Do you want to see 765 Pro return?

Do you want to see 765 Pro return?

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They didn't go anywhere

Only Hibiki and Takane.


I guess they'll show up in some capacity when the ML anime happens

We've seen too much of her butt

>We haven't seen enough of her butt

Yeah. A photo in the background in episode 1.

Those had better be butt plugs.

nah, i want CG season 3 with them as the MCs

Literally the most beautiful girl in anime

Do you think anal with Iori feels good? Or with her reputation is it like throwing a hotdog down a hallway

mikimiki dayoon


Yes because I want to see Awakened Miki!

19 more days user...


Until what?

Post cuties from Kyoto!

Takane is sex on legs.

filled with ramen

Chihaya and Azusa have great covers

How come Cinderella Girls didn't get a movie?

Takane and Koizumi would easily become best friends.


How do we make Makoto relevant again?

Destroy SideM. They share the same fan base.

i love the twins

why are they so autistic?

I want to make love to Mami!

Too bad only Ami is free