It's out.
One Piece
Pekoms deserved to have his eyes gouged for this Brulee bullying.
3 chapters max left n the arc.
Chapter 900 will end with Strawhats sailing away and Big Mom fainting from eating the cake.
Screencap this for an easy prediction fro a predictable as hell ending.
Oh shit!
Brulee is in so much trouble
i cant belive pekoms is fucking dead
>being a sanjifag is suffering
Bege takes the credit for killing Big Mom off-screen, screencap this.
It really is honestly
wew i didnt recognize him, nice
Don't mess with Oven's imouto
Fuck man.
If Pekoms actually got his eyes gouged that would be fucking metal.
And the Germas are cool too.
Although I wonder how their whole fleet made it there without anyone noticing.
And that BM pirate that can moonwalk and has a huge mallet is cool too.
>Other people know geppo
Well fuck.
C-Can't wait for Sanji's win in this arc! haha...
so theres no break next week? fuck that nigger who posted the fake spoiler then
Pekoms lost his eye
Dark Piece.
What the fuck
How am I supposed to believe the strawhats can escape?
>Anyone can use something as simple as moonwalk.
Took Sanji a year to learn that shit...
Oda needs to quit ending chapters on cliffhangers.
>can't handle a few jobbers
>gets btfo by Yeun
>needs you be saved by even bigger jobbers
Year of Sanji!
>user Oda isnt a hack Katakuri won youre just too stupid to understand Odas underline themes
you cant defend him anymore
so they actually gouged out pekom's eyes? WTF?
>I-I trained though...
>Pekoms tries to transform
>Gets instantly fucking dogpiled by mooks and shanked
That wasn't very shonen of them.
It's his style now, and has been for a looong time. He wants us to get boners and either make benis the big benis, or blueball us and edge us.
...What happened to us, Sanjibros? Where'd it all go wrong?
holy fuck. nothing happened the chapter yet again.
>where is mama?
>when will we have a chapter that feels like more than just 1 minute passing?
>when will sanji stop jobbing?
>what is pudding doing?
>why couldn't we see pekoms sulong form more clearly?
When stuff like this happens, it's usually because the author hates a person in real life that the character is attached to. That's why the Eternal Cuckening has befallen Sanji. Heard Oda and Sanji's VA had beef?
I'm still convinced Sanji's strength now is as a support character.
Just let the fucking guy cook for others.
>sameway you believed Luffy beating Kata
Ass Pulls
That was just a meme. But I wouldn't be surprised if it were true seeing how he's treated Sanji.
why the fuck is sanji so weak? he was one of the strong 3 in the straw hats WTF HAPPENED
He was self-taught. If he had a proper teacher, I'm sure he would've mastered it sooner.
literally name me one thing that happened? i'll be waiting
Pekoms transformed and Sanji escaped with his captain as planned
This chapter was fucking brilliant. Sanji uses Geppo, Random scrub Yuen says "Anyone can use an ability as simple as that" Why is Oda shitting on Sanji so much?
>Left mirror world
>Pekoms lost his eye(s)
>Germa blew up some BM ships
>Germa now assisting Sanji
we saw Stansen
that was about the most interesting thing that happened
>Luffy suffocates Katakuri with his hat
>Pekoms gets stabbed in the face with a fucking scythe
When did One Piece become so brutal?
i really hope so desu... Big meme pirates have had their asses kicked since the beggining of the arc, they deserve a little victory so i hope pekkons is dead .
Luffy came out of the mirror, Sanji escaped with him, he was stopped, Germa arrive to save him, SHs know Luffy won. What more do you want? Fuck off
Yuen is the best thing that happened in this chapter ~Yu
Looks like you didn't have to wait long, Every-Week-Nothing-Happens!!-kun.
> Katakuri and Oven are both upstanding, responsible and loving older brothers to their younger siblings
> Daifuku laid a hand on Pudding because she failed on the assasination plan
Daifuku isn't worthy to be a part of the triplets
>Sanji escaped with his captain as planned
he gets pummeled by some literal who who mocks him using something easy as skywalk before being surrounded by other literal whos
>Pekoms transformed
mid transformation gets dog piled and we cannot see shit what is going on but a cloud of smoke before he gets hit by sharp stuff
Why does Oda hate him? Could even keep the technique he learned during the time skip special.
Did you ever think you'd feel bad for Pekoms at his introduction?
>random scrub yuen
Are we Dark Piece once again?
So you're saying 4 things happened not just 2?
>Pekoms gets stabbed in the face with a fucking scythe
That's seriously some of the most brutal shit I've ever seen. It's hilarious how violent it is.
See you in two weeks, user
I never imagined Pekoms would be getting stabbed in the face during a heroic sacrifice that's for fucking sure
CP9 trained their whole lives to use those damn abilities and make them their thing, now everyone knows it. Oda really needs to bring back CP9 and play them up better.
>Random scrub Yuen
not that guy. i am just calling you on your reading comprehension.
at least he can burst into passionate flames when thinking of Trannies, that's at least less common
>Yuen shows up
>Only been around for 2 chapters
>Has already humiliated Sanji and every single member of CP9 as a collective
Why is this man so based, can anybody stop him
>I'll transform and nobody will be able to stop me now that Pedro is gone
INSTANTLY grappled and blinded.
Sometimes a little luck is required during an adventure.
There is definitely some hate going on with someone either in Oda's memory that's like Sanji, or someone Oda truly despises right now. Cuckji will continue to get anally obliterated until the end of this series.
>Name one thing that happened this chapter
>Names two things that were prevented
Not that guy either and I'm just calling you out on yours.
Fucking this. Now suddenly everyone knows rokushiki?
>"master plan" hypes everyone up
>basically just take luffy and go
>fails tremendously and requires jobma's help
>only thing learnt besides haki is sky walk which made him special
>"anyone can use skywalk"
>CoO specialist
>hyped about having Luffy tier CoO
>said to be super fast
>gets distracted like a faggot and doesn't even foresee and dodge a random big mom pirate
And that was just this single chapter.
It wasn't even special before the timeskip. The government has an entire division of dudes who use this power.
We have been for a long time dude. Punk Hazard had crack-children.
>I ll just make him outlast a 12 hours one sided beating. Yes PERFECT. This is exactly how i want Luffy to progress
Fuck's like the hype is being forever delayed to stop and wait for the hype of something else...Will chapter 900 be something fucking extraordinary?
Top 5 Charlotte Bros
5. Raisin
If You disagree you are WRONG
Yuen is cute and strong!
>so this is what zero reading comprehension looks like
What made CP9 special is that they had mastered all of the powers.
Is this the lowest point Sanji has ever been? Reduced to a useless side character that fucks up everything he tries to do?
What's Yuen's devil fruit?
not to mention there's plenty of women in that army who would automatically win against him
Shit that's rare in Paradise is basic bitch in the New World.
How the fuck are doing that to begin with? In Wan Piss you need asspull fruits to do impossible stuff.
Yuen is a future Sweet Commander
*4-5 hours, you can't even count
And what made Rob Lucci extra special was that he could use the 7th power.
>I'm still waiting
Do people seriously think that pekoms didn't retreat to his shell?
>I have no idea how dramaturgy in continous series work
You know soap operas and how the episode always ends in a situation that leaves audience questioning what's going to happen? Can you imagine why that is?
Oda really hate Sanji.
Do you really think that the most dangerous pirates in the world wouldn't have at least reverse engineered Rokushiki at some point? C'mon, son. Think.
Sanji fights with his legs. He could hold Luffy and attempt something but he got smashed to the ground by an extra who appeared 3 chapters ago. Why is Sanji so weak post time skip?
Only Lucci mastered all of them
Forgot that he
>Lost his wife
This chapter as well.
>5. Raisins
You either learn that, Haki, Swordsmanship or rely on a devil fruit
that's 99% of New world fighters
At this point, I seriously think Sanji will get FISHED by Jinbe. Nami will remember her fond memories of the "excitement" she got from the Arlong days, and Jinbe's wideness will reawaken her inner beast.
>Sanji got beaten by toad
He really is the best