Shingeki no Kyojin 103

Ymir died for this.

Yeah, that's a more than worthy trade. Now if only Annie will come back soon

>Armong will save Pieck


>says get out of my way
>she clearly hasn't moved and he just ran past Eren to attack her.

What did Porco mean by this?

wait, not read this garbage in a while. They have fucking exoskeletons now?

why is porco able to run over the maids spikes while eren was trapped by them

Yet Porco is the only Marley shifter still standing

>Tells the Ackerhack to get out of the way like it's nothing.

Priceless. Worthy trade.

>what is armor

Mikasa is saying that.

Based Pork > Ymir
He was holding his own against her while Ymir needed Mikasa to save her.

*needed Historia

Reiner gains the WH and shoves it up erens ass in the next chapter

Well Mikasa attacked her from behind. Just like manlet, when he cut Porco's mouth.


No she isn't.

Yes, she is. Speech bubbles are different, when they are talking in titan form.

he wasn't going to do something stupid like last time and attack Eren first while Ackerman saves him
he's already good at swatting flies

I miss best boy.

Porco's titan isn't talking. His human form is talking inside it.

Falco will save Reiner.

Now we have two SL guys who aren't main cast nor the regular fodder (Flocke and Girl from Trost). What's in the store for them?

What the fuck is he doing


>Job by Armin

Means he just experienced letting an Ackerman get him from behind and is learning for his mistakes.
He may be a spontaneous hot head but at least he has some sense.

>using all their thunder spears on Pieck when Reiner is still undamaged.

They'll regret that.

motherfucker is taking down the colossal too

He'll shoot a crossbow bolt through his head.

We have no confirmation on how much ammo they have just piecke making assumptions.

Jean will die before he can kill Falco and Piek.

Screencap this.

Still waiting for Annie

Remember Eren's hardening can fuck Reiner's armor without problems

not after Reiner eats tybur

That won't matter once Reiner eats the Warhammer.

So who thinks that Levi killing Zeke was just a ruse, and Zeke ejected himself out of the Beast titan while Levi followed up with the grenade attack to hide the evidence?

Stop the samefagging, reinerfag

He's already transformed three times. He's on his last wind.

we're multiplying

This is what I theorized, too.

It's what will happen. Eren can't eat her because she's in the crystal, but she's out of power. She'll willingly let Reiner eat her so he can use the power of the WT to finally end him.

Pieck is the dumbest titan. I reeeeally hope that she’s dead. I haaate her Titan. Fucking stupid.


Ymir is handsome

Year of marley-chan death.

I miss cute autism Mikasa. Not receiving the D killed her. Let it go, girl.

Stop being butthurt Jean. Reiner getting away was your own fault.

She'll be alive but unconscious.

Indeed. Hisu a cute and Ymir a handsome.

Hisu a bestest. Ymir didn’t deserve her, why did she have to get eaten by a piggy?

>Mikasa saves Jean's ass dying her instead
>Armin gets in the battlefield
>See Mikasa's corpse
>He release a signal flare to say everyone that runaway of there
>He nuke entire Liberio but Reiner because his armor
>Reiner see Gabi and Falco is dead
>Proceeds to suffer

Sadly for plot reasons. She knew too much about Marley and would have made the basement reveal pointless.

Don’t get me wrong I love Ymir too but her fate was such a letdown. All I ever wanted was for her to see how much Hisu grew as a person and for them to fight together again.

Does Porco have memories of Historia? It's weird that he never mentioned her despite the fact that everything Ymir did revolved around her.

Me too, user. Me too. I wanted to see battle queen Hisu riding Titanmir into batte, while afterwards they take care of the orphans together.

He also should have recognized the soldier as well from her memories.

He probably has memories of Ymir fingering Hisu and is trying to suppress that which is why he’s such a flustered cranky virgin all the time.

Yeah, Porco masturbates everyday seeing Historia nudes in his memory

>I wanted to see queen Hisu riding Titanmir
No battles needed.

I wonder if as the queen, Hisu supports what Eren did in Marley.

Well she can ride Ymir into battle and in bed.

More like harnesses than anything


As long as he brings Porco's ass to Paradis to make him suffer for ate Ymir, of course

I would honestly be surprised if Isayama made her not give a shit about children dying.

>inb4 she eats Porco so Ymir is inside her forever

Porco did nothing wrong.

Yet unless something happens soon, Reiner has zero will to fight much less live.

Don't worry, once Eren eats all the titans she'll be back.

That goes against her character. Historia had sympathy for the likes of BR. Even Mikasa was horrified at what Eren did.

Yeah, that would be extremely OOC but she did tell Eren she’s on his side.

I don't want piggy to suffer, I want a cute scene with Hisu forgiving him before he is eaten

That's creepy af

He will suffer, she will send him to the shit machine

Well she mainly said it, because of him saying things like not being needed in this world. It wasn't specifically because they are friends.

Hysteria would have done that but now she’s got to be normal for her people.

Porco will kill Historia.

Hisu said “I’m your friend, Eren”.

She will do in secret, with Zackley's help. Maybe he even got a new toy they can test.

>I can't be a good girl
People didn't believe me.

Historia is pretty much describing the mainland Eldians here. No way she'd approve of Eren's actions.

But she’s in Paradis.

Gabbing around
At the speed of sound
Its Gabi

He has time.

Probably none of the 104th approve.

Yes, but she hates seeing people suffer, so I doubt she would support his current actions. If aynthing she would rather try to save the caged Eldians on Marley.

>Zooming sounds

He will probably die in Marley.

She probably would rather save her fellow Eldians but knows what must be done. Also it seems like the military control her actions and only allow her power when they agree with her.

Characters that get killed don’t get to achieve their goals, Ymir isn’t any different

Added the newest volume, next cover in july when season 3 airs.

should have raped Eren when she had the chance

I really wanted 25 to be a rehash of 15 but with a calm hobo Eren instead.

Except Flocke.


Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery of hardening and creation powers after consuming the Yoroi no Kyojin and the Sentsui no Kyojin, while in contact with Sieg in his Kemono no Kyojin form, activing his coordinate powers through the Shiso no Kyojin ability.

>make him suffer for ate Ymir
Ymir wanted him to ate her.


That mother fucker ...

Where is cr dump thread?