is it actually worth reading/watching Naruto? Is it rewarding or will I be dissapointed after watching this?
Is it actually worth reading/watching Naruto? Is it rewarding or will I be dissapointed after watching this?
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if you search for naruto kai, reddit has an edited version with all the filler and excessive flash backs cut out
but is it gud ?
its good naruto have alot of good fight scene and the world building is great but the show have too many filler and this is why people hate on naruto this +people who hate mainstream.
And the naruto game are really good
i think it's worth a read. it's excellent halfway through the first part, and just gradually gets worse.
more than 'worth a read' i think its something you shouldn't miss out on.
Pain arc is the peak
No. It's 90% shit and 10% brainless shounen trash.
Just skip all the filler, watch until the Pain arc is over and then skip to the last nardo vs sauce fight
You will be disappointed with second half, but it's still worth it.
Go watch it, but skip fillers (there were only few good ones).
>is it actually worth reading/watching Naruto?
No. First two arcs are actually pretty solid, but it goes to shit immediately after the chunin exams
If you skip fillers then yes. Definitely the best long running shonen
what is Hunter x Hunter
already watched it anyway
It's bad. I'm not going to take all the time it would spend to explain all the reasons, but you might get some idea if you've ever seen that one banner.
I'd say it's alright for a read. It has good arcs, has quality characters (the ones that are not main characters), and there are genuinely good ideas underlying it.
Watch the first few episodes. If you can stand watching one of the most annoying, retarded, and autistic protagonists in anime history than sure
Dunno, but here's something not disappointing
It's good until the timeskip.
what the fuck happened
If you really want to do it I would recommend watching it.
I tried reading Naruto once but Kishimoto's art is a mess. Outside of double pages like this one or pages that don't have any action/have color you don't know what's going on from all the shit that's on there.
Also the anime has a nice ost.
It's shit gateway anime etc.
You're a fucking retard Naruto is as bad as bleach and a huge waste of time. Everything that it does is done better in yyh and hxh and the animation and artstyle are insulting. Even the bnha manga looks like a work of art compared to Naruto's sameface. Anime is worse, episodes of tree jumping and flashbacks aren't good unless you're a retard
People recommending Naruto
The absolute state of shonenfags
The first anime is a masterpiece and could have ended right there. But don't trust the shitposting, even the second series is enjoyable and halfway through it was still a solid 9
Naruto gets a lot of ironic hate only because of the otaku fanbase and some characters, but the writing (mostly) is solid. Maybe even TOO solid. Even if you disagree with some things, Kishimoto leaves no knots untied so you will see a conclusion for every plotpoint, you won't be treated like an idiot.
No. There are so many good anime, why would you even want to watch Naruto?
Go immediately to Zabuza arc, then right to chuunin exams arc. Anything after that, just watch the major fights.
That's all.
It's okay until the chuunin exam arc if you have low standards. If you're under 14 then you'll probably like it until shippuden. 90% of it is trash though, and its best elements are average at best.
so for some reason that reddit naruto kai doesn't show subs. I am using vlc so idk what i'm doing wrong it show that subs are enabled but it doesn't show them
>dude skip any kind of character development and just watch the fights
The hate for shonen fans is well deserved.
Kill yourself
The art is bad, the characters are bad, the pacing is bad, some fights are okay some are bad, the fights that are okay are ruined by shit art. Plot is nonsensical, asspulls are abused, and there's no central theme in the story.
You're either a troll or a retard. I recommend you grow some brain cells before actually posting
>character development
Yeah, sorry
Have you considered trying to find better scans? Of course that looks shit, its from a speedreading scanlation group.
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Sup Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
this time it was personnel
Someone should make one of these for DBS
This is what happens when you allow Naruto on Sup Forums. Fuck off.
Do you even like mainstream shonen? Screaming retarded kids fighting is a genre of its own, and Naruto is god tier there.
>character development
any worthwhile development happens in the chuunin exams. otherwise any other character development happens in the major fights anyway, like with pain and sasuke
I thought the most hated anime fanbase on Sup Forums were moe-shitters
You thought wrong, newfag.
>godtier in shit
Rurouni Kenshin
One piece
Dragon Ball
Death note
I'm not even a shonen fag and I was easily able to mention 5 shonen series that are superior to Naruto. You should really kill yourself.
You should lurk for at least 3 years before posting. Your newfag is showing.
watch up until Sasuke leaves after the valley of the end, then drop it and assume it will slowly go to shit from here on out
I do think those are better than Naruto, but those don't detract from it. Besides they're barely the genre I said of "retarded screaming kids fighting".
HxH, YYH, Rurouni Kenshin and Death Note are too mature to be part of the battle.
Naruto competes against dragon ball, one piece, blech, fairy tail, black clover, boku no hero, etc.. And it's pretty high up there.
Basically Naruto is one of those "team of kids with great power fighting a villain organization and everyone looks too cool" and it does it right, it's still a great experience.
Naruto becomes truly shit after timeskip. The plot and themes were somewhat coherent until that point. Kishi is a sellout.
you have to pick up on what kishimoto was implying, and kinda look past what it actually was, because there's lots of great ideas and fun, heartfelt moments scrambled within an iconographic commodity. naruto is kind of like the mcdonald's of anime but some of the food is good
Watch/Read it until the Pain arc and stop there before you see one of the most disastrous trainwrecks in the history of anime.
If you're going to watch, then skip the filler episodes, they're all shit.
>Rurouni Kenshin
shit was cheap, the score was the only good thing about it
That's some mental gymnastic you're doing to justify your love for a shitty anime. Naruto is shit, so are the other shows you arbitrarily grouped together, and giving it the title of king of shitty shounen is a terrible fucking argument.
The manga relies heavily on cliffhangers and hyping the reader for next week's chapter. It's probably not a good re-read.
Did you just describe Boku no Hero?
Worst arc? Looking back, I never really cared for the first two or three arcs post timeskip. The Sai arc is especially forgettable.
One piece, Dragon Ball and boku no hero are shit and they're still better than Naruto. Panel structure, art, pacing, world building and it stays consistent even with their childish themes while Naruto flat out ignores the themes it set up in the beginning for a chosen one story with Naruto at the center of the world. Kishimoto also sucks in making the action scenes have any importance since the major characters are really fucking bad.
Btw, stop moving the goalpost you fuck. First you say it's a great story, then you compare it to shonen, then you are comparing it to the worst of the shonen manga. Next you'll argue that it's a masterpiece cos at least it's not pokemon. If you make a claim stick to it you coward.
Most Shounen Jump series are written like that if I recall correctly.
>Kishimoto leaves no knots untied so you will see a conclusion for every plotpoint
Kishimoto is the worst shonen mangaka who comes to mind when it comes to not doing this. By Part II you'd be led to think that he only cares about Sasuke and the Uchiha.
Meanwhile plot points like the entire Hyuga mess vanish off the face of the earth and all of the rookies like Lee and Hinata disappear.
Well yes Naruto kinda fucks itself in Shippuden, but the first series was solid and I wouldn't skip it for another anime.
Are you a nigger? We're talking about the manga. If you want to compare anime adaptations then you'll realize that Naruto also loses in that category with tons of badly reused animations, abundance of flashbacks, and lots of episodes focusing on tree hopping from place to place.
Indeed, I was only thinking about the Uchiha and past Kages thing. It was backstory I never thought would be explained but we ended up seeing it all in detail. So much details about the Uchiha stuff that he ended up forgetting about the rest of the world.
Overrated shit
It starts awesome but during the timeskip it starts a slow down spiral. There is a point however where it goes straight down trainwreck. But you may be too invested at that point to drop it, only to be utter dissapointed on how shit it turned out.
If you're going to watch it, don't skip the Shippuden filler about Kakashi, Itachi and Shisui. The filler for those characters are genuinely interesting. Otherwise, skip all the other filler in Shippuden. In Part 1 Naruto, try not to skip the filler since some of the filler arcs are hilarious, but if you find them boring, then by all means, skip it. This isn't the best series, but it was mainstream for a reason. Reading it is just as good.
If you didn't watch it when you were eight its going to suck.
It's 80% filler and the rest is just convoluted nonsense.
Only watched it back then because I only knew about that and DBZ.
my b, i wasn't trying to say anything other than the kenshin anime was cheap and lazily animated. naruto had empirically better animation because it had a larger team and a much higher budget. it doesn't mean much but a product is a product. none of that matters tho cause this thread is about manga
Any better adjectives than this? If you can't give coherent criticism then I suggest you stop right there user. Naruto is not the GOAT, but it is better than a few series out there.
Niggas get triggered by the sight of naruto because this shit was the invader zim of anime back in the 2000's.
Please be understanding, even i have anime convention flashbacks just by looking at the color orange.
>invader zim of anime
invader zim was actually good though
Exactly his point I think
I thought it was bad, but I’ve grown out of shonen since I was 16 or some shit.
Started out good, and then went to shit with Part II when Kishimoto decided to forgo world building and side characters for "muh sasuke" and an exponentially rising power scale that quickly grew out of his control.
Only the first part. Part II was complete trash, and the final arc was all over the place with Madara being the only saving grace, but he gets BTFO from the villain role by Kaguya, who Kishi literally pulled out of his ass at last minute.
No. Starts well, turns to shit. Last 3 major arcs are stupid. Not fun stupid, but stupid in a serious setting that winds up contradicting the fuck out of itself and not in the meta 'contradicting the values was the point all along' sense.
One thing that major annoys me is all the stock sound effects. Like it breaks immersion cause I have heard them billions of times in the same fight
Read the manga
Good shit
Watch until episode 67 and if you still believe it you can continue to 135. After that it goes downhill fast.
>reading/watching Naruto
To be perfectly honest just play the Storm games. I'm not even kidding.
It's good if you're 13 years old
Going to be honest, when I saw it I immediately lost interest.
Annoying main characters
Art style was unappealing, characters were ugly and environments looked bland
I didn't know about it originally being a wizard story, but I immediately was annoyed by them barely being ninjas
English you fucking caveman.
Just play Naruto UNS2-4. Read of watch original Naruto.
Don't do this, you won't understand anything.
Just play the games
>is it actually worth reading/watching Naruto?
Nope. When people shit on Naruto it isn't to be a contrarian. The series literally went to pure shit once Part II happened. Spare yourself, and read a better manga.
Did sasuke become more powerful than Naruto? I stopped watching after 20 episodes.
for a bit, then Naruto caught up. it ended in a draw but Naruto got the moral victory
I like the first couple seasons, right up until the end of the chunin exams. Lee vs Gaara is one of my favorite anime fights ever. After that is where it starts getting fucky imo.
I have a question for you lads, in which episode does Madara become the 10-tails' jinchuuriki? I stopped watching there.
I'd say it's worth it, though it seriously starts to suffer from bloat and pacing issues after the Pain arc in the timeskip, and the plot also goes sort of full retard, so after that it's probably nott.
Worth noting the anime does some parts/elements better, as well; but the manga is generally better.
I rewatch this series too often in the background doing something else eating cup noodles trying to relive the good days when I was young and not jaded as fuck.
It's better than most of the shit Sup Forums worships
it's good if you're new to anime
It’s literally the goat and a masterpiece but edgefags like to hate on it. Skip the aids tier fillers though.
Trelelelelelel! You call Naruto haters edgy but Sasuke is le most edgy anime character ever created. What le fuck is le logic in that ? Trelelelelelel!
it's got some actually good and interesting ideas buried beneath a mountain of stupid cliches, filler, and a godawful protag
give the start a whirl
Just read it, it's alright. You will end up dissapointed most likely, due to the anount of potential squandered.
Yeah, it's pretty alright.
Sup Forums automatically hates anything that's shoen, and like to nitpick about their favroite side chracter not getting enough developoment.