Shingeki no Kyojin

Why is she so smug?

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That's not smug.

This is our new God of Destruction.

she's too op, isayama pls nerf

Does this mean that she is still conscious? Does that mean Annie was conscious the entire time?

What a cutie!

Yeah, it's the Terminator stare.

hot maid

Don't think Annie was. Her titan is different, so maybe slightly different properties.

My theory is that Zeke wanted to fake his death, then the next step is to go to some place and wait for Hange or whoever to release mindless titans (that's what the lights were for) and scream. But why fake his death? Maybe he is interested to make Marley believe that Eren has that power too?

Good theory.

What a fag

Reminder that all this glass missing the Paradis soldiers is hack writing designed as a poor attempt at "misdirection" to hide the Zeke/Paradis alliance. There is no way that either Zeke or Paradis could have known that all of these sharp and dangerous shards would magically miss the Paradis soldiers by such small margins.
Jean, Connie, and their fodder soldiers were inches from death/permanent maiming. There was no way to know that the shards would just magically miss them. Why would this be the plan?

Post mommies. Not the pedofag, don't worry.

The plan was probably to make Pieck blind, that attack benefits more the SL than Pieck

Damn right it is. Yet another asspull. I hope Isayama's next manga is less retarded, and I also hope it's the high school AU. don't want to say you can't fuck that up but he probably could.


Kenny's, probably.


Yep, the dust made a smokescreen. That's fair enough. But only by some ludicrous act of fate does it somehow not kill/injure the Paradisians in the buildings. I'm just wondering if the plan included the consideration that they consider Jean and Connie entirely expendable? Because it surely must, to act like that. So the Paradis/Zeke alliance mutually agreed that if Jean and Connie died at the cost creating the smokescreen, it is all fine and dandy, right?

Because they were inside a building.

Confess your sins, /snk/.

To be fair if the plan is real it failed at first so Zeke had to improvise
>Reiner protected Falco and Eren couldn't get him
>If Willy were the Warhammer he wouldn't have need to fight
>Pieck and Porco shouldn't be out of their traps
So the original plan was for Eren to get Reiner and WHT and fight Zeke which this one would job (by being eaten by Eren?), the plan failed so SL had to fight and of course Zeke needs to make his part too, that's why he is trying to stay in the same place as Pieck and Porco and stays near to buildings.

The glass is a threat because they are inside the building.

i like Zeke

Will Erwin come back?

I really don't like Zeke.

SL were the ones who lost two shifters, is their fault. And all that dust makes Pieck to fail more at shooting. All of them are expendable except Eren, Connie and Sasha (the lights) and the Ackermans

Armin being the CT is the best thing that happened in this shitty manga

I like Armin. I understand why people hate but I think a lot of that is amplified by people seeing posts shitting on him, so they feel it more strongly. I was the same, but when I stepped back from the fandom and looked at the manga on its own, his Gary Stu-ness was not nearly as bad as people claim. I also think BRAfags were cool until the serumb owl, and then they just became salty fucks who need to let it go already. Erwin's fans are the same but not as much. Armin's fans on tumblr are cancer, especially since the top two most popular ones are raging SJWs. They're not really that bad on Ieddit and I don't think they are on here, but I can't stand them on tumblr.

So is the conclusion then that this whole buildings and smokescreen debacle was improvised, rather than planned ahead of time?


Forgiven but reconsider.

Forgiven but don't say that out loud again.

I said confess your sins not write me a biography of your life. Forgiven.

Eren sent letter to his husband
Screencap this ;)

Why is he so sad bros?

Of course it is, Pieck and Porco shouldn't have been there and is not the first time SL sacrifice people that don't know all the details of the plan, and even so Zeke's attacks were pretty lame compared with Pieck and Porco

Endogeimu right here, anikis.

Because someone did a shitty coloring of 1 out of 2 of his panels and couldn't even get his eye color right.

Because people confused him with a mysterious woman and Hange and Jean are more famous than him

warhammer titan is a ridiculously overpowered bullshit

Don't like
Big fan of
>new eren
Uprising is not as good as it is memed to be. The entire Rod and royal family plotine is boring and introduces one of the most cancerous nip memes - magic bloodline powers. This meme then spread, as cancer does, and has proceeded to become a pretty major and disappointing plot point.

I made a vow on New Year's day to not samefag once during this year. I completely forgot about it within 20 minutes.

I am addicted to SnK.


I got curious and snooped around the blog of person that user in the previous thread was sperging out over and found their twitter. All I can say is...wowzers. Definitely one of the "Armong a shit" spammers.

This place is full of twitter fujos

>couldn't even get his eye color right.
what is reflection?

Because he feels bad killing those 2 sailors who were concerned about his safety when he was there to ambush and murder them

>mfw Reiner will come out of nowhere and take the dirty hobo eren out while his theme plays for the first time in years

You don’t know if every single piece of glass missed and in no way was zeke trying to not to hit them.

This is just the aftermath of the smoke screen he created.

This specific scene some how being part of his plan is a dumb head canon not”hack writing”, whether he draws little wounds from the glass or not is completely irrelevant, man you people are weird.

>yellow lightning right infront of the eye
>wow shit artwork, his eyes are blue

Reiner will eat her since she's out of juice now. Unlike Lady Tybur he'll still be inside his titan, but now he'll have an indestructible crystal protecting his human form. He'll be nigh invincible.

>Cucked by his son

Yeah no kidding. Right when I posted that I got to an user asking why they think the 104th should've felt bad for Bertolt, and instead of answering the question they responded with:
>Why should they have paid attention to a peasant like bertholt when lord armin teiber ackerman galliard reese braun fritz reiss was rising back to life claiming his true god of destruction form?
And then called them a fujo, despite being a BRfujo themselves. I can see why this place is so cancerous when people like that browse here. I don't even know how you fags do it. I barely have the energy to eat or shower, much less spend every waking moment shitting on something/someone I don't like and arguing endlessly. Doesn't that drain on you? I originally came to Sup Forums because of /an/ 5 years ago and while I understand people argue all the time here, it's the people who explicitly do it to ruin other peoples' enjoyment and harass them endlessly that I don't get. Just walk away from the computer, goddamn dude it isn't ever that serious.

New laptop, I lost all my Shingeki parents. All of it. Like tears in the rain.

That's why you don't mind them, user. And you just post what you like. If it's get too annoying just go chill out to other board or thread. That's what I do when fujos get too loud but I'm happy knowing no matter how much they yell and complain, they'll always get BTFO by Isayama.

The entire eye is yellow, his eyes are a bright blue. That's not how reflections work.

On mobile now, have nothing but nudes saved, wish I could post my collection for you dude.

>Stealing my meme

>Passing judgement
That's not even how it works. You stole my joke and ruined it asshat.

>You don’t know if every single piece of glass missed
It clearly did. Look at the panels.
>and in no way was zeke trying to not to hit them
There is no way to control how the shards fly
>whether he draws little wounds from the glass or not is completely irrelevant
No it isn't. If the point is that Zeke and Paradis are allied then this incredible turn of fortune to not hurt anyone is a convenience extended by Isayama for the purposes of making this seem like some group effort, clever plan, or act of cooperation. In reality it is a blind strike that comes up on incredible odds to not hit anyone because they are now supposedly allied.

Kek, that's true. I usually do ignore them but whenever it's all that's in the thread it gets annoying. I guess I can count as a fujo since I ship EAr (well, kind of) and legit think Eren's gay, but I don't even think about the ships I don't like. I don't go into an autistic rage if I see them either. Same with characters. I don't like Levi or Zeke but I couldn't even try to get mad if I saw someone posting photos of them.

>I guess I can count as a fujo since I ship EAr
So this... is the power of arminfags.

No it’s not, glass flying through a window wouldn’t kill anyone, at worst you’ll get a scratch or two, it’s completely inconsequential whether some get a little hurt or not.

It’s like all those semi-serious attacks he’s been doing, close enough to fool the other warriors, but not serious enough to actually kill anyone.

What's up?

You are too obsessed with that detail, they are just fodders for the operation and if no one died good for them.

People can and do get killed by shards of glass, user. It is a sharp object, in this case moving at high speed.

I'm going to do something...risky. Please hold.

The belts protected them

This section of the plan clearly went something like.
>I’m going to be semi-serious when we fight so it’s believable

With the chance that one or two soldiers
Might get a little booboo, his not doing anything that would actually kill, just being as close to real as possible to trick Marley watching.

Who will be killed from Chekhov's gun?

Huh. With the amount of shitposting, I thought it'd be much higher for Armin. Poor Mikasa.

It isn't an obsession, it is just pointing out a frustrating piece of plot convenience. That plan is incredibly risky and dangerous, yet for the sake of allowing the Paradis/Zeke alliance to exist, all the shards are perfectly aligned to just miss. Because they all miss, the PZ alliance remains feasible because he hasn't killed anyone while supposedly aligned with Paradis. The problem is that the action is dangerous, yet, of course, doesn't actually hurt anyone.
>is not doing anything that would actually kill
Here is just one example of a flying shard of glass killing someone.

So ur argument is that, these little shards did not give them baby cuts on their face means what again?

Or are you going to stretch it and say those shards could kill them?

You guys are reaching way too hard maye. Lmao

Even moving at high speeds shards of glass don’t have the density or surface area to do any real damage, especially with all their vital parts covered in gear.
Clearly they wouldn’t fool anyone if Zeke played it too safe, all in all it’s such a non-issue and dumb thing to get anal about.

>Or are you going to stretch it and say those shards could kill them?
Shards can and do kill people

>especially with all their vital parts covered in gear.
Good thing that it missed their faces and eyes, then. Zeke is just THAT good at aiming

Must you be so tumblr?

Just like how these snk characters all should have been dead by now, by using the 3d gear?

Dude, you reaching too far, and its ridiculous. Lmao

Even when the Earth is swallowed into the sun, Reiner will still be alive.

>amount of shitposting
Perhaps for some reason you perceive there to be more shitposting than there actually is.

if you think glass wont fuck your shit up I invite you to last week at my job, where a tard though it was a cool idea to fill a glass container that was in a fridge with boiling water because he couldnt be bothered to warm it up first

the fucker is lucky to be alive with, he's become full bond diamond face

Must you be an attention whore?

Well, at least you know that the kind of poster who writes "armong" and complains about EMA are definitely salty BRAfujos and that's why they're so vile and relentless in their shitposting. Salty women over 25 are a force to be reckoned with.

This is a manga a fictional world you idiot! If you are going to criticise the manga for not being realistic in every single thing, then u should criticize it for how unrealitic the 3d gear is, and that no one should be able to use something like that baka.

Its call suspension of disbelief, something you should have when it comes to fictional stories.

Says the tumblrite that wanted to literally announce that they were doing something for attention kek eat a dick

>Reiner got into a mission and got all his friends killed
>Porco gives him endless shit for it
>current situation: Porco is the last warrior standing, Zeke and Pieck likely dead because of him
He's going the same way as Reiner, isn't he?

>Paradis/Zeke alliance

The fuck are you guys talking about?

Yeah there really isn't that many mentions of Armin at all, considering. Though if you are counting armong for armin you should count mankasa for mikasa.

Yes keep comparing a anime to the real world, great argument right there

>goes on about how glass doesnt have enough density or surface area to do damage
>explain that it can fuck you up

Perhaps you ignore it too much? It's in every thread, like at least 70% of the posts made here are meaningless.

It's funny how she (it's a girl, of course) claims Arminfags are obsessive in their hatred against Bertolt but she is clearly obsessive in her hatred of Armin.

Hey first user I'm replying to, here's an example. And for the record, I did it to see if anyone would react.

A wound to the neck is deadly no matter what you use, these are fully suited soldiers there’s no chance anyone is getting unlucky enough to catch a shard dense enough to would them.

Again, this is zeke being semi-serious if they hadn’t dodged his attacks they could be dead, his making it look as real as possible while being as ineffective as possible.
Some sl possibly getting hurt by his semi serious attacks is not some deal breaker.

They are allied, user. They have to, to be honest. zekek cannot compete with manlet. If they remain on opposing sides the outcome is already known, hell we have already seen it. zekek's weakness necessitates the alliance for story purposes.

No. Reiner will save him and Porco will forgive Reiner and call him a true warrior.

No, it’s just highly unlikely, not a single vital area is exposed and they are covering their faces with their arms.

Again zeke is playing it as safe as possible, while being believable.

>Perhaps you ignore it too much? It's in every thread, like at least 70% of the posts made here are meaningless.
Nah, I'm guessing that most people just exaggerate how much shitposting there is. Either because it personally upsets them or they can't tell shitposts from non-shitposts.

glass will go trough clothing though, especially since zeke throws it fast enough to fucking go boom

I miss him.

Press F to pay your respects.

No, it's really common. I'm actually jealous you think it's not as common because as far as I'm concert maybe 5% of posts made here are truly meaningful or interesting.


He deserves it for killing best girl.