because she was in no way a threat.
There's no way she could have known how old the kid in the panzer unit was, in addition he was a threat. If gabi had been shooting at SL or if she had a gun, then sasha would be justified in killing her.

Annie is far superior to her.

I don't, and I'm not retarded.

I didn't have yours either, thank you.

I can't believe the reddit meme translation was actually right about what Zeke said.


The kid was in plain sight. Though la creatura seems to be cross eyed.

B-but muh infiltration!
Heheh, nevermind that Grisha did the same as an adult

>posting idealistic Eren instead of current psychopath Eren



*bloop bloop* drip*

Falco and Jean both survive. Gabi shoots Flocke instead. Cue chapter about Jean struggling with his moralfaggotry.

>Gabi aims at Jean
>Sasha headshots her before Gabi can hurt jeanbo

Lmao, who's the character on the right? Could be my new favourite :)

>7 years later.

Why would Jean give a shit about Flocke?

>Flocke high fives Sasha

Because he dies due to him refusing to shoot Falco.


People that don't like Gabi should die because they have bad taste and are bad people.

>It has boobs

Because Floch is precious

He'll shoot, though.

Just post your fucking point already ffs. So what if Annie liked old Eren, means jackshit now

What about "Eren is not my enemy. Too bad it's you" part?

Imagine having Gabi sit at your right leg as you cares her thighs and runs your fingers through her hair.
As you take her hand and leads it to your groin, she resists at first, but let it go because of her curiosity.
You make her hand caress your groin as your penis grows beneath your underwear. Gabi's blushing. You wip your dick out, and the precum dripping over your penis makes Gabi drools as she quickly grabs it, surprising you with her naughtyness. You stand, and put Gabi on the bench you two were sitting. As Gabi puts your penis in her mouth, she jerks it with her right hand while massages your balls with her left. She's surprisingly skillful at this. You look down and sees your mouth completely filling her small mouth as she moans in pleasure. You keep caressing her silky hair and wiping out the eventual tear the drips off her eyes.

He's a insuferable faggot who won't follow orders.

>holy fuck water levels are rising!

You shouldn't write dirty things about her.

My bet is that Eren wants to eat all the remain shifters and then crystallized himself. The Asian lady and the SL are working together and they gave her Annie.

I'm surprised he actually said that.

He says something like "I will start with you.Your time is running out,Levi".

Wanna bet? Falco has "just surived a near death experience" plot armor and Jean just made a point about keeping civillian casualties to a minimum he isn't going to shoot.

dont take his bait, his ego is hurt.