new visuals
High School DxD
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Kunou is great but the cast looks more generic now, here hoping the action is good
Mai youkai hime loli doesn't look cute as she should be. I already don't like these new designs.
Why even bother if you're going to half-ass it?
Man, I want to suck Cao Cao off
You forget about air date
Air date 10-04-2018
Why do the male characters look better than the female characters? The series should not be Harém, it would be better.
How is that Kunou?
Her tits are too big, isn't she supposed to be 9?
The difference between their tits is too big, it should be just 3cm
It is Kunou, her mom Yasaka is supposed to have big boobs
Finally the art is closer to the LN style
I almost didn't recognize it, it looks pretty nice though. I might pick it up just to see how nice it looks.
New PV when?
Still no Ravel. Im getting nervous at this point.
I'm going to miss the old style
Akeno and Koneko made the best transition to the new art style
rank the new designs we currently got
So april or october?
Xenovia got hit the worst, I'm really not a fan of her new design
>new design
>her exact same design from the LNs
Her face looks dumber for some reasons
Well at least Risa Taneda has come back to voice Xenovia so some good news.
I agree that Xenovia took a hit with the new look. I kind of like the redesign of everyone else though so I’m not complaining.
What was up with an entire chapter worth of ntr bait?
I think that may be Yasaka not Kunou
She only appears in the second half of the season mate
I unironically really love the new style. Not that the old one was bad but I just like the new one more.
I need Sona's new look
Same, and the character expressions on the sheets look great. The only facet that's objectively a step back in my opinion is the eyes, which is negligible
Thank god Akeno still looks like herself.
The rest is pretty bad.
If there was any doubt it's gone now, Ishibumi confirmed the volumes per episode.
>1-6: vol 9
>6-12: vol 10
It probably is Yasaka. She's more relevant than Kunou in this volume. Most anons must've forgotten but Cao Cao turns her into the 9 tailed fox this season
Was such massive design overhaul really necessary?
I want based Gotoh back!
Episode 1 pre screening on the 30th so we may have to wait until then for another PV.
Not that user but he says here vols 9 and 10 and for fans to wait to see the fights
The smaller girls turned out fine, but the bigger girls went full potatoe. Art syle like that works fine for some, but not others. Overall, the girls from the first 3 seasons looked more mature with nice proportioned bodies, the chibi style just destroys them. I'll still watch it but I'm just sayan; what sucks is this process won't be reversed, unless it fail and try to reboot later on with a different studio. Pic related is what I want my DxD cast to look like, more or less.
Blame the LN illustrator if you must. They're just going by his newer designs. In other words they're just trying to appeal to the masses. In the first place since DxD is ending soon they can only pump out one more season after this, and rumors have said that they've already planned to produce it from the get go by their contract with Passione.
I don't get how Rias here looks fine but the style that's supposedly trying to emulate this makes her derpy
That doesn't look fine at all in my opinion, her eyes look like total ass. Even this season looks better for that.
Shit forgot my green text
>just remembered that pointy chins are everywhere in anime now
Why do their boobies look like they are trying to run away from their bodies...
>on my Sup Forums
Listen oji-san, DxD did not get popular for looking like a 10 year old anime. It got popular because of ass, tiddies, cute girls, and hot blooded males punching each other
I'm not antimoefag, but when you have three seasons with gorgeous character designs like Gotou's and then overhaul that with literal moeblobs without taste, then it's simply disappointing.
Problem is that new design is monotonous moeblob style. It works for characters when they should be cute, but in terms of sexiness, it's HUGE downgrade. And while new style still can be kind sexy on its own, it's nowhere near of Gotou's style as it lacking any "dangerous vamp" appeal, that is so typical for Gotou and fundamentally perfect for demonic beauties of DxD. If design change was really necessary, then they should choose something that was at least in a certain degree similar to Gotou's original style. Not such absolute overhaul. Even something like pictured would be fine. This is not. Hopefully in potential season 5 they either revert back to Gotou, or at least choose something more adequate.
I think Gotou only designs males well. Difference of opinions but I don't think many liked his female designs. Moe is the future. The males are handsome so all is well.
Xenovia was cool and sexy in Gotou's style, she's lost her appeal with the new design and that makes me sad
The new designs are an improvement.
The only ones who survived this 'improvement' are Akeno and Koneko, the rest are awful, especially Rias. The guys look decent though.
god those lewd eyes
The hard edges and pointy parts are a huge factor in conveying sexiness
But it's not fundamental, you can make sexy without looking like an anime from the early 00s, or 20th century
I agree to an extent, but Xenovia is played as more of a power idiot in the LNs after her first appearance, so it sort of fits
Personally I find every girl except Rias to be more attractive in the new art. In particular I felt his "adaptation" of Rossweisse was a big miss, and I didn't like her face in BorN.
Look at this, perfectly sexy, while still modern, cute and soft
I think the new designs are a downgrade but that artstyle isn't necessarily bad because it's different
That artstyle isn't like any of DxD's though. It's abundantly clear they're just going off Miyama's newer style which is supposed to be softer and cuter looking.
Pochi is amazing
I like the the new artstyle. It allows for way more expressive character animation. They can stretch and squash, and going off model for the sake of animation isn't as jarring as with the old rather detailed designs.
My point is that art-style is just a tool
Even a realistic art-style geared towards horror can make beautiful women
It will certainly be much better in motion. BorN was a laughing stock by the time Juggernaut Drive barely moved and Great Red was a still background. You can't even just blame TNK either, because BorN's art became very weak as it went on.
Miyama's art also changed through the years
This is V1 Rias
This is V22 Rias
Maybe I'll post V1 Akeno as well for comparison's sake
Same, I like the softer look the girls have. If the animation is fluid it'll look great and it does lend itself better to visual gags.
I think the designs are still sexy in a different way. Yea Rias and Akeno aren't as curvy now, but the softer look is very pleasing too. The only one who I think is a downgrade is Xenovia
>girls have nipples
>guys don't
Gasper doesn't count
>complaining about the girls when this is a 99% male character season with Rias as the main girl
Now's the time to convert to being a fan of the guys, because they get all the good scenes. God, I can't wait to see Gasper man up and solo that dragon
Issei actually has a bit of right nipple and a shadow on the left
Rias has lipstick, I don't think she ever had it apart from this image, they were really pushing the "demonic vixen" angle
Rias is really good at that role
They better not fuck up the perfection that is Momo.
She should be fine since she's the cutest girl in the Sitri team
Takane is in DxD?
I'm gonna bust a fucking nut if they do the action better than the first 3 seasons
Well they will need to since the series becomes more about battles over ecchi.
It's also the first time I've seen Ishibumi hype up the fighting for the anime. Kinda funny how some of these fights will put shounen anime to fucking shame
You can really only go up animation-wise from the first three seasons.
>I think the designs are still sexy in a different way.
Of course they are. I even said it, did I? Problem is that this design is monotonous that only kind of sexiness that will be able to portray in believable manner is "cute sexy". Which can work for girls like Asia or Koneko, but significantly downgrade most of other girls. For example, girls making seductive expressions like pictured will no longer properly work, because "vamp effect" of Gotou's style is gone. All what remain is simply "cute girl trying to be sexy, but ending to be sexy just due being cute". That simply not same.
Even if they try, then they absolutely failed. Even Miyama still manages to make girls feel "vamp beautiful". Just look at Akeno's expression here . I really doubt, that new style will manage to portray it that way with the same effect.
Yes, on Xenovia is whole change most apparent. Feel between Gotou and this is basically like I looked at the completely different character.
Fuku Jun for Cao Cao please. He'd have his plate full though between this and Persona 5
Judging by the facial expressions, like Akeno's here I think it'll still do the seductive sexiness that seasons 1-3 had fairly well. I'll reserve judgement for when I see it in action since there a lot of variables beyond just art style. For example that one H-anime studio that dis Baku Ane has a very similar moe style and the girls still manage to be seductive and sexy not just cute.
>Nico nico is streaming the first 3 seasons from start to finish
Wonder if they'll show a new PV at the end
I need to see Ravel's updated design asap.
My guess is it will look good because this style works for the cuter girls
Then God bless this artstyle.
Honsest question why the fuck are they always making the characters do that stupid shit where they stretch out one arm a little? Almost everyone does that when they show off characters is there a reason for that because it fucking triggers my autism.
What I see is only "cute girl trying to be sexy, but ending to be sexy just due being cute", just as I previously said. It's not there, really. Even her scene in PV made that obvious. I have fear, that after this season people will call Akeno slut even more than before because instead seductive seductress, new art style changes her into a simple cute girl with slutty manners.
Akeno is only one who managed to retain her sexiness in the new style, Xenovia on the other hand got fucked
Will best girl finally make an appearance? Maybe in a BD exclusive extra episode?
The sports day should be the one animated. We need to see Gabriel animated. And if she appears in the anime then we will get mobage cards of her.
No, it's not same. What I see, is cute girl that have to make several slutty moves to look at least "sexy cute". In Gotou take all what Akeno needed was to be simply there and her temptress aura worked at full strength. Here is nothing.
Also compare.
You're preaching to the choir, old designs were better
I'm still convinced it's not a a matter of art-style, simply a matter of worse designs
Again, art-style is a tool, in this case it simply wasn't used well
It's to show them in poses that's it