This upcoming Netflix series, based on the "otaku"-hit When They Cry franchise, is set during June 1983 in a fictional rural town called Chickenmire, which has a population of approximately two thousand.
The main character, Kenneth McNamara, moves to Chickenmire and befriends his new classmates: the lovable weirdo Rosie Ryans, down-to-Earth rich girl Madison Seabridge, the adorable tomboy Rika "Ricky" Frederickson, and the ever-tricky youngster Samantha Hawthorne!
Kenneth joins their after-school club activities, which consist mostly of card games and board games (and punishment games for the loser – usually him). Chickenmire appears to be a normal, peaceful, backwoods town to Kenneth.
However, the tranquility abruptly ends after the annual Cotton-picking Festival, a celebration to commemorate and give thanks to the local voodoo goddess, Oyashiro. Kenneth learns that every year for the past four years, one person has been murdered, and another has gone missing on the evening of the Cotton-picking Festival. Kenneth himself soon becomes drawn into the strange events surrounding the Cotton-picking Festival and the curse of Oyashiro.
Featuring the mystery of a lifetime, as well as all those nostalgic tunes from the 80s that you love, such as,
Isn't netflix making like a billion anime now? Get ready for Oreimo live action!
Aaron Reyes
BONES or IG? Nah probably Deen again.
Evan Jackson
Scrap this shit I'm an idiot. Should've read it first
Connor Parker
>implying it won't be live action
Isaac Price
0/10 troll
Bentley Rivera
>Cotton-picking Festival Imagine how Niggers get triggered by this. KEK.
Colton Baker
higurushi was never good, it was just edgeshit like elfen lied except with added haremshit on top. 07th expansion is the reverse type moon in that their first VN was the mass appeal shlock and their second VN was the interesting one
Is it an actual Netflix series or a (((Netflix))) series where they just bought the American rights
John Cooper
>mfw plebs want to hit the piñata before chowing down on delicious tacos
Caleb Barnes
>Kenneth McNamara, moves to Chickenmire This is a joke, right? Please tell me this is a joke.
Nolan Reed
It's gotten so fucked that people IN THIS THREAD RIGHT NOW are legitimately asking if this is real.
Chase Collins
Is this real
Tyler Lee
Cast: >Kenneth McNamara Cole Sprouse >Samwell Hawthorne (flashback) Dylan Sprouse >Rosie Ryans Zendaya >Madison Seabridge Lindsay Lohan >Addison Seabridge Lindsay Lohan >Samantha Hawthorne Chloe Grace Moretz hunching over to look shorter >The "Flaming Hot" Nurse Lena Headey >The "too old for this" cop Mel Gibson >The "knows karate" rookie partner Donald Glover >Rika "Ricky" Frederickson Steve Buscemi
Cameron Bennett
>t. secondary who never actually read the Higurashi VN
Cameron Hughes
>>The main character, Kenneth McNamara, moves to Chickenmire and befriends his new classmates: the lovable weirdo Rosie Ryans, down-to-Earth rich girl Madison Seabridge, the adorable tomboy Rika "Ricky" Frederickson, and the ever-tricky youngster Samantha Hawthorne! Why do western live action anime adaptations always go with the most absolutely generic names possible? It's like its a conscious decision.