Dragons are shit if you think about it, definitely powerful but never end game threat.
Isekai Thread.
Dragons are shit if you think about it, definitely powerful but never end game threat
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What's the lewdest isekai out there?
Dragons are for slaying.
As in not actual porn?
Probably Commu-nan? AKA breast-sucking milk demon baby.
In isekai hentai, dragon lays YOU.
Tenkuu Shinpan
Hold up, going to write fapfic isekai about becoming a dragon and raping a passing knight.
Okay which one is the official /isekai/ thread guys?
Do it faggot.
Official threads are illegal I think.
Even better. Just get a dragon dildo, and live that fantasy in real life.
Other than spider chan and slime san what other "become a monster" isekai are there?
Skeleton Knight Bro
Dragon egg.
Is someone translating dragon tensei? Which group is doing it?
just post in both
kino seeker
The dragon one that only remains as one for the first chapter.
The one where he's a bear surrounded by wolf girls.
Yeah that one is stupid.
its not an isekai, but there's one where the guy becomes an undead or whatever. He's a ghoul now in the manga or something.
Would anyone like to discuss shieldbro? it appears someone is translating the valentine chapters from the WN. hanikamu15.wordpress.com
Re: Monster has the MC reincarnate as a goblin. Also rape and stockholm syndrome and horrible shit galore.
Jaryuu Tensei has the MC reincarnate as a white dragon, he stays that way for a while until he eats some magic nut that makes him human. It kinda sucks.
Spider-chan, slime-chan are a couple more but you mentioned aside from those.
Overlord and Skeleton Knight are rather monster-ish even though they both act very human to blend in with society.
I know there's more I can't think of off the top of my head...
By the fourth post? Efficient.
You know, I see this image all the damn time in these threads and have no idea what it's from or is about.
Death marching to the parallel world rhapsody. Or death march, for short
Oh also the 'reincarnated as a vampire' one mostly counts, right?
Pochi and Tama from Death March.
kill the half breed monstrosity out of it's misery
It's a currently airing anime, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.
Oh, c'mon, try not to spoonfeed THAT much.
My favorite isekai is where the mc is a fujoshi reincartanted in an otome game
Death March isekai. It's the two beast-folk kids in their combat gear.
Her only misery is poor treatment from intolerant people like you. On her own, she's a cutie.
I haven't had much interest in it, and that image hasn't really changed my mind, but at least now I know. Thanks guys.
The anime is a terrible adaptation. Give the manga a try if you're interested.
the lizardgirl is better anyway
She's pretty great.
It almost hit the "it's so bad it's good" sweet spot with this week's QUALITY.
You talking about bakarina or was it something else?
Bakarina is a monkey, but yes, also Reika Sama and Doll Princess
I can't think of any where the MC is an actual fujo.
The closest would be fujo being isekai'd friend of MC who became heroine's brother and ended up taking her place as harem lead.
I think he's referring to Destruction Flag Otome.
Before the MC died, she was a Fujo. After she reincarnated she was the otome game villain.
>Destruction Flag Otome.
>Before the MC died, she was a Fujo.
That's Bakatarina. She died as a high-school girl.
Shame it went full rape
I like how his isekai powers are the same he had on Earth yet he died to a taser knife. Should've eaten more rocks in his first life.
Root from Tsuki Ga was technically the second strongest thing in the setting before Makoto got called over.
>went full rape
Dude was born as a rape baby. You don't need to be a brain surgeon to see where the series was going.
Best part is the guy is completely amoral, to the point you have to wonder if he really got reincarnated at all or if this is an elaborate ruse the author cooked up to give you false expectations.
Was she really? Enjoying otome games doesn't make one fujo.
I thought they made mention of it, but I could be mis-remembering. It's been a while since I read it.
>dragon egg
This WN is terrible. The MC is a retard and very annoying.
He literally chooses the worst decisions possible every fucking time. I could even predict what he would do by imagining the worst case.
That aside the art looks pretty good. Way better than it deserves.
Damn, I also liked the art, but if the MC is a brain-donor then this is going to be a painful read.
The based nymphomaniac skydragon.
I heard she pulls souls from past historical figures and stuffs them into dolls. What else can you tell me about it
til when will he get lewded by the manga artist?
can't say nothing much, she does put not so nice souls in her dolls and the powers that be are afraid of her and want her dead
Everyone deserves to know about Pochi and Tama.
Everyone should know about Pochi and Tama.
>the powers that be are afraid of her and want her dead
And yet she's not dead?
Puny powers.
>not so nice
Did the artist ever to a follow up story?
Liza is great. Pochi and Tama are also good, but they aren't harem members.
As far as I know, the "story" part of that was added by other anons. The artist just did the original dragon-rape fap pic.
> Pochi and Tama
Why do we hate this again? not enough ntr and cuck moments?
Too much rape
dragons arent supposed to be endgame threats.
Dragons represent the overcoming of a hardship. Consider that in most fantasy dragons are considered the "supreme" lifeform from the moment they are born. usually ancient or outright ageless. Impossible hard (natural) armor. Destructive (innate) breath. Usually remarkable magic.
These are thing dragons are shown to be born with, rather than necessarily things they gain through hard work. Humans (and most other humanoids) in settings have to struggle and strive for the things dragons get naturally.
When a human kills a dragon its usually not in the sense of "The big threat is dead" its "You have become strong and surpassed the limitations of your birth." Consider briefly that in your standard JRPG, the dragon is a trash mob in the final dungeon, whose actual boss is some sort of divine being. The main conflict was man vs god. Dragons are more closely related to man vs nature and are usually overcome first.
And if they were going to include it, they should have been detailed in the manga.
I think its more the weird hypocrisy and long list of skills he learns every chapter that robs the story of any tension.
Thanks, Jordan Peterson.
Faraway Paladin had a pretty damn good dragon fight.
You're goddamn right it was.
Author managed to make the whole ordeal hype as fuck.
The toe clipping was fucking magnificent, and holy shit the help he brought along.
I don't remember Dragon Half being like this.
I was reading this earlier. Fuck I miss this series.
This is not true Bahamut literally took on both demons and angels and was only sealed as a result. Acnologia was the single strongest being in Fairy Tail who suffered defeat only after over 6 extremely powerful mages ganged up on him.
Thats because the mom was the dragon in that relationship.
Dragons basically just exist these days to prop someone else up by being a so called powerful threat that then gets dispatched by someone else. That, or they are shapeshifters who you only know as dragons because they keep telling you they are.
>That, or they are shapeshifters who you only know as dragons because they keep telling you they are.
Do you read steve spellslinger?
That last one seems Western ish.
Anons are so talented.
I start tearing up reading the side story at the end.
RIP Pale Moon
>expecting wife to not get raped when she is a fucking knight.
Don't call it a grave
This is why I'll never marry a knight. Same goes for idols and anyone else who works in the entertainment industry.
Bahamut is literally a living apocalypse who keeps coming back every so often to clean the world up and is impossible to kill, the best you can do is seal it away for a time.
What did Charioce enslave demons and kill gods for then
His ego.
>five ongoing isekai threads
In another news, the "RPG" they teased for Slime turned out to be a shitty smartphone gatcha.
>smartphone RPG
that's a bit depressing, any clues as to what it might be? i would pass if it was something like fgo
What sort of scenario should I write?
Ended up writing a whole setting for how he isekai'd, but that's pretty much pointless filler at this point.
Basically gets reincarnated as the first dragon by a sky-god, after some trans-dimension explosion killed him and others. Grows up in a canyon with easy food, and now after 15~ years, he goes out to do his own thing.
Obvious route is he finds a caravan or something, and rapes a random girl or two. Maybe a merchant's/noble's daughter. Possibly another reincarnator. etc…
how about wanting to fuck the dragon?
>Game developer KICK-ASS, Ltd. and Gamegate, Inc.
You can tell what kind of game it's going to be right off the bat without getting your hopes up by seeing who's making it.
Why does it have to be isekai?
You know? It really doesn't.
I just wrote out the starter as such because I got the idea while in an isekai thread.
Meh. Gonna go to sleep. If I think of something, guess I'll write it then.
Because I Reincarnated as a Succubus, I'll Squeeze Out Semen.
The art looks familiar, is it the same guy who draws kumo desu ga?
>Dragon God
>no dragon features at all
Depending on the mythology even gods think twice before engaging an adult or ancient dragon.