Hunter x Hunter

Hisocucks actually think that their clown stands a chance??!!

The clown assblasting that happened in heaven's arena was Chrollo having fun, now it's time to blow shit up..

>chrollofags think the retard spiders aren't going to picked off one by one until only chrollo is left
>who will then be killed by kurapika

Reminder that Heteroshitters got BTFO


Premarital agreement/prenup.
Literally "engagement ring."

Post girls to protect us from cocksuckers

i thought hisoka wanted to fight strong people, why is he pissed that he got beaten?

Is Hisoka even on the boat?

I hope Theta betrays Tserriednich and join Kurapika's harem.

Cammy will be King!

RIP Neon Nostrade.



i thought illumi and hisoka are real BFFs

What if Editor-kun isn't lying and things actually become significantly more complicated from now on? Will (you) be able to keep up? Will autism-charts be enough?


Oh wow, this shit's gonna be good.

>The spiders running afoul of the mafia means they'll also give away their presence to the princes
>The princes will drag the hunters into the fight
>Among the hunters is Kurapika

And that's not even counting the clown himself.

Why is she so realistic?

mwf kachou and fuugetsu is gonna die a horrible death


i can't believe neon is fucking dead

If your boyfriend threatens to kill your little brother, wouldn't you break up with him?



was it implied that the spiders killed her?

Literally who?

Wasn't this harsh as fuck? She just implied that Chrollo's the one who killed Kortopi and Shalnark killed.

I want them to live forever happily

This would be a much more interesting death order.

I miss her beautiful nose

No. It would be counter-productive for them to do that. It's implied Hisoka killed her.

Well she's not fucking wrong. Someone wants Chrollo dead, first thing they're gonna do is take out the hard to deal with shit in his book

It was probably Hisoka considering he knew about her ability.

shizuku was always savage AF

Pitou is cute, cute!

I love Shizuku, she talks freely what's on her mind. Who the fuck needs tact?

if there's any implication it's that hisoka killed her, and probably killed any other people in the book he knew of. in the original fight chrollo structures everything and uses his tools/allies to kill hisoka. it looks like hisoka's plan would be the reverse, where he's going to strip everything that chrollo has away until it's just him left.


Why would the spiders kill her? The ability is really useful for Chrollo.

Is anyone getting weird vibes from Illuma? What if Illuma is Hisoka in disguise?

>sticks to Chrollo
>thinks her fortune will give her clues
Shizuku is afraid she's going to be the next to get CLOWNED.

Yes, ever since his fight with Chrollo I came to think of Hisoka as a whiny bitch. He picked a fight and got his ass handed and then started picking a fight again, but this time he wants more favorable conditions for himself, as he killed Shalnark, so Chrollo can't use his ability anymore. Even if Hisoka now wins against Chrollo, it'll feel hollow. "Haha, I finally won against you, because you were only allowed to walk on your hands and punch with your dick during the fight!" That's pitiful.

Btw shame about the implied death of the fortune telling cutie.

would be too easy

Chrollo you fuckin thief

Well she's not wrong to be paranoid. This guy should also hold onto Chrollo.

Man I like the Phantom Troupe but there's no way they're gonna kill Hisoka, he's still got unresolved business with Gon and this sole reason will give him plot armor until the end of the manga

Kurapica most likely, after he found out that the spiders had make real progress in contracting a nen exorcist

>Hisoka killed Neon
wasnt ready for that one

Is Sun-Bin a girl or a very thin and pretty boy?

A girl that appeared two decades ago. Let the number sink for a bit.

Hisoka and Kurapika vs the troupe when

He probably didn't kill her, people are just speculating. Chrollo says her ability disappeared from the book at a certain point, we don't know when.

>unresolved business with Gon
your clown is a faggot and settled with Illumi. That's pretty much the end of his character arc

Cheer up, user, maybe she killed herself after seeing her father lose his mind.

He resolved his business with Gon during their fight.

To be honest, the more you'll bitch and moan about homolust, the more I want to shitpost about it.

Lin Koshi-san?

unless you can point me to where it is possible for chrollo to lose it without the person dying then that's whats being implied. and who else would do it than hisoka who knows about it

Wasn't there something about them fighting in "real life"? Although I think that was Hisoka speaking, not the narrator.

Will we finally get to see Illumi in a real fight? That would be hype.

Chrollo getting Neon killed by stealing her nen and livelihood pretty much cemented his death this arc.

His jizz on Chrollo's decapitated head will the the end of his character arc.
Better prepare user, I warned you.

>Will initially oppose the Troupe, then once his mafia bros get wrecked, he'll join up as #12.

>His hatsu has to do with manipulating air/wind

Looks like a dude to me.

Why are the Spiders not going after Kurapika as well, now that Chrollo is free from his chain?

At this point, I wonder what Hisoka gets out of fighting Chrollo. He wanted to fight the strongest opponents and Chrollo is strong because of his steal ability. If he beats Chrollo by taking away everything he has, what sense of satisfaction is there to be gained from that as far as measuring your fighting power against your opponent goes? Sure he can still claim the fame to be the one who did the deed, but I always thought Hisoka sought the thrill of the fight and affirmation that he's indeed stronger. The things are now I just see Hisoka out for petty revenge any way possible to heal his hurt pride.

Looks like a dude to me.

Hisoka said next time they fought, it would be for real. But Gon was also convinced Kaito was alive when he was briefly dead.

Dumb-ass, I didn't say she didn't die, I'm saying Hisoka probably wasn't the one who killed her. She's dead 100%, Hisoka is literally the last person that's a threat to her considering the environment she lives in. She probably died as a result of money issues in her family and mafia disputes.


I miss her old nose

Once the chain was gone, they'd be ducking Hisoka until the fight. And now they're after him. They haven't had time to pursue the chain dude.

kurapika is not actively killing them is my only guess

Hisoka's like a pretentious chuuni now. He probably just talks big and talks like he likes fighting strong opponents just to look cool and thinks he's badass. Then when he loses, he cries like the butthurt kid he is.

Beard guy is cool. I hope he and Sun-Bin get to do something cool before dying.


They might at some point but their focus is killing Hisoka first and robbing the royal family first. Kurapika’s probably on their list but not the most pressing thing on their plate currently. They don’t even know he’s on board either.

Fuck off back to Youtube, newfag.

She pretty much said she doesn't stand a chance against the clownman.

Me too, user, me too.

He wanted a normal fun fight, instead he got a specific plan made to kill him 100%. I mean from Hisokas perspective it's pretty easy to understand why he wouldn't like it, no?


Nice point and fuck off back to Sup Forums where you can talk cocks with your homofriends

Neon was almost my favorite character. Togashi I hate you.

her side profile is beautiful, her front view ugly

I mean, he knew Chrollo's skill was to pull out skills out of his ass when he challenged him. He had no idea how many unknown skills he had up his sleeve.

Why do people keep pretending Gon and Hisoka still have beef? Gon got his payback RIGHT HERE.

>Then when he loses, he cries like the butthurt kid he is.
I don't know, he seems to have taken it like a man if you ask me.
The real reason he's out for the Spider's heads is because it was Chrollo initially who was after Hisoka's head, by declaring a death-match.
Hisoka never insisted on a death-match, he just wanted to break Chrollo's knees and shit on his head, that's all.
When he realized life is at stake he took shit seriously, just like Chrollo, that's all. Stop insisting his reaction was anything but natural.

If Illumi sticks his pins into his pelvis, can he turn his dick into a pussy?

had nothing going for her, except her kawaii looks

literal basic bitch

I think she looks fine from front-view. At least before she turned into a puppet.

Because they legitimately think Hisoka is solely obsessed with Gon and has no other motivations


>where he's going to strip everything that chrollo has away until it's just him left.
That's impossible, how is Hisoka aware of all the people Chrollo took their abilities from? Not like he was with Chrollo since the day he awakened his powers.

I think from Chrollo's view, the prep counts as being part of the fight. It's Hisoka's fault not being ready for that.

boipucci is better

>He wanted a normal fun fight, instead he got a specific plan made to kill him 100%
But come on, Chrollo told him straight up how the fight was gonna be when he spoke to him. It wasn't like he randomly trapped him.

Do you also think of Gon as a whiny bitch? He got his ass handed to him by Hisoka then picked a fight against him again. Really they both just want to fight strong opponents, and if you lose against someone it's natural to want to fight them again. Hisoka now is only doing what Chrollo was - fighting with prep.

>he knew of

y-yeah, but she was kawaii

>30 ip
What killed the hype?

>favorite character
>post 2011 Neon instead of the pink haired 99 perfection
You fully deserve your suffering newfag

If Hisoka saw Gon right now he'd lost complete interest in him

Why is Hisoka killing the crew anyway was chrollo really not gonna fight him a second time if he asked so he's gotta piss him off or doe he just not want chrollo to borrow their abilities again?