Is there a better bromance in this season than these two?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Secretly understands Yuzu's semi-incestuous love and doesn't judge her for it
>She doesn't try to dissuade Yuzu or even acknowledge that her love is at all abnormal
>Actually helps Yuzu to pursue Mei by helping Yuzu communicate with Mei and she even tries to protect their relationship from Matsuri
Harumin is a great friend and a based wingwoman.
Pinkshit is worst girl.
I think she's kawaii
Harumin is great. Why do no cute girls ever try to rape her? All the other girls get raped.
she's cute now that she cut the shitty makeup
Season 2 when?
Why is this show consider incest when the two aren't in anyway related?
It's called Hoemance .
And Harumin is the only good thing about the show.
The dub of episode 7 made Matsuri seem kind of schizo. On top of that her dialog changes made her seem like she was purposely being an overt bitch to Harumin, which I don't think she was in the subs.
I want to reward Harumin with my dick.
Threads sure have been dead this week. Guess it's because the twins arc is generally considered the weakest arc in the manga. And volume 9 isn't released for 2 more weeks, so no new manga content until then when the volume bonus chapter comes out.
If i don't get to see the summer vacation animated i'm going to be reasonably disappointed
The anime is only 12 episodes, so it's going to end with the twins arc.
Because Americans are retarded.
t. American
I'm just saying I hope there's a second season on the strength of the cottage arc alone
I'm not a habitual shipfag, but Yuzu and Harumin should be together.
Yuzu's heart belongs to Mei, even if she forgets that sometimes.
There were certain things in the early volumes I liked, but the series only became really good to me once Yuzu and Mei actually started dating, so I'd definitely like to see all the volumes adapted hopefully.
I wonder what they'll do about the unadapted bonus chapters. I almost think the drama CDs that come with the BDs will end up adapting them plus some new side stories.
That would get me to buy the BDs, although to be fair I'm probably going to do that anyway this series is amazing.
It's just so hard to believe they didn't adapt the amusement park trip when the anime kept bringing it up, so I expect that to be adapted somehow. And then there's Matsuri moving on and becoming interested in Harumin, which is kind of needed for the drama CD story from volume 4 and Matsuri telling Nene that Harumin's her gf in volume 5 bonus chapter. These actions of Matsuri's only make sense if Matsuri had already been interested in Harumin as of volume 3 bonus chapter.
This is just making me want a season 2 even more, I'm also personally a glutton for suffering so it'd be amazing in that regard (though I really hope this story ends with Yuzu and Mei together). No Shirapan would also really stink.
So you're a dub watcher? I want to ask an honest question. Do you like dubMei? Cause out of boredom I watched some of the dub, and it's not bad, but every time Mei speaks I cringe.
Better resolution for volume 9 regular cover. Yuzu is indeed holding her ring.
>Yuzu alone crying, clutching her last reminder of Mei
Well that's about it for me, time to leave this stupid rock.
Question is, how Mei is supposed to stand on the other cover? Is volume 10 will be full of angst?
People like to say how Harumin is amazing and all that shit, but think about it for a moment. Wouldn't you also actively endorse an incestuous homosexual affair if you were in a position to do so? Wouldn't anyone?
I know I would user, I know I would
It could be heaven or hell depending on whether the story ends in volume 10 or 12. If it's heaven, Mei is facing Yuzu and holding Yuzu's left hand, putting on Yuzu's ring. The ring Yuzu is holding is actually Mei's, the tears are of happiness. If it's hell, Mei is facing away from Yuzu, crying.
Interesting comment on the blog about volume 9
> 佳境 を むかえる 迎える しまい 姉妹 の こい 恋
The sisters' love approaches its climax/most important part.
before and after pic?
So is volume 10 the last volume after all?
Well, it seems if we believe some way to present the volume 9, the author talked about a turning point in January, and here they use the word climax (for a story).
But...the term used to announce the climax of the anime is クライマックス. Different than for the manga.
And I don't see how all the issues could be solved in 4 chapters. So, it can be the last hurdle of their relationship, with it could expand into volume 10 until the last chapter before resolution in chapter 40 and volume 11.
I don't know if it's totally stupid to imagine the manga ending in volume 11. Everybody seems so sure it will be 10 or 12 because of the paired covers. Indeed, volume 10 will be paired, but we could have the last volume that doesn't respect the routine.
Volume 10 will be a torture. I've no idea how the Yuzu's POV will be like.
>Is there a better bromance in this season than these two?
I guess if you're a certified lesbian the answer is no.
>volume 11's cover will show both of them signifying their union and the volume itself will consist of 4 chapters full of cute dates and handholding, with a whisper of lewd
I can't hold all these doki doki feelings.
I don't know if this rule of paired covers is something specific to Saburouta or it's from the publisher. But yeah, two more volumes could be too much, but only volume 10, too few. So a volume 11 closing all plot and sub-plots plus some extended scenes about a stable relationship recovered would be nice. Some drama too, but less than in volume 9/10, so bearable for the reader.
Do we actually know if Harumin is aware of Yuzu's carnal lust for her sister?
From her various expressions and reactions in random panels through out all chapters I am of the opinion that she knows. That might be my headcanon only, though.
Pinkshit is the worst character this season.
We all deserve a friend like Harumin
Yuzu....i miss you
Yes please. I endorse this wholeheartedly.
Preview episode 10. The worst arc begins.
Nina aka worst girl. Manipulative bitch.
Mei's empty eyes.
Yuzu's being blue balled until episode 12.
wait i thought they were just some cute twins
>Manipulative bitch.
So Matsuri? Only that these two don't reappear to be redeemed
God I hated their arc even more than Matsuri's. Why this nigga wrote two wannabe NTR arcs I'll never know.
>Nina aka worst girl. Manipulative bitch.
How? her plan was one of the weakest, the only one who fell for it was Sara
Go away Mei, i'm sick of suffering because of you
Her intentions were very malicious even when she tried to keep Yuzu going to the date. Of course, she failed. Yuzu fell for it at first, very ironically, it's Sara who destroyed Nina's plan by giving hope and determination to Yuzu to fight for her love.
Here we go again with this “MY FATED PERSON” thing. This is so retard.
Nina's plan failed when Mei told her that she never cared of Sara's love, but for some reason she still tried
Baka Mei
matsuri is reliable and good later in the manga
How are you holding up Mei believers?
I want to lick harumin....
I think she sounds a bit old, plus I know Mei's supposed to sound monotone, but it comes across a bit flat sometimes.
I'm not sure if I love Mei anymore.
>My guilt became unbearable
The girl clearly knew she was sealing Yuzu's suffering by going forward into the romance before ending it. She'll need to do a fucking epic redemption move to deserve to be rooted for again. From me at least. The more I read the letter, the more Mei sounds totally retarded.
As expected the final arc of the anime seems to follow volume 4 closely based on previews. The most that can be done to make it any better is to try to make Mei seem more sympathetic.
Volume 9 release plus Mei's worst arc in the anime after all the progress. Not a very good timing for Mei's lovers.
Best ending now is Yuzu moving forward on her own path and letting Mei rooting in an unhappy marriage, popping heirs.
Citrus anime was announced the same time NTR's anime was, so it's possible that Citrus anime took longer than expected to finish, so it could've been originally be expected to air with volume 8, which would've been when Mei came across as much better than she does now.
If I remind well, the first time, Citrus was supposed to air in 2017, like NTR, probably fall 2017.
But the timing is bad indeed. I wonder if they didn't postpone the release date of volume 9 to fit with the anime ending when there is the confession.
Because the author seems to have finished all of her work on bonus content, all the benefits have been published, the covers are done, the Drama CD cover and writing too.
Oh yeah, the week long delay for volume 9's release means it will come out the day before the anime ends.
Maybe they realize that episodes 10 & 11 will frustrate people, so want people to see episode 12's happy conclusion to encourage them to buy volume 9.
Empty? Really? I mean, compare it to the manga panel here the anime version doesn't look empty at all. Like, I see no problem kissing anime Mei. If anything, she looks kind of eager.
She's talking maybe, it's a shot, but this is not a face of someone going Doki Doki. At this state, we know she wanted it. But Yuzu's perception is what matters. And she perceived, in the manga, and in the anime, that Mei wasn't into it.
Since it is animated, the scene is extended. Mei at first seems willing to go into it. It's after Yuzu open her eyes again that she sees her empty eyes.
Let's wait for the complete scene.
It's gonna be 大丈夫。
We'll see. I hope they're not going for the 'decrease Mei's retardation in the school trip by increasing Yuzu's Christmas retardation' angle.
That's hard to say. The volume version of chapter 13 reduced Mei's empty eye look from what I heard. And the later chapters of the volume play it like Yuzu just got virgin nervous , didn't confirm at the time how Mei really felt about her, and it was her own fault for backing out.
Well, Yuzu put all the blame on herself for not understanding Mei's actions, but indeed, Mei dating someone else without being into it stay a very hypocritical move, no matter what. But, a hurt teenager new to romantic feelings cannot act differently.
But Mei's letter plays off Mei's actions in volume 4 as being torn between wanting to pursue something with Yuzu, or cutting Yuzu off at this point so she can continue with her duty to the school.
Well, reading again the official chapter, with some corrections done by the author from the magazine version (Mei is indeed less icy in her face on the sofa)n clearly show she acted out of jealousy and deception to have been rejected.
She wanted to force a confession from Yuzu, it's clear in their first chat after they meet again at Kyoto. Yuzu just played the card of the sister's affection, she was torn between her romantic love and the fact to be a good sister.
I try to find a part in the volume where Mei tries clearly to cut Yuzu, but, it's hard. Retrospectively, we can interpret Mei willingness to shut yuzu's twice in her need to explain herself as a way to force Yuzu to let her down ... but it needs huge goggles.
I have the volume and I checked. Indeed the volume version looks closer to the anime. She still looks more eager in the anime though. As for
>Yuzu just got virgin nervous , didn't confirm at the time how Mei really felt about her, and it was her own fault for backing out
Well yeah, it is Yuzu POV after all. That's how she rationalized it to herself.
Does this mean that Mei's intended motive the entire time in volume 4 was love vs duty conflict and not being mad/frustrated at Yuzu like everyone thought? That could explain why volume 4 was always so vague with Mei's actions. Saburouta couldn't reveal Mei's true internal conflict going on until 5 volumes later otherwise she'd spoil the arranged marriage surprise she had planned. I mean volume 3 heavily foreshadows that Yuzu and Mei's relationship would face trouble in the future due to them being women and stepsisters.
Here the corrected version. Mei's lips are open, but it seems that it's her eyes that repealed Yuzu. Yuzu after that explain to Sara she's was afraid.
A key is maybe offered by Matsuri. Matsuri scolds Yuzu for thinking relationships have to happen like in all romantic movies. Yuzu misread Mei's face because she probably pictured someone's desire differently.
Since Mei is difficult to read ...
Indeed, Yuzu never ever puts the blame on Mei. And I think the blame is shared here. Yuzu is in full mode "it is all my fault, I didn't understand her, I was afraid, I hurt her".
I could understand Mei being upset with Yuzu after this, but 2 months of cold shoulder followed by manipulating Sara into thinking she liked her was just too much.
Difference between Mei and yuzu is when Yuzu think she's wrong and acted retarded, she tries to make up for that, agrees she made mistakes, says sorry and act to make the situation better.
Mei, on the other hand, keep digging and lets things worsen until a third party does something or make her realize it. Yuzu realizes it alone.
No tenderness. Sorry, but this face isn't sexy.
True, we don't see Mei and Sara's breakup conversation on their date, but it's clear in the volume bonus chapter for volume 4 that they had talked about Mei being unable to figure out her feelings for Yuzu or what she should do about them.
>Yuzu misread Mei's face because she probably pictured someone's desire differently
Yup, I'm behind this 100%. She backed out because Mei's face didn't match her own perceived notions of how Mei should look like, leading her to think that Mei wasn't into it. Yuzu herself realizes this in chapter 16 when she was doing some self reflection as she walks towards the temple looking for Mei. That itself isn't the problem. The problem is that she didn't communicate this to Mei on that night itself.
After the interview where Saburouta expressed how difficult it is for her to write Mei's character, I gave up hope for any character consistency. Admitting that one of the leads is hard for her to write never spells anything good for the story.
Fuck off you retarded memeshitter.
That's probably why we had the letter. There won't be a Mei's PoV chapter. The letter was the nearest try to have Mei's inner feelings.
I just hope, now, that Mei will make her only real personal choice alone, the choice that matters. But my interest moved to Yuzu's well being instead of their happy ending together. If Mei is in Yuzu's life (and she will, because yuri manga and promises), fine, if not, fine. As long as Yuzu is well written and find her path to be a full blooming student and adult, both in love and professional life.
Why Chitoge with white hair?
It's very telling that we only get Mei's inner thoughts via a letter. Not to mention that many of Mei's important conversations with other characters, Sara and Shiraho, happen off panel. It just makes it seem that the author doesn't know how to have Mei behave, so she instead goes for dramatic scene cuts to make Mei's actions seem mysterious.
Like many other yuri manga, Citrus likely wasn't originally intended to be nearly as long as it became. So it's possible that Saburouta originally planned for Mei and Yuzu's relationship to resolve early on and not need to develop or be explained that much.