My favorite High School DxD girl is ruined

My favorite High School DxD girl is ruined.

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The other characters

Issei looks alright.

Xenovia, Rossweisse and Akeno really got hit the worst.

I think Rossweisse looks ok.

Everyone is ruined

Jesus Christ why?

Blame the previous studio for going full retard with season 3 and nearly killing the anime


Iie, senpai.

They better not fuck up the perfection that is Momo.

Risa Taneda returns to voice Xenovia so there is some good news!

Now that is good news.

>only liking her looks
>calls her favorite
>looks like OP is a dummy

OP... ahhhhh. I like new designs and I am happy Risa is coming back to voice her.

>kept the faith the whole time
Feels good being elite.


These look pretty good.



At least the new design matches with their characters because all them are shit
Rias - Overrated mainstream used goods "waifu" fapbait shit with zero qualities of redemption
Grayfia - A fucking oldhag who constantly do ntr towards her husband with issei

What the hell is this supposed to be that bulge?


Multiple quoting is a bannable offense.

that is the pelvis buddy.

it'll grow into a dick and make Rias the perfect girl

Just report and ignore that retard every time you see him.
He's an actually autistic facebook beaner.

Still fucking cute and top tier tho



better. looks like earth chan too




Better looking than most of the main cast. But who is she?

are we going to get a second pv before next month?

Yes we will.

And you are a stupid, autistic, normie eliturd with a mainstream shit taste as fuck