Boku no Hero Academia

You will never feel a love like this
Chapter 174:

Other urls found in this thread:

>that massive size difference


here's the link to the new chapter

Now it's getting hype, finally.

It's right there in the OP...

Chapter link, for those who missed it

>Deku All Might bonding
>Gentle and La Brava confess their love to each other

This is advanced dumb.

it's out

Chapter link


The fuck is wrong with all of you?

It's not even page 10 yet, dumbass. Stop linking like a fucking retard.

>she hacked his address and dropped everything in her life to go join him
I bet she is yandere for him, can't wait for Gentle to get injured by the heroes and Brava going berserk with her quirk whatever it is

her quirk is hacking, speed reader

She remembers his name, that's actually sweet

You know who else could have unlocked nearly 100% instantly? Bakugou.

>Gentle and LaBrava love
Is it wrong for me to want Gentle and LaBrava to win?

Nigga they've known each other for 7 months

Yes because that will make Hound dog a failure and he would be called a bad dog.

This girl is a super stalker. Keep her back at any costs!

>concert time
>a1 is performing well
>the crowd is dazzled by aoyamas disco laser
>aoyama overuses his quirk, his stomach starts to hurt like shit
>but the show must go on
>aoyama attempts to endure the pain but last any longer
>liquid shit starts spraying all over the crowd

God I wish she'd hacked me

and the villain circle continues, it alwayls this
pure evil > kingpin > antihero > repeat

>His only fan was also his only stalker
It fits

>her quirk is hacking speed reader
user I think you might be the speed reader.

>Anti Hero
Yeah right. Gentle is just a goofball that wants to be internet famous.

>Notices he is stressed
>Brings him tea to comfort him
la Brava is objectively the best waifu

The fact that All Might still has his reflexes despite losing the last of his powers is kinda of neat to me

>the "firing" was to help with staging halfway through
But that's not really firing, is it? Why did Mina put it in such a retarded way?

He'a a Gentleman Thief trying to steal the hearts of the public.

>Mfw no qt midget girl will ever hack your address because of your shitty YouTube videos
Why even live.

She is so fucking cute, Gentle is a lucky man

Because she's like that. She loves blowing things out of proportion.

League of Villains > Stain > League of Villains > All for One > Overhaul > Gentle

>it's a loli swaps out beer and classic rock for black tea and Beethoven episode
the mark of any true predator is to adapt to their prey

I am imagining plenty

I hope Mei becomes a recurrent character, she is objectively best girl

I unironically hope cucks Ochaco

Ochako being freaked out by Deku's researching was the highlight.

Patrician tastes my friends

>All for One
There would be no current League of Villains if it weren't for him, so they are basically the same.

>la brava

Are you bullshitting? Where was it said her quirk is hacking?
What a waste of trips.

Daily reminder that of all the pairings to have canon fanservice, todobaku has the most.

>reddit is trashing Gentle

Can they get any more pathetic than this


>being this stupid

Why? Fuck em

No. Rooting for the "bad guys" is a sign of a divine taste.

Why is that leddit always has shit taste of characters in any given series? I'm even noticing it with other mainstream manga like Snk and Tokyo ghoul

Why does genderbent bakugou feel so right?

Im expecting musclegirl Bakugou art one day considering all the ridiculous stuff that already exists like that with normal Bakugou.

That cracked me up for some reason.

Bakugou's mom has got it going on.

It's just regular Bakugou with tits plastered on his chest
Fuck off

Gentle and La Brava are just too BASED. Yet you know they will get shat on somehow.



I bet most of the homeless are mutants desu

This chapter was drawn fucking awful. Just look at Deku here lmao


Gentle is going to have a posh British accent in the dub isn't he

i think this is confirmed to happen

>actual love in my children's fighting cartoon

>Hori gives fetish potential for every kind of doujin
>including size difference
>we still fujoshit and Bakugou rape
What a stupid fandumb bnha has.

>bakugou rape
like a bad thing

if it happens this is the darkest timeline
on another note, I think they meet deku and all might while training, on their way to the festival then they get dicked.

the art was kinda rough this chapter in some places, but everything about La Brava and her :> face makes up for it.

Stopped being interesting after the first 50 doujins

I want to fuck the splatoon

>It's just a prank bro
Now that we see Gentle's plan is explicitly to make the young generation stronger, how will everything go horribly, horribly wrong?

>tfw gay
>tfw hate Bakugou and don't find his design appealing or sexy at all
>tfw 90% of yaoi doujinshi include Bakushit
I suffer no less than you, straightbros.
At least there are some decent Todoroki doujins out there

Some of you are alright, don't come the UA school festival tomorrow

>they trigger the alarm
>festival ends
>police and media shits on the heroes once again
>Gentle's goofy ass is the final nail in UA's coffin

He gets arrested and thrown in jail.
La Brava agrees to assist VA in a prisonbreak to save Gentle.
And Deku will be a piece of shit after all of this.

Gentle accidentally triggers the traitor into making a move.

None of the main characters are involved, so it's fine.


They spent too many panels talking about that black tea shop with the same brand Momo drinks. Is she going to accidentally run into Gentle first?

user, please, don't...I want them to be happy...

>Gentle succeeds at making Eri laugh with his antics and successfully flee
>Or Gentle and La Brava fails, get caught and take a huge fine, completely ruining their finances
>Or Gentle get caught and get sent to jail, but La Brava manages to flee and notices that Gentle's video's popularity skyrockets

Brava probably tailored their matching outfits, since gentle wasn't wearing it before he met her, and her casual clothes look like she usually dressed in that elegant style

Now maybe I'm just a moron but where does Gentle get off exactly? The first years alone have had way too many "wake up calls" already and now they get a chance to relax and this fuck thinks they need another one?


Look at this brainlet. This is the average BnHA reader everyone.

I didn't even consider that there might be some girls or gay who don't like Bakugo. He seems universally loved

Isn't supposed to be a wake-up call for hero society as a whole? Gentle said that heroes are good at handling events that they can predict, but are practically hopeless in things they can't.

He thinks UA is not taking shit seriously by holding this festival. Even though Nezu is completely right

I hope Gentle accidentally gibs someone, then cracks and ends up worse than Stain

Have you heard it?

>size difference
You'll get tiny Bakugou x Someone or Giant/Huge Steroid Bakugou and his giant foot long Dick x Deku and you'll like it!

vigilantes when?

So how will Hori manage to to fuck up the arc this time? I've lowered my expectations since the Yakuza arc, but I'm still worried he might find away to ruin another arc.

We are not your bros faggot.

No one cares about fan fiction.

If he keeps it under 15 chapters it's all good.

No long ass fights or too many flashbacks.

why does he keep wearing the mask?