How do you respond?
This guy comes up to you and is about to use this on your waifu
my waifus would never lose against something like cock
I don't eveen know what I'm looking at
I tear off my head and fuse with her.
The Chad Bulge
Jack off
The only reasonable response.
And what would happen if he isn't stopped?
I'll bravely cover my waifu with my own body
The Crusher
My wife said:"No problem. I'll be back in 5 minutes."
Pay him to spend all night with her and let me watch
I'd call Ryo
> implying mai waifu is a cock hungry whore
You and your Negro penis can fuck right off, debiruman.
is it pointing up or down
It's flaccid and folded three times.
i still cant visualize it
Why is Sup Forums full of cucks? Kill yourselves, faggots.
My waifu isn't a slut who would let someone take advantage of her. She is also much stronger than me.
>How do you respond?
Here fresh meat for you. Have fun.
friendly reminder that they defeated the cock and will only bear children for MC
I would just rape him first.
I would get raped first*
She would fall with the first thrust user
This girl comes up to you and is about to use these on you while your waifu watches.
How do you respond?
> implying Yuasa's doodles can make someone hard
I liked how she looked before the fusion more desu
Nonononono don't change the goal. We talk about an old fat ugly nigga who wanna fuck my wife.
>sjw hair style
>tiny little chode with huge balls
Beg him to use it on me too
Who's your wife and what scenario do you have in mind?
w-why is it so big!?
ask her why she's drawn like shit
It won't fit in so ntrfags get BTFO
This girl shows up and slaps you on the penis
How do you respond?
I like NTR but not the whole "steal your girl" thing, I prefer when they only met for one time and the girl leaves satisfied and still loves her partner.
Lol I have a bigger dick than this pathetic shit.
I prefer stealing the girl, because i dont self insert as the cuck, i self insert as the theif.
If she doesnt get stealed am I still being Netorared?
Does being gay make you able to take a 10 inches dick?