Is this series worth watching?

is this series worth watching?

It's hit or miss as fuck (mostly miss) but some arcs are great.

Give it a try. You'll love it or hate it.






Gave it a try a few years ago, but TL notes trying to explain the jokes were so frequent that I ended up dropping it. Not sure if it was just a case of garbage sub groups or if, like Azumanga Daioh, it's the kind of shit you can only enjoy if you know Moonspeak.

fpbp, not consistently good but some arcs are legit great



It's good more often than not; yes


Yes, if you're going in blind start with the movie.

If you're into mediocre Japanese comedy dialogues.

i bought a cheap prize fig of the catgirl with the white hair and i splooge on it on a bi-monthly basis. i haven't actually watched this show

not even close
it's a show that only pretentious faggots and pedophiles enjoy


if you have nothing else to watch


It was decent up until 2nd season then you start to realize how fucking boring and repetitive it is.

it's refreshing. not everyone might like it, though.
your dick would be diamonds if you did.

It all goes downhill after the first season.

Give it a try. I found it boring, but lot of people like it/pretend to like it.

the state of Sup Forums is very sad. yes, OP, watch it

please leave this board and don't come back

Read the tl'd novels first.

I'll say yes. It's surreal, but in a more subdued kinda way compared to the psychedelic surrealism of something like paprika.
For me it was mostly hit, mostly because the visual direction of the show is interesting enough to carry most of my enjoyment regardless of arc.

if you like haremshit then yes

Depends on your alternatives.

~300 episodes of Gintama.

fuck off cancer

in all seriousness, yes
It takes a bit of getting used to at first, but its a hell of a ride.

Weirdest anime series I've ever watched. You need a high IQ to enjoy it.

It's a series for pseudo-intellectuals, so if you want to feel smart while having tits, asses, and feet shoved in your face, go ahead.

hi redit

If you prefer action to talking, you will drop it. Over 90% of the anime is non-stop talking, with nearly no changes in the background for up to 15 minutes. Though sometimes, there's a couple of lolis playing leapfrog to keep you entertained.
If you don't mind basically listening to an audiobook, you might find it very interesting.

Only if you enjoy good things. Otherwise, no.

If it were not for tits, asses and feet, it wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is now. Visuals are what saved this anime from being abandoned after the first season.

if you like storytelling with cool visuals, then yeah its pretty fucken good.

Manga Crab a cute!

lol isnt this that pedobait show for weebs?

do urself a favour TC and get urself a funimation account to watch a real anime like boku my hero academy.

>for weebs
You came to the wrong neighbourhood, faggot.

you replied to such an obvious bait. are you new or just retarded? or both?

just bored

sorry for what?

I wonder if Nisio works on manga too.

Yeah, I think he got back together with the artist from Medaka Box recently and started another manga.


No, I wasted my time with this shit and it never got good.

only the first season was decent. don't bother with the rest. watch the movies for the nice art and visuals

if your favorite shows are battle shounen, CGDCT or something you can only enjoy by turning your brain off then you won’t like it
people call it deep because it doesn’t spell everything out for you and you have to use enough brainpower to be able to put 2 and 2 together
It based on a dialogue heavy LN so while characters are talking they need to make the visuals appealing in some fashion, this is the reason people call it pretentious

If you can enjoy fleshed out characters talking to each other for hours then you’ll like the series

Yup, yup and yup.

>it doesn’t spell everything out for you
It genuinely does though.
You can get more out of it through inference, but literally all of the major character, theme and plot points are explicitly delivered through dialogue.

The occasional fanservice the series has is irrelevant to its popularity. There are many, many shows that lean heavily on fanservice yet were not successful at all.

I can see how it would be hard for people with short attention spans or not a lot of patience to enjoy, and it's mostly just dialogue so if you don't like the characters enough it'll do nothing for you. Hitagi End is probably the best anime arc of all time in my opinion though, but it's only good if you have the context of the rest of the series.

Ive noticed when people try to shit on a character they are usually argued with those inferences
So brainlets who can only take things at face value say that its “deep”

> There are many, many shows that lean heavily on fanservice yet were not successful at all.
Because their plot was shit, or simply non-existent. *monogatari do have a good plot, but the novels are full of longcat monologues and dialogues.
Imagine any *monogatari scene without avant-garde visuals and fanservice. Look how unbearably boring it is for an anime.

It's great. The pretentious label is a reaction to fags who take it too seriously by people who are offended by anything more complex than BAKA ECCHI EHHHHHHHHH humor. It is exactly a half step up from that with a lot of fanservice and good art direction.



watch one episode per arc just to know how fucked up are the girls.
then fap to doujins and lewds




Bake definitely. Everything else? Well, see for yourself.

Shinobu truly best girl

that one squeal kangaru made was fucking adorable