I'm on episode 27 and have to ask why the animation changed for certain scenes for the last couple episodes
I'm on episode 27 and have to ask why the animation changed for certain scenes for the last couple episodes
How are you liking it so far?
Those scenes were lower quality in artwork and looked pretty bad when expanded for larger screens in the DVD release, so they just reanimated those specific scenes.
Loving it now, but considered dropping it the first 5 episodes because over a 100 episodes is a little intimidating. I'm kind of amazed something like this was made, it seems expensive and not something for the mainstream.
That's very odd since they're pretty much the most important scenes in the entire series so far. It's a shame I was being distracted. I kept wondering if I'd entered a new seasons that was made years later.
After season 1 there were some episodes that were obviously made by another team that look worse
Will I keep running into things like this further in the series? I'd prefer if things just stayed the same for the next 80 episodes honestly.
yang dies
Who’s your fave character? least fave?
Reinhard dies
oberstein dies
Well thanks, guess I won't be making any more threads about stuff I'm watching
Yang is my favorite. I also like Oberstein when he's hatching great plans with zero emotions effecting him. Least favorite? Morally I guess it's Thuniht or someone like that, but in terms of writing I have no complaints about the characters. Maybe some admirals act a little too retarded sometimes, like the guy who at first was too cowardly to attack Iserlohn fortress, but then wanted to attack when all hope was lost.
Kircheis dies
Reindhart dies in the final episode.
Walter von Schönkopf dies
Also I like the Rose Rider or whatever he's called. But yeah I'm done with the thread. I knew there's always a chance of spoilers, but I figured people who'd seen the show would prefer to talk about it when a thread is made than to ruin it
Ignore that faggot. Come back when you’re done the show.
Go the fuck back to
>hating on based Trunicht
found the pleb
>over a 100 episodes is a little intimidating
Don't forget the Gaiden series!
Julian and Mittermeyer lives!
next time go to Sup Forums faggot
The first one looks aesthetic as fuck
/lit/, should I read the books or will the anime(s) do enough for me? Heard good things but also bad things (that the anime improved) about it, and it's also a little hard to find it where I live (I don't plan on hearing the audiobook tho)
The books are not good, especially if you /lit/
Just watch the anime.
okay, bye OP
Yang dies Reinhardt dies everyone dies