ITT: Harsh truths taught by anime and manga

ITT: Harsh truths taught by anime and manga.

Well, that is indeed true.


Both of these fucking sucks sounds like it came from the author's personal history

Forgot pic

Oh this bullshit again


>it came from the author's personal history
this is the key to good writing

really powerful quote

I actually agree, not for quotes you based your life on tho, since they're very bias

Fuck you, OP.

inb4 500+ replies

>people are 90% x. If you don't try to x you're just self-centered.
Can be applied to wealth, fitness, intelligence, ability to fly and incinerate with glare etc.

Isn't she a cheating slut?


That's from an NTR manga and the woman shortly after proceeds to cheat on her husband.

I don't necessarily value the looks themselves but I'm really wary of people who don't look like they tried to look good. If someone is just plain ugly, they can't help it and I won't judge them for that, but if someone is unkempt and doesn't dress properly then I tend to assume poor things about them.

same, but with fat people


Men are easy to spin.


White Panther

end was so bad. He deserved better. Once again neesans prove themselves inferior to imouto



ITT: future school shooters



People will call him a faggot but many can relate



this is why you have bidets, pleb

They aren't really meant to be inspirational, they are just stating some ugly facts.

you need TP to dry your butt. Or were you so plebian you were thinking of using TP to wipe?

I mean, it has the "but doesn't try to make himself look good" part in there. Some people are beyond redemption but even for them it will make a difference if they just give up or put some effort into it.


check the 8

M-Me too


We have this exact thread every week. YAMEROOOO

Implying I haven't already shot up 5 schools and gotten away with it.

Someone tell him about /r9k/

I would punch 8man irl

a reminder that these threads are made by redditors and tumblrinas


This actually happened to me, unironically.

I love this panel, it is guaranteed landwhale bait.

Do you have a single fact to back up that claim?

Oh, this one hurts a little.

>I'm retarded so everyone else are


I get your point but i'm willing to bet most people are like that. They didn't have grand adventures all the time.


Ever since high school. What the hell happened?


Sometimes people die even if you do everything right and pull off a miracle. Nanoha A's does a good gut punch to tie up its themes.

he kinda stopped being a fag later, way later

inner monologue: the manga

t.ugly nigger

>slack off in school

It gave me so peace.

ITT: I'm depressed and I think it's deep

Welcome to /r9a/

I fucking hate how depression became a buzzword, yes I feel like shit, NO I'M NOT FUCKING DEPRESSED

Go complain to the mods for not deleting this thread.


Life isn't some isekai shit, having some actual friends, passions and being satisfied with what you do/are is more than good enough.

The poor dude went to some fortune telling company

can he talk anymore during the whole manga?

Keep living and thinking user.

if you weren't you wouldn't be wasting your time on a cantonese finger painting board

what do you mean?

he goes on and on, on how his life is shit the whole time. author keeps trying way to hard to make depression=deep

>Life isn't some isekai shit

I graduated with a pretty high gpa and I still can't get a job in my industry. The guy is right on the money.

It isn't like that.
In actual manga, he goes to some magical fortune telling company, the entire panel is what the clerks are telling him about his future life, then they offer him to sell his lifespan.


What did you graduate on?



The field user


>the entire panel is what the clerks are telling him about his future life, then they offer him to sell his lifespan.
So first they tell him the future, then they ask him if he wants to sell his life since he gets a shit future anyway. And youre supposed to believe them? Next they'll tell him to give them all his money because they forsaw that tomorrow they'll give him back 10 times as much

He went there in the first place to sell his life. Didn't care much if they were telling the truth or not


The "are" fits better in this context

>go to college to get a doctorate in philosophy
>end up packing boxes

More like
>go to college
>do what is asked of you but never show any kind of personal initiative
>don't network and just spend your time on solitary hobbies
>end up with nothing
You can very much do well in college by purely academic standards and still end up not really getting anything out of it

I feel you. Just drives me insane when people go to college for a useless degree and network than turn around and call college a waste of time.
It's blaming the world for your problems and taking out your frustrations on other people.

>*don't network
Wew, my post is a mess.

Alternatively, do all that shit with a tech degree, go to a job fair, and start with 60k.

So by that logic EVERYONE on Sup Forums is depressed. Yeah no.

>go to college
>pursue accounting degree
>assume i don't have to interact with a lot of people while on the job
>lmfao it's the complete opposite
>realize nearly all business degrees require you to network and socialize
>start busting my ass off in fear of not having a job
>mfw i'm halfway there to being a normal adjusted adult instead of an anime watching shut-in
so fucking glad i didn't go into STEM

there's drier with the bidet as well

The tao of Kyon is truly a wise one to follow.

ITT: normalfags

Damn your blog is riveting, I'm on the edge of my seat! Please do go on!

>History of mongolian cave painting industry in the U.S.


Adults are more concerned with status I guess.

In school just having someone who enjoys the same games is enough to be friends.