
Why do Trigger fags hate it so passionaly while everyone with a bit of taste at very least slightly appreciates it if not considers best Trigger show to date while admiting its flaws?

10/10 Soundtrack
Great charcters design and characterization
Superb direction
Great emotional moments
Somewhat a mess of a story, but still enjoyable overall and showcases talent of Trigger stuff when they are not trying to make crap like KLK or Luluco

Better than say Franxx this season in every single aspect. So what is that that makes Trigger babies hate it? Too much characterization? Cant feel empathy and relate to emotions? Okada writing being too deep for people used to Inerno cop?

I liked it alot, but the final arc felt rushed.

It's average for an Okada show. Bad but not complete garbage.

It could've been great if it was 2 cour, definitely felt rushed at the end, and I wished every character had an episode or two to focus on them

True that. The issue seems to stem from a fact they changed show concept from initial plans and thus had to adapt to tell story that deserved one more cour in short one.

Ironically, unlike Franxx Kiznaiver never had pace issues - in opposite, in the end wished there were more episodes. Meanwhile 8 episode of Franxx plot still did not even start and nothing relevant happened.


I thought it was good too

Bad drama. Dumb story. Style over substance

And Luluco is Trigger's best show, get it right buddy

because Kiznaiver is completely different from the normal trigger shows.

Studio fans are stupid and im not talking only of triggerfags that said Kiznaiver was mediocre at best.

I loved it.

Because it Triggers them

Kiznaiver is unironically 20 times better than franxx thus far

>Why do Trigger fags hate it so passionaly while everyone with a bit of taste at very least slightly appreciates it if not considers best Trigger show to date while admiting its flaws?
Mindless projecting.
>10/10 Soundtrack
I wouldn't go that far, but it was good.
>Great charcters design
Agreed. Nico was adorable.
Just no. They tried to add depth to characters by revealing their "secrets", but it was a complete failure.
>Superb direction
True. It is a very visually appealing show.
>Great emotional moments
Only if you like melodramas for tumblrfags.
>Somewhat a mess of a story
Somewhat? Entire story is just shippingbait and it has one of the silliest moments in anime history where everyone just collapses on the floor and acts like an epileptic. It was so badly written, it distracts from everything else. Okada is a hack. The premise was interesting, at least.
>Better than say Franxx this season in every single aspect.
Being better than Franxx isn't much of an achievement, though.
>Okada writing being too deep for people used to Inerno cop?
Inferno Cop had unironically better writing.

>best Trigger show to date


>create great character designs
>don't do anything with them

Should've been a bit longer, maybe 15 or 16 episodes.

The OP for this show was GOAT. I love the character designs a lot, but when the show went full "my pain is greater than yours", the melodrama became unbearable.

Hello, user of good taste.

All I remember was Chidori being a gigantic bitch and singlehandedly ruining the show with her melodrama

I think they hate it because they had a great idea and set up, but nothing fucking happened, it was s build up to nothing

More like

That scene always make me feel bad

Why do they keep hiring her?

Your post illustrates why Triggerdrones hate it. Because they are emotionaly stunted victims of mental conditions.


She probably gives good head

Look at this. A triggerus vulgaris, for unknown evolutional reason they are offended by actually good shows, even if they are made by their own studio and find compulsory need to worship and consume shit.

Can you take me back to the universe where Kiznaiver is good?

It's not entertaining nor interesting.
It's a shit story with bad characters. The emotional moments were completely laughable.

With Frankxx it's at least entertaining for brainlets.
Kiznaiver was so shit and unappealing that it sold nothing and won't be remembered.