
What got you into JoJo?

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The davidpoo anime.

Faintest of curiosity. Friend started watching the 2012 anime. I gave it a shot and was hooked right away.

I watched the 90s OVA in the mid 00s for some reason then several years later got around to reading the manga. I don't know how I found out about it in general though. Might have seen the volumes (part 3) in the book store while buying other manga.


high school friends

i heard some reviewers recommend it, saw a scene online of dio's world and felt instantly hooked, started with the anime, went to the mango, skipped part 5 because im wating 4 the animu

My brother got me into it. I always thought jojo was about baseball before.

Forgot to add that I LOVE KIRA

I had seen memes of it for years without realising it then I met this nerd in college who became one of my best friends, he got me started on it.

SBR ending hype. I'm not up to date with the memes, the 3+ part anime looks scary as shit.

new chapter when


Only started watching/reading Jojo when the anime came out, it was actually the OP's that got me really interested in the style.

My brother got me into it as well.

I actually have a semblance of taste, so I never got into it.


fuck off out of this thread you pleb

Why are you wasting your time here then? Is it because you're a masochistic retard?

>JoJofaggots are this assmad someone doesn't like their meme-ridden literally gay shit

I don’t like your gay ridden shit and you don’t see me going into your threads
I was looking for something fun to read

i originally knew about it but never bothered to get into it because i wasnt a huge anime fan anymore. about 5 months ago my little sister told me that she loved it so i said fuck it and finally started it. am now obsessed with it

why the hell are you here then

i mean you probably would be kinda pissed too under the same kind of circumstance

the plethora of people talking about it before the show came out.

What retarded kind of logic is this? How would you feel if someone did the same to you towards a series you love?

>M-mummy, he hurt my feefees!

JoJo faggots confirmed for underage.

Nice bait.
Everyone, don't even bother replying anymore. It's a monkey that just learned how to type.

>literally wasted his time typing about something he doesn’t like in a thread based off of it
>didn’t expect people to respond the way they did



im pretty sure its the other way around user


Came for Jotaro, stay for Joseph.

I have turned a new leaf: I now want to be raped by Jotaro.

I love all of you.

PS1 game

Congratulations on your taste upgrade, user.

I wonder if you'll be resilient enough to still walk straight afterwards.

My friend. He talked about how dio is a dinosaur and shit. Soon I looked into the anime and it took me from there.


based I love all of you poster

Have you accepted that diego is the best boy?

Damn if I won't try.

Based Windowposter

That's the kind of fiery passion and determination that Jotaro deserves.


Oh yeah Kira Yoshikage best jojo

He alright. Mista best boi

As long as he's the one feeling violated in the end due to your disgusting enjoyment of it.

I haven't read part 5 yet, it'll be interesting to see why Mista is shipped with Giorno so much.

I thought Girono with Bruno would be more popular for the fact that they're both extremely attractive and unique designs together.

In these threads all I've heard about Bruno is how boring he is though, which I hope isn't true because both his design and stand are awesome.

I love him in a roundabout way.
That's actually my plan. I want him to feel like he's the one being raped instead even though he's the one raping me.

He'd just stoically shrug it off and call them a bitch or a whore like he does to his mother.

Oh so a new JoJo fan.

Part 5 is one of my favorite parts (besides 7). But anyways they shipped mista and GioGio because they hold each other like faggots

Bruno is cool. Mista is shipped with Giorno due to their respective stoic and comedic personalities complimenting each other, as well as a couple of somewhat homo scenes. I see Abbachio being paired with Bruno more.

Good, I wish you the best of luck then.
He would do that, but then be haunted by it, never bringing it up with anyone and lying awake at night.

Lateeee to that party.

Mista is one of my favorite characters in part 5 anyway so fuck Bruno, Mista is a better pair for Giorno than him.

Thanks for the info, I've already been spoiled on all the major happenings in all the parts from being in these threads after finishing the anime, so it's the smaller things like this that I'm looking forward to seeing how they play out in the manga.

Who is generally considered to be the best boy of part 5? I see a lot of hate for Giorno and a lot of love for Narancia.

The old arcade fighters.

Who's that bitch?

>so fuck Bruno
I'd love to. I wonder if he would turn a pussy into a zip, unzip it and then fuck it anyway?

I think Bruno, Mista and Narancia are generally the most popular. I don't really go looking for Vento Aureo fanworks though. You should judge for yourself, hope you enjoy reading.

Thanks user, I will do.

mista is best boi

I wish Abbacchio was more popular. He really is best boy.

My best friend who dropped anime for nearly a decade picked up Jojo and said it was good so I decided to give it a go.

No regrets.

Shame he will never meet best girl

I think he's really hot, he has the perfect gothic aesthetic.
Him formerly being a good cop turned dirty makes him hotter.

Abbacchio was great, but I feel like Araki kinda dropped the ball when writing him because I don't remember him contributing all that much. Been a long while since I've read though so correct me if I'm wrong. Can't help but personally see Vento Aureo as wasted potential when I look at him and Fugo especially.
Also this.

Gosh, wish he does that to me

Please love the Guard!

>there's FF and Narancia fan art but no FF and Mista

you have good taste, user not being ironic shes the fucking best

> I don't remember him contributing all that much.

He was more suited for getting information than really helping during a fight, but he was pretty instrumental overall.

I mean, of the stuff I can remember, there was the soft machine fight, the man in the mirror fight, MB reading the messages left by the old man, operating the plane in the B.I.G chapter, and revealing Diavolo's face.
This video

Abbachio was my favorite of the protagonists, but I liked Diavolo and Ghiaccio the best from part 5. Diavolo had that grungy look and I liked how obsessed with his secrecy he was. Ghiaccio had a great fight, great design, and a memorable personality.

Doppio > Diavolo tho

I watched the OVA. Then years later the new anime came out and I watched parts 1-4. Then I started reading from part 5 and I'm currently in the middle of Steel Ball Run.

The OVA. I was one of the rare individuals who got to be surprised by what DIO's stand did.

Doppio is too cute for me. Diavolo, now that's a guy I want lewds of, with that black lipstick and those eyes.

>90% of all new fans will already know about The World because of how popular JoJo is nowadays

from the jump ultimate stars

Doppio has so many fans here only because of the fanart.


> mfw got my brother into watching Jojo and he didn't see The World coming

He just thought Dio was teleporting, it's really satisfying to see someone realise his true power.

Someone told me I act like Joseph Joestar 2 years ago and I had no idea what the fuck they were talking about

the scene in stardust crusaders where they all do the synchronised stomp.
I really like dumb hype shit like that

Part 7 spoiler

how many of you were genuinely surprised to see Captain Planet show up at the end? It was probably one of my few genuine shocks/shit just got real moments in the series.

I had mixed feelings on ti.

I can't imagine how the teens reading the manga and getting to find it out, unspoiled, the same time as everyone else reading it weekly must have felt.


Why bother reposting this everytime someone brings up doppio? You don't know why an user likes a character.

Araki interviews, actually I can't belive I spent so much time without reading/watching about his most popular series.

joseph oh my god youtube compilation

A little over 10 years ago, people were posting a ton of gifs from Heritage for the Future. I looked up where they came from, and then found the game and bits of the OVA.

Maybe it's the same person bringing up Doppio all the time?? *insert change my mind meme*

Anyone know a way I can play All Star Battle on PC? My PS3 is busted and the emulator I use is garbage.

Why is Doppio always in fanart besides Diavolo?
I thought that Doppio was Diavolo

Emulation is the only way so if it sucks on the PS3 emulator you're out of luck.

How come /JoJo/ is so fucking gay? Like, isn't it the Reddit that ends up being the more twisted faggotry version? Does anyone here read JoJo while not masturbating vigorously?


Who the fuck reads anything without masturbating vigorously? That's the only way to truly understand the text.