>that gyaru
Pure sex
Noah's Notes Chapter 1 spoilers
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Lead CP
I don't even know what this is about, but i want to read it for that gyaru.
Gyaru's are a miracle of the universe.
Please survive
doujins WHEN
>an idiot
Of course. Sluts are always stupid as fuck.
Because it's fun, tumblr.
Smart and slutty is an overuse meme in western media.
What is he saying? That the world will be destroyed in 2022?
Why is fucking someone with such a low level of intelligence so hot?
Why does she have naruto whiskers on her face?
Go on, don’t jerk off now
He comes from 10 thousand years the future and is trying to figure out why humanity was destroyed in 2022 by having those 10 thousand years on loop.
Her name is Kotobuki Mirai if anyone is curious.
This looks like a 13year old westerner drew this with the help of an how to draw manga book
Sounds like inverse Dr.Stone
>Humanity is destroyed in 2022
>Still, MC comes from freaking 10.000 years in future
Something doesn't sound right here
Is this from 2ch?
You got it wrong.
He said the world is destroyed the year 2022 10 thousand years ago, and they are the second generation after the world has repeated itself.
Please Japan, get good taste for once
Wait. so he's from the year 2022+10000, and he time travelled back to 2018 to find out why the world "ends" at 2022?
No he is not from the future.
I don't know where that user got that from.
Maybe he confused the loop part?
Can someone please dump the chapter.
>10 thousand years ago, in the year 2022 A.D.
>Humanity was once destroyed.
>For 10 thousand years, our history has been on this loop.
Something like that?
>0 points
She really can’t bw this dumb, right? Or maybe she just doesn’t care to try?
Inb4 the girl is 2smart4school, playing dumb in the eyes of the others is just a facade.
Idc about her brain, show me more slutty pages.
>gyaru girl
>great tits
>boob mole
LIVE, FUCKING LIVE. Monofu artist creates top tier looking women
Is this replacing Golem Heart?
I like this MC
>people are willing to let a shit title take up a SJ slot because muh dick
fuck all of you
nice aesthetics
What's one more on the king of shit heaps?
I'm not complaining dumbass. I'm saying that sluts are always idiots. That's a fact.
MC has such a punchable face.
Well, of course this work could be pure shit but I'll still read at least 5 chapters just for that gal.
Go bark at Yuuna and Bokuben thread too
This screams cancel fodder
Are you fucking memeing? This is the most generic design a slut could have, also absolute shit art.
Is this your first manga? Jesus fucking christ, you should all be banned for shit taste.
he's absolutely right. that girl looks absolutely generic, the physique and art is amateurish as hell
If she looks generic, throw me at least 5 examples of Gyaru girls that look like her
Ignoring gyaru design, I find both the plot and the MC guy character both refreshing.
I think this has some good potential. Please Japan, don't fuck it.
Imagine having such woefully shit taste that you can't even grasp the first layer of gyaru appeal.
Those are neat MC designs. They kinda look like villains.
I miss her bros
Good as axed
It all depends on the nips, they will decide if this semen demon is enough.
kek why don’t you fuck off and populate your Kimetsu threads with your samefagging posts
I'll fap to this despair look on her face
Please remember to read Kimetsu no Yaiba.
A bigger image would help, wouldn't it?
Oh yes user, I'll burn that image into my retinas.
great, now I'm reminded that we'll never get more of her
Gyaru-chan is better than that ugly slut already.
Hold your horses bud, monofu girl was actually hot.
>all of muh dick posts
a reminder that Ikezawa is the same guy that criticized Medaka Box because it's losers bait and it's only selling because otakus buy the volumes for their girl
The series looks as trashy as the girl
He's a reformed man, as you can see from this manga. Based.
Did this actually happen, can you post a source?
Medaka box was shit so it was justified.
Well looks like he changed his mind.
So this is the Dr Stone killer everyone talking about ha?
so what?
everytime I'm reminded we'll never get more of her, I cry.
Bokuben is better than this shit.
No source has been posted so it didn't happen.
He needs to pay for his sins, you can't end your manga because you got bored and face no consequence.
Nobody reads Kimetsu
whoever cleaned this should be shot
Please read it
>>messy twintail
Dear Japan, please keep this series alive so we can get doujins of her
Dude I know you’re being ironic and all but just fucking stop
kimetsu does deserve to be read but that has absolutely nothing to do with this
>newfag alert
it did happen in 2011, he deleted his twitter account and issued an apology and everything
I do and you should read it as well.
wtf I hate Ikezawa now?
Kimetsu is shit, fuck off and stop telling every people you met online to read it
Kimetsu is good, please read it.
Picked up
I love the desings the two have, this will stay in jump.
When will the full raw be out for this?
Would you read it in a house?
Would you read it with a mouse?
Since netabare died, then probably Monday for public raws (unless it gets leaked somewhere )
Whoa those tits, I love those tits so much
I really want to read it, it looks so good.
Same here.
If you can't beat them, join them.
>dumbass slut
>hang around with the smartass
Every fucking time
picked up
That art is garbage
Where do I vote for this to stay on forever?