Ok, we can admit that, even though it was still a piece of shit, this was a far better series than Super, right?
Dragon Ball
If you're talking about the series before DBZ, it was the best part of the whole series. But then you post an image of characters from GT so I don't know what you're referencing.
fuck off and stop making the same thread.
no lol.
Hell yes. I wouldn't call it a piece of shit but at least Goku has way more confirmed kills here than in super. What a waste. Ssj4 Gogeta is cooler than MUI Goku anyday of the week.
When will this meme die.
GT was just straight up sad shit I rather forget about.
OP isn't saying it was good.
OP is saying it was better than Super.
Which really isn't saying much.
It's not even better though.
GT had its moments. It tried to merge DB goofiness with DBZ level edge in too many places but for the most part the Rilldo/Baby saga was decent and an original concept. Super 17 was shitty and forgettable and the dark dragon saga was an interesting concept that got an unfair shake
Too many people shit on GT for no reason other than memes. The Goku black/Zamasu saga was stupid and a waste of time. ToP is dragging on way too long. Repeating the movies as sagas was a waste of time. Both series have flaws and fail the source material.
I think it gave the series closure
literally anything at this point is better than current super
>Goku Time
Ok, we can admit that, even though it was still a piece of shit, this was far better than Super, right?
No, GT is even worse than those scribble American cartoons.
Yes GT us better.
GT is mediocre.
Super is trash.
>make annoying hater who want to ruin this franchise.
>if you like GT you're spic
>GT is shit and I only watch it on YouTube
>it make more money (bandai pic) than DB,Z,GT because nip love recolor.
>SS4 fucking ugly and make nonsense
>magic pant hahahahahahaha
>animation look fucking bad(post pictures/gifs from google)
>story is fucking nonsense tsufuru,black star dragon ball,negative energy make shadow Dragon.but hakaishin,angel,daishinkan,zeno make more sense
>it make broly become CANON thank kale
>GT is non canon.Super make by meme
I like GT now
Nah i liked super better
It has more of the Toriyama writing style than GT's souless immatation
But I hated Super Saiyan Kabuki Magic Pants.
The only thing i liked about GT
Well, it is at least better than a complete shit show like Super.
>not liking Super Saiyan Kabuki Magic Pants.
The only good thing about GT.
Prove me wrong, faggots.
It had a better ending than Super, but that's about it.
>Also dat Opening.
Pan as a doll.
GT was a great series.
haha no you are dumb
The first half was indeed better. The second one not so much
No, now fuck off and stop making this thread you degenerate spic
What the fuck is that suppose to be some fan fic?
that's Super
nice try spic
Better than "Let's hype up a Jobber form for years with posters and specials."
the OP song always made me nostalgic
gt is garbage
super is ok, up to par with the rest of the franchise albeit worse than z and the original
can we stop this faggotry now?
I think GT is overall worse and this is coming from someone who just recently watched it for the first time. GT has more consistent animation, but when the best that consistency brings is basically still frames then I'm not sure it's worth it. GT's best is nowhere near Super's best, even if Super's worst is worse than GT's.
As far as story goes, I think they are just as bad as each other. GT's "best" story, or at least from what people seem to say is the Shadow Dragon saga and honestly it's like 90% wacky MotW episodes. And they WISH they were half as entertaining as Super's filler is.
Finally, everyone likes to laud UI as a jobber form, but SS4 only won against Baby because of muh nakama power and jobbed in every fight after that. Except against that one building during the Shadow Dragon saga.
Overall, I think they are both pretty bad-meh, but Super inches out a win by just a bit as a slightly better turd.
I just hate the shitty washed-up colors and art-style, looks so fucking boring, Cell and Majin Buu sagas look a lot better
Super is shitty a lot of times but at least colorful I guess
super manga>GT>super anime
DB > DBZ >>> Super >>>>> GT
No, anything 'good' you may remember about GT has smattering of shit on either side of it
Pretty much this. Although I believe the biggest problem with GT was trying to late to return to the original DB format.
By that time Power levels where so big that nothing could posibily being able to create an interesting challenge for the heroes. So they gave up half way throu and became DBZ 2.0 by the end.
People who say Super is better than GT are just being stubborn and only remember the burger localization.
GT was more creative and fun than DBS has ever been.
>Finally, everyone likes to laud UI as a jobber form, but SS4 only won against Baby because of muh nakama power and jobbed in every fight after that. Except against that one building during the Shadow Dragon saga.
I don't even understand this argument. People who think like that don't want story or drama, just characters winning like Mary Sues.
>magic pants
Why exactly ''magic pants'' is a problem in GT, but when it happens in Z and Super all the time it is not?
You must really hate Dragon Ball if you think Super is up to par.
When did magic pants happen in Super? If on Z it's Piccolo using magic to give Gohan clothes, then explain to me how a new SS form gave Goku the power to form new pants/gave him magic powers?
DB Kai > DB > DBZ > DBS >>>>>>>> DBGT
Not really. Super is undeniable garbage but if you honestly think GT is better then you should go and rewatch it. Some people have forgotten just how bad the entire thing was.
Those people have nostalgia for GT, and only remember liking it as a kid when their taste was shit and standards were low
Both are shit in their own way. That having been said, at least GT didn't make a supposedly unbeatable form lose to someone who didn't have it also. Jiren beating MUI singlehandedly ruined Super
>supposedly unbeatable form
No one said UI was unbeatable though
> "Someone stronger than a GoD" beating Goku ruined Super
Are you a Gokufag? Characterwars have nothing to do with the quality of the show.
No, it just means the writing is shit. I have no problem with Goku losing if the writing is decent.
>Whis says that MUI can beat any opponent
>MUI means that you are able to instinctively dodge all attacks
Hell no you fucking mongoloid.
Jiren's been established from the get- go and this fucking monster and near unbeatable and if goku won by pulling a new form out of his ass that would be incredibly lame.
Guys, I come to you with a humble request.
I've never watched/read/played anything Dragon Ball. Not Z, Super, or anything else. I want to immerse myself in this thing. How should I go about it? What to start with, and how to acquire it? Any advice would be awesome. I want to know my shit so I can enjoy that new fighting game and maybe collect some /toy/s, but mostly I want to recapture the feeling of 90's anime. Thanks in advance if anyone shares advice.
>Whis says that MUI can beat any opponent
He actually doesn't
He only says that it will maximize their potential by not restricting their bodies with unnecessary thoughts while fighting
If we were compare Super and GT it would be something like that for me:
Zamasu arc > GT > the rest of Super
Super17 arc was shit but it was so short I don't even feel like trying to separate my ranking anymore. It was filler tier, for years I thought that Baby went straight into Black Dragons.
The rest of Super is just bad, the new forms were boring and some even completely pointless (is Kawaii Blue really a thing now?). GT had one new form, and even if it was a bit silly, at least it brought something new.
Tournaments in Super lacked any tension and were a bore to watch for the most part. ToP at least got some better animation than U6, but it's not helping it much. Jiren is the most boring enemy in the whole franchise.
Start with DB Kai
It is a better written, better paced version of DBZ with no filler.
There are people who don't like it simply because they grew up with DBZ and have nostalgia for it...but it's objectively worse.
You can also start with Dragon Ball, but it's a very different show (larger focus on adventure and jokes). I'd watch it afterwards of you enjoyed Kai
If* you enjoyed Kai
>Ends with Goku winning a fight against a powerful opponent
Yeah, I think so.
How is getting the power up to end all power ups and still losing not just as lame?
I don't claim super is good but it's watchable. I watched it until now and it's fun even if it's flawed and full of plot-holes at times.
I picked gt and couldn't stand getting past the second episode.
>calls other spic while he looks forward to Heroes Toei/GT-wank garbage
>jobber form
SSG=saved the earth
SSB=btfo Golden Frieza
SSR=slained all ningen
UI=toppled El Jiren
SS4=couldnt beat Super 17 and Omega, base Goku did
your furry form a shit
Waste of Pan
Waste of Trunks
Ruining Vegeta’s design
Waste of Tien
Waste of Krillin
GIANT waste of Goten like holy shit how can you not show teen gotenks? Replace Kid Goku with Goten and you get a better show.
SSJ4 looks kind of cool but it changes clothes for no reason. I think it’s more creative than SSG at least.
As much as people like to say Super rides Goku’s dick too hard, GT was 10x worse about it. Super gives 2 fucks when it comes to making the supporting cast feel somewhat relevant at least.
These kind of threads always prove how much worse GT is to Super
Beginning to think OP is a falseflagging Superfag
I want to suck Cabba's dick.
super was trash but GT was much worse than that
Everyone was hyped for Dragon Ball's return after 20 years. Maybe they don't want to believe that they waited for garbage.
Are Caulifla and Kale canon?