Why did Goku stop caring about his kids?

Why did Goku stop caring about his kids?

When Toriyama came back for DBS and flanderized into DBZA Goku

Toriyama forgot Goku was a good character.

>Goku isn't a goo-


yeah super goku feels like he lost 40 years of maturiy at the start. Thought dragonball he never really wanted to fight things things came to him and he had to take care of it. Not its just i wanna fight a strong guy! teamfourstar version

He never did.

Honestly, this more or less. Sometime after DBZ ended Toriyama decided that 1) Saiyans did nuffin wrong and 2) Goku is suddenly never cared about saving people and barely considers his family on the same level as his friends.

He liked to fight in DB he just knew there was a time and a place for it.

Nu Goku is closer to TeamFourStar Goku than original DBZ Goku

Was he really?

Up until the end of Frieza saga, yes.

Then Toriyama wanted to make Gohan the DBZ protag and people bitched. So he brought Goku back, but he was never the same afterwards

Maybe dying gave him a unique perspective on the matter: "man, my kids are useless."

Goku know that nothing happens if you die, they can revive you, so now he has become a different entity that only looks for power

or something like that

>Had no problem killing before
>Only now bith when Vegeta does it

Toriyama is a hack writer and you should feel ashamed of liking this crap.

this honestly
he stopped giving a shit about dragonball after cell
the biggest thing that pisses me off was majin vegetas death meaning literally nothing
that should have been the end of the whole db franchise right there, but noooo have to drag it out and make goku win

That's still the original material, where Goku's character still made more or less sense. How's that proving anything?

Can you imagine Super!Goku doing this?

Even before he died against Cell, he actually had shown some sense of maturity and intelligence.

Goku was always like that
Toei fucked things up