And are they at the level of Mexico?
>be Mexican government
>organize livestream of Goku vs Jiren fight in public squares
>hire DJs to play god-tier Mexican anime dub songs at said squares
>also make a cosplay competition
>do all of this unironiclly
Sometimes Mexico is alright.
How weeb is your country really?
what in the flying fuck?
>organize livestream of Goku vs Jiren fight in public squares
This will be disastrous once the spics see Goku lose
Mexican's fucking love Super. They are literally praying El Padre Grande is actually the villain we're all hoping for
And theoretically they havent been wrong. I mean we didnt get Gohan Blanco, but we did get Goku Blanco
goku cant lose
The guy on the cosplay photo doesn't even have clothes, only a blue wig.
México fue un error.
anyone from Puebla watching the NGNL movie tomorrow?
i bet they just googled "goku cosplay" for the poster, it really is only to make it a flashy flyer
Every person who was a male kid (and some of the females) in 90's Mexico loved Dragon Ball Z.
This and Caballeros del Zódiaco (Saint Seiya) were the big titles in México back then.
Only ones I remember having sort of the same reception were Mazinger Z (way before), Digimon and Pokemon (90's-2000's).
dont forget uncensored Ranma airing on channel 5.
>watching the shampoo episode where she revels her transformation to ranma
fucking based canal 5 weeb employee
we're all mexic/a/ns now
Bro, look up Mexican-Japanese relations. These two countries have been low key best friends for decades now.
CDZ was more of a brazilian thing
they even moded the ps2 games back in the day. thats how much they fucking love that thing
not a simple sub translaton
they spliced pieces from the anime, fixed the audio and then inserted then into the game
I thought Tamaulipas was destroyed long ago by the narcos, I’m glad they are still alive to make weebs happy
I was walking today in the mall of my city on tacoland and a couple of half-breed 9/10 girls was there working in a japanese home articles store, daughters of the owner who has a nip wife
I wonder if the narcos will call for a ceasefire during the airing of the finale.
Seriously people, just release Heroes in Mexico. The profits will be sky high.
I was talking more about country-to-country relations, but if Jose can find happiness with Kimiko-chan, then we've all got hope.
>be Mexico
>get involved in WW2
>America commands Mexico to fight Japan instead of Germany who were the ones that actually attacked us directly
>Mexico sends its air force
>purposely never shot down any Japanese fighter
>is first country to reestablish relationship with Japan after war
this friendship is ridiculous
I tell you what, when I was a tiiiny, young scrub, my Sunday best was a white polo, white shorts, and a white cap, and they all had a little Goku embroidered into them. I remember it cost my parents an arm and a leg, but I was the first born, and holy shit if I wasn't the most stylish 4 year old walking around, strutting DBZ merch before it was popular.
>this taqueria appeared on that db cumbia video
>expect them to make good use of all the free publicity
>this was like five years ago
>look them up recently
>its literally the same shitty booth
what the fuck
lucky you.
Are they celebrating Blanco becoming canon?
Last year, when that earthquake hit Puebla (I think), Japan was one of the first countries to send over squads of Japs to help rescue people and shit. And it blew my mind, because it was like "whoa, my people REALLY get along with my other people. Being a weeb runs in my blood."
Can you imagine how surreal it must be for Toriyama? Imagine creating something so popular
How hard will the riots be when Daddy Frieza wins this shit?
Only if you are spic
>also; there is a big student trade program in mexico, at least 30 people get into japanese schools every year thanks to that, and at least the half get the nationality
I don't think is so irreal that relationship between Mexico and Japan, I mean, Japan have Chicanos as well
I live in uae so they are not weeb enough
That fucking greentext had me in tears. Shit sounds funnier to me in Spanish, I don't know why.
I did not watch any anime in high school and I can tell you that all of my friends in Mexico loved this shit. They dragged me to see what was at the time the new Dragon ball movie in theaters 4DX or whatever. I was the weird one for not being into this stuff.
I can't wait for it. I'm a spic also there are people who blocked you from social media if you are sharing official news of Goku Blanco figures before they saw the episode online in fb
la comida mexicana esta sobrevalorada
>this thread
So does Japan actually like Mexicans? What about Mexican-Americans? I might actually consider going to Japan to visit and bring myself a japonesita chichona.
vete a la mierda, esta mas chingona que las hamburgesas
El Grande Padre is voiced by Orochimaru in the mexican dub, obviously they know something we dont.
Between countries maybe, but Japanese from what I understand are still pretty xenophobic. Do you really think a traditional Japanese father would be happy if her daughter was with a brown spic? Luckily for me, I am a white spic
I remember when they aired the public baths episode right before the news here.
Hitomi Tanaka is on record saying she loves brown sugar.
India is Japan’s no. 1 best friend though. India might get permission from Japan to legally inseminate every Japanese women in their homecountry
Why don’t you fuck off you American backyard
>Do you really think a traditional Japanese father would be happy if her daughter was with a brown spic?
Good thing I'm not brown either then. >hitomi tanaka
She's nice and all but I prefer ass with my tits.
So how is it gonna end? are they gonna pull a crisis on infinite earths or what?
>India might get permission from Japan to legally inseminate every Japanese women in their homecountry
I'm pretty sure Japan would rather die out than mix with poos
Says the one coming from country of drug cartels
>billions of worth in trade
>Japanese heavily investing in India
>Japanese PM frequently visits India more than other countries
Also India x Japan racemixing is the best kind so I do not see the reason why it should be prohibited and we got lots of men here
>Tori sensei, they are airing the ending to dragon ball super publicly in mexico!
>"Ah, great...what was that again?"
>Mexico, it's a country. it's on...
>"no no, I know that. what was this dragon ball super thing again...?"
too real.
>curryniggers are this delusional
I'm American by the way,pal. Nips are xeno as fuck and you'd really think they'd give themselves up to a country full of street shitting rapist?