Time for Lins backstory.
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
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Don't trust anyone.
Good episode.
>don't trust anyone not even yourself
edit when?
Lin a cute. A cute!
This was kinda lame.
Karma is better than his Chinese knockoff.
>edit when?
Right after you go back to plebbit.
I swear I thought I was watching Vatican Miracle Examinators for a second
I prefer that he comes back as a villain, rather than being another old tragic backstory friend.
Wait I thought this show was about some girls eating ramen or something?
Isn't that Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san or something? There are only gay hitmen here.
What the fuck?
No, this one is about Hitmen playing baseball in a team called Hankata Tonkotsu Ramens
And they're gay? Picked up, thanks.
bob cut lin a cute
>You'd make a lousy hitman
That's great coming from the guy holding a monologue
I wonder why Lin after all this shit is trusting and living with Banba. I thought he'd be more angsty. But nope, accepts Banba's help against the syndicate (and a piggy back ride in the end) and seems to enjoy hanging out with him.
I knew he was going to come back to haunt Lin. You don't give a character red hair or any other hair color that isn't brown or black (like the other generic killer trainees) if you don't plan on having him come back after the flashback
The anime or series was just filled with interesting incident, not really a diary on how Lin coping with his new life,dead sister and there are probably a couple of timeskip between what we've seen so far.
Crossover when.
Is this gonna be a basketball anime now?
Basketball's not gay enough. We need to go full rugby anime.
Will he kill someone with scissors?
Greek Wrestling anime.
I'm kinda wondering how he survived.
Though they probably just keep all "losers" of the final round alive as less high level assassins
So, are they gay?
Yuu would make a good gay hitman
She can't compare to the deadliness of the loli
More like gaymen
This was a really great episode. It's cute how Lin is getting into the domesticated life. Im guessing the redhead was just near death and the superiors saved his life because they felt he was actually too useful to just die.
Is there a webm of the hacker from last week throwing the mouse at banba and it gets sliced?
Thank you!
This scene was pretty funny and when banba was teaching lin the secret hand signs. It was cute when banba was teasing lin about being out all night and wearing short skirt.
Im glad the Pash poster of them got a bigger scan. I can't find any good magazine scans blogs except for that NatArt but they put those ugly watermarks on the scans.
Why did Lin decide to dye his hair blond?
Because he is gay.
Its a wig isn't it?
That's his real hair for sure. He just kept letting it grow out after we see him 4 yrs later in that training camp and decided to dye it blonde for some reason.
So why exactly did he start letting his hair grow out? Did I miss something? And why would hitman bootcamp let him grow his hair out?
>china training child hitman slaves
>japanese hitmen are just a buncha dopey guys who fell into the profession
>komeiji killing asuza shitposter
the reason why he grew his hair out and wears girls clothes is because it makes him feel closer to his sister. He's not gay, he's a siscon.
Lin looks better with brown hair.
maybe he wanted to create a new persona? I guess it'd be useful to conceal his identity, he also doesn't use his real name. Not sure if it was explained in the LN
Is the loli secretly the strongest hitman?
Ansatsu overall is a better story than this literally gay shitfest. At least the homobait in assclass was subtle and best girl only crossdressed for two episodes against his will. Pretty unfair comparison, of course Karma is a thousand times superior.
>Vatican Miracle Examinators
I watched the first two eps and it was shit. Did it ever get good?
The only girl is a girl (male).
I agree, black/gray chink eyes don't look good with light blonde, but it does make him stick out more for his character design.
>I watched the first two eps and it was shit. Did it ever get good?
No, though I don't think anyone watched it for the quality storytelling.
Vatican anime was campy fun, so in my eyes it's good.
tfw no cute gay assassin trap boyfriend who acts domestic with you
You need two more episodes to reach Hitler's frozen sperm clone.
Also it was the AOTS
What did he mean by this?
She reminds me of Stella from Arakawa. Loli arc when??
>oh hey he gets a prison partner
>there's only two ways this can end:
>1) they have to kill each other at the end
>2) they have a falling out and become rivals/enemies
>BOTH statements end up being true
Honestly I didn't see that coming.
It's liking killing the dog you raised thing but more hardcore
I watched the ep with my brain turned off so I didn't think of those options at all. The only thing that came to mind was that South Park episode where Butters goes to a camp to stop being bi-curious.
I love you, MS Paint user. Please make more Hakata
I need to catch up on the series but then yes.
So do the people who bought the kids take a portion of their future income from hits as their return on investment?
How can Lin be that thin and smooth given the five years of intense training? Not-karma was a ripped beast.
The killing each other thing was the first I thought off when they talked about doing everything in teams.
I was very excited for an arc about her and Jiro, but the final arc will be about Lin and his former assassin mate and there's no chance this will be 2-cour so I guess my hopes are fucking dead now.
At least someone is translating the LN.
The same magic that makes Shizuo a thin Hulk
>How can Lin be that thin and smooth given the five years of intense training?
He watches his diet.
I surprisingly didn't expect that, but the prison mate being evil all along had my eyes rolling.
>invest a ton of time and money over the 5 years into training future assassins
>have half of them killed off at the very end for a test
Doesn't seem like a smart business decision.
I think they get sold off into companies and are indebted to them basically for life (kind of similar to Lin). The amount of money they get from a good hitman recoups for any losses they experience.
he wants him to get toilet paper. I wonder who makes breakfast and dinner?
They still could have twice as many to sell. I can understand doing something similar at the very start, when they're just random slaves but not after they invested so much into them.
>They still could have twice as many to sell.
They can't sell hitmen who can't kill their own friends if need be. I assume killing their friend as the last test was to mentally break them and render them incapable of empathy.
All Banba can make is ramen so if they eat anything other than ramen, it was made by Lin.
It depends on how some of them turn out. If they're like Vino from Baccano, it's all well worth it. If they're all like Lin, you could have spent less time, money and have a army of Lins without doing it their way.
Unless they have really good surgeons who make sure they don't die and they only make the winner believe they killed to make them more hardcore? Idk. But yeah, I think killing half after investing so much resources for 5 yrs is a waste.
And look at Ninja and Samurai, they're better hitmans and all they done is play baseball.
I want to see Banba's backstory. Did he become a great swordsman from baseball training?
I love Banba even more now.
Good episode. More like this please, no more Mushroom arcs.
Watch the post ed again
He's been in the OP with a scar since the start, so it's not like they were trying to make it a surprise.
>So do the people who bought the kids take a portion of their future income from hits as their return on investment?
Just look at everyone running around Hakata. There's obviously a thriving market for assassins, so obviously China will make them by the batch in child-soldier factories.
An episode on Nippon salaryman assassin life at Murder Inc. would be kinda fun.
Lin's going to shit down.
China BTFO, superior Nihon wins again.
>almost every episode sets up a scenario for Lin to be raped but there will never be doujins because this is too fujo for fujos
I hope some doujins come out. Just got to hold out onto some hope.
>Though they probably just keep all "losers" of the final round alive as less high level assassins
If the main point of that was making sure only people who could kill their friends graduated, I suppose he met the requirement.
What if someone got they heads chopped off? There was a fucking axe there
>no doujins whereBanba is raped to protect Lin and Lin has to watch
I want to hear Banba's commentary on that. He's a fun bloke.
Lin should've done that. The final lesson is that if you don't properly finish your enemies off they come back for revenge.
Glad you're watching this.
He was almost killed with a baseball bat.
If I draw a doujin can I make money from it being an eigo gaijin online-only? If yes, I might. If no, nah. Patreon would probably give me the boot.
With a fandom as small as this? Probably not unless you already have an existing fanbase to sell to. I have seen people sell english doujin on tumblr though, usually those were anthologies for bigger series.
Excellent, didn't know that was a thing. I don't even like yaoi but I think it would be fun to draw, since I like drawing men and I like porn. Might give it a shot. Of course I already work fulltime and study two hours a day... Maybe just get less sleep I guess. How do they sell the doujin, if you know?
>Patreon would probably give me the boot.
You mean for copyright reasons? I've seen several copyrighted character Patreon lewds (mainly sports anime) uploaded to MRM, so I don't think they check.
I've never done it myself so I have no idea how well it works, but they seem to take pre-orders then print based on that or have a quota that needs to be sold in order for the printing to work out financially. You could also look up zines too.
It doesn't seem like the sort of thing you make mad cash off of, but good luck.
If you decide to make doujins, I would like to see them.
I don't think you'd have a good time selling rape doujins on tumblr
A lot of dumbasses can be avoided by using the block button as so far the tags seem clear of people wanting soft cinnamon rolls. Don't respond, block, continue with selling. Heck if you have a problem with violence and rape in a story then I doubt you'd get through the first few episodes.