A Place Further Than The Universe

This is the hypest show of the last decade, out-hyping any shounen, any action anime, etc.

How did they do it?

But I though Yuru Camp was the Big Boss anime this season.

Yuru Camp is comfy

Sora yori mo Tooi Basho makes you want to deadlift a car and land on Mars.

They are both energizing but in completely different ways.

Why do they wear the masks?

The shows have the opposite effect on me, to be honest. Yuru Camp makes me want to go outside.

To protect against UV exposure.

yuru camp makes me want to take a nap

A place outside of Heaven, Outer Heaven.

Needs more autistic yuzu

My wife Hinata is so cute.

Your wife smells awful

Is this yuri?

Season 2 will happen, they realized the popularity and changed the pacing to make it happen.

Would you let Kimari cut your hair?

Madhouse rarely does season 2

No, just CGDCT

That's a very small bath
Their legs have to be all be completely smooshed up together under the water.



this wtf

They're small girls.

She doesn't know.

Yuzu is literally the best girl in every way and there's no arguing about it.

That would be true if Shirase wasn't the objectively better girl.





The fuck did you do to my waifu's beautiful brows?


girl of the year

>canon ugly

>Best girl is canon ugly
What did they mean by this?


I hope they keep it at just one season. The hook was "cute girls go to Antarctica"; where do you go from there?

cute girls go to north pole

if i pull it off, will they die?

they discover aliens/nazis under the ice
vast geopolitical implications are implicated

Is she canon ugly? I thought she was canon average-ish. I know Yuzuki's agentmom asked if she could be attractive, but that doesn't necessary make her ugly. her spirit a cute

They find a hole in Antarctica that leads into the center of the Earth.

Cute girls go to Syria

Why are these stupid birds so fucking cute?

anal sex with Yuzuki-chan

She doesn't like that


that would be unironically painfull

Yuzu-chan is extremely relatable and this latest episode hit really hard for me. Also, I want to fuck her full force in the pussy and ass.

You're going to have to make it past her guardian/biggest fan if you want to do that.

Guys what if Yuzuki was a boy?

>Ep 11:4d3h16m

I can't wait that long though.

Literally what did she mean by this

>I want to fuck her full force in the pussy and ass
I can't relate to Yuzuki's autism but I can relate to this.


she'll learn

You might be barking up the wrong tree there, mate

No fuck off spamming this shit.

>A Place Further Than The Universe
What a stupid title.

Her manager disagrees.

>pedo mom says Hinata's ugly just because she doesn't look like an underdeveloped kid like her daughter
>go along with what pedomom says just because
It's her opinion, she has a right to it, but it doesn't make it fact

>turns out missing mom found the hole to the center of the earth, and that's what she was talking about when she said it was beautiful
>season 2 is about their adventures in the center of the earth trying to find missing mom
make it happen!!

That's what I like about it.

Kimari agreed with her though. Kimari that thought her bangs looks perfectly fine agreed with her that Hinata is not attractive.



>wearing swimsuits on a boat full of hungry men

Don't worry, everyone knows they are not legal.


Do not lewd the Sora Yoris

>more quality lewd official art


But there are no actual laws in Antarctica. It's pretty much a colder Australia with tinier cassowaries.

My dick

>This is the hypest show of the last decade, out-hyping any shounen, any action anime, etc.
>implying shounen and action anime are hype
>saying "Forced Drama: the Animated Seires" is hype
Go back to YouTube.

A Place Further in the Universe, space

For me

Top right looks the ultimate dork, it's hilarious.



*tatamis your galaxy further than the universe"

Realistically, how do you think this series will be concluded? I'm guessing it will just mostly concern Shirase coming to terms with her mother's death.

The mom is alive though




what a fucking bitch whore
i hope she gets raped by 4 horses and dies

you're a worse fucking bitch whore
megu is a good girl


No, she's just a horrible character.
Get on my level, pleb. I've been writing since I was 9 years old and I have been in a workplace for 15 years. I've been accepted into an English theater, despite being from a foreign country. I've managed to learn English all by myself and inspire other writers to pursue the same career as me. I can create real emotional pieces and not melodrama for a telenovela audience. I've studied everything about writing and the usage of tropes in order to deliver a coherent plot that would affect both the normal audience and the critics. My works receive endless praise and critical acclaim. Audiences are at the edge of their seats when witnessing the pinnacles of modern art that my plays showcase.
Do you people legitimately believe this series is even half as good as "K-On!"? This show is a fad, it has no staying power and will be swept under the rug once the year is over. I can't believe you plebs believe this show is a masterpiece or anything above average. What a pathetic sight... I almost want to barf at your foolishness. It's no wonder that plebeian anime YouTubers praise it. If you are fond of this anime, go back to YouTube and leave Sup Forums.
Now, I'll get back to analyzing the symbolism in Revolutionary Girl Utena for a project due next week, plebs.

>megu apologists

Kimari is already thirsty for the tall autist and doesn't understand the value in shortstacks.

Yeah, fuck Megu-apologists, they're all a bunch of mouthbreathing retards.


they're big girls

She has the girl next door vibe.

Why does Shirase like useless pandabirds so much?

Yeah, but some are bullies!