Dragon Ball Super

The only relevant fighters in the Tournament of Power

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>no Anilaza
>no Toppo
>no Frieza
>no Dyspo
>no Vegeta

> Even though the anime team had plans to make Jiren talk, Toriyama said that he doesn't speak. Anime team followed through with this.

>Toriyama created only 3 of the Pride Troopers (Jiren, Toppo, and Dypso). The anime team created all of the other Pride Troopers (which Toyotaro uses).

> Anime team created Kale, and is responsible for Toriyama for creating Caulifla

> (Not in interview) hence, Kefla is also an anime creation?

> Freeza donating his energy to Goku (Planet Namek re-enactment) was thought of by the anime team

> Toriyama's Ribrianne was only fat. The anime team created the cute girl Brianne De Chateau to transform into her


Source: Herms twitter

> Freeza
> Not relevant

He's literally going to win the tournament and save the day

Or it will be 17 because 'LOL I'm still in'.

It's funny because literally none of those characters aside from Jiren were relevant at all.

Is the episode tomorrow or is there another break?

Why is no one talking about how based Frieza has been the entire arc?

>literally up to par with SSGSS in terms of power
>that gut punch he gave to Goku
>arguably more cruel than he was in Z
>can tank a destruction ball
>pretends to make an alliance with Frost and double crosses him
>knocks out a saiyan from the ring
>one of the last survivors of the entire tournament
>is going to kill Jiren leaving no actual winner but U7 will remain thus making the villain of U7 the fucking hero


Best girl with the best theme

There is a break.

Daily reminder that Vegeta's armor looks good on all the Saiyans.

> Kefla
> Not relevant

You mean Goku's ONLY major victory, and only win with Ultra Instinct?

Theme doesn't suit Caulifla though

>Kefla with Broly-mode body

Yes. Especially Caulifla


>Frieza wins the tournament

Well Kale IS part of her fusion

She also looks cool in Bardock's.


I thought that was Kale until you mentioned Kefla

> Kale is literally a Toei creation
> Toriyama created Caulifla only as a response to Toei's Kale
> Kefla is a Toei creation

Based Toei

I literally had a dream where I was watching a DB episode and el hermano popped out to fight jiren... It was beautiful

Yeah, that's not relevant since it doesn't matter at all now.

Daily reminder that Caulifla and Kale weren't in Toriyama's draft LMAO

>tfw toriyamas precious creation
>tfw canon

> Ribrianne (cute form) is a Toei creation
> Same with the other Kamekaze Fireballs

Based Toei

>Frieza gets the fucking W
I approve.

>Toriyama adds Caulifla last minute
>ends up one of the best Super characters, responsible for amazing fusion and best fight in ToP
>is in top 20 DB characters

So based.

Aniraza is definitely not canon the shitty robots aren’t even in the manga

NOTHING matters at all right now except Goku, Jiren, and Freeza

What's your point?



>Toriyama set up the ending to told more stories later
Dragon Ball haters eternally and unmistakably BTFO

They eventually DID make it into Toriyama's draft, because of Toei. They are both in the manga too.

El Hermano

>freeza wins
>wishes for the erasure of every god
>grand priest complies
>everyone wins
>waifufags lose

This is the textbook definition of damage control

As much as i loathe the fact that Goku hasn't won a single relevant fight in all of Super, there's no way they just let frieza hide without making him do something, so the spoilers are 99% real and Goku was cucked beyond belief by the Toei bastards.

Your face isn't canon faggot


Switch Kefla for Gohan, and you're good

My point is that Goku defeating Kefla and Kefla herself ended up being completely pointless since it all ultimately leads to nothing because Jiren still beats Goku anyway. So, in the long term, Kefla as a character wasn't even needed.


Super manga isn't canon


These can’t be the only characters Toriyama created for this tournament right?

Today I learned that the anime team has a much bigger impact on DBS and on Toriyama's outlines than I thought

I'm glad we now have more than just Toshio's "yeah, we work with Master Toriyama"

If only the team were as vocal as Toyo regarding how they work with him



This explains why they switched Jiren with Toppo in the u7 vs u9 match. Because Jiren wasn't meant to be talking guy they put Toppo in the last minute.

Also anime and manga, none of them are the one canon version, they are different approaches to the Super story.

caulifilth isn't canon

That Keru is beautiful.

She wasn't until Toriyama created her

Keep dreaming retard

>made kale
>which resulted in caulifla
yeh they fucked it up


What did they add?

>wasn't in the original draft
not canon

At least post the theme

Kefla confirmed to be toei garbage, no wonder she managed to overpower SSG in base.

SS2 Berserker Kefla would've beaten EVERYONE in U7 if it wasn't for Goku

Goku needed Ultra Instinct to beat her.

> Vegeta wouldn't have beaten GoD Toppo
> 17 wouldn't have killed Anilaza and protected Goku and Vegeta
> etc

>no character development or resolve whatsoever in Frieza this entire arc
>wins the tournament by just being Frieza

I guess you could say Frieza stayed Golden

How will Cauli-cucks ever recover?

So this confirms manga will be shit after all, fucking hell dammit.

not in manga? Thank god toyotard can't ruin another amazing thing in his traced promo material.

It was pointless. It was only added to sell toys. The entire mini arc had no point or weight to the story whatsoever.

See the source on:

Goku needs UI because he was out of energy. Vegeta Blue would easily beat her.

>Gohan being a useless jobber in the tournament is canon


So the original Kale wasn't going to be a pussy shit autistic filth. But with Caulifla they changed their personalities. Shows why it was so shit.

why do mary sue waifufags hate Gohan so much??

She was in Toriyama's revised draft.

Similar situation happened with Vegetto Blue when they added him to "meet expectations"

Can't you read? I said she wasn't canon until Toriyama made her. She wasn't in the original draft but she ended up created and shown in the anime and manga. It's over user, she's canon.

>revised draft
still not canon

>takes out dyspo

Because it reminds them how a relevant, succesful and powerful halfbreed looks like.

Wow, those are all shit.

>get gohan's blanco transformation
>but also you get his jobbing capacity

Because they secretly want his dick, and are jealous that its already occupied by Videl

Kefla is sexually frustrated she can't have him

Makes sense with SS2 + SS Berserker + Potara bonus

Reminder Base Vegetto was toying with Buuhan, and even beating him as a fucking candy. SS2 Goku and SS2 Vegeta were absolutely no match for him.

You are underestimating how broken Potara is (pic related)


She's really cute, why do jobhanfags get triggered over her?

>half breeds
Don't make me laugh.

>toei is responsible for the whole pointless u2 girls transformations and horrible episodes
t-thanks toei.


toei filth will never be canon

Kefura wants Godku.


Who killed Frieza again?

That's right.

Read the post again to see why you are wrong.

I already addressed why she was relevant

>base vegetto was toying with buuhan
non canon filler

Cause she's already replaced him.

Leave Trunks out of this war.

Nah, she wants Gohan's dick badly.

I guess we'll never know if your headcanon is right

When Toyotaro adds to the outline
>kills vegitos character by turning him into useless jobber
>adds dumb potara retcon
>skips important scenes like Gohan’s training and Frieza recruitment

When Toei adds to outline
>tries to make Jiren less shit
>gives us magical girls and Saiyan girls
>tries to fix the mistake that was UI
>give us two characters outside of U7 and U11 that are strong (Kefla and Aniraza)

>apparently i have healing powers

And don't forget, Vegetto didn't even go SS2 or SS3 during that fight.