

my thoughts is that you should check em

I think you should fuck off.

Sorry user, you didn't. Me on the other hand...

k then check em



final check and I'm dead


its overrated but i wouldn't call it trash









trips again

oh so I got one....


These are dubs



>wanting dubs
>on Sup Forums
That being said check these

Hey, almost as good as these 9999's



Finally, now delete this thread.



check this dick







Watch and learn

I mean, I know this is bait, but I don't specifically disagree.
Is that the timeline we live in, where Sup Forums will go to bat for Yaoi on Ice?
I mean I agree with if I'm being honest. The question is, how many levels of bait are we on right now?
In a world mad with contrairians who believe the things they say, is it really bait anymore? After aniki, can their truly be no bait?


You even trying faggot? Check my doobs.

That was pathetic, i admit, butthis timei will succeed.

I mean, are we even in a good geopolotical epoch for bait?
How sincere is society right now that playing with insincerity is truly socially transgressive? If the database already adapts for contradictory elements and cheeky contradictions, can one really challenge the system by calling it into question?


checked your 5

Thank you.

Something's wrong ITT. I'm not sure what it is.

That's a cool five you got there. Check out my digits

Every single one of you suck at getting dubs. Stop it.


Checked your 6!
Checked your 8!

FUCK YOu, check em

You think so? Watch this


ran out of KOG images and too lazy to download, 5

Meguca is much better than Sup Forums. This is a fact. Try to prove me wrong. PROTIP: You can't.



What can be true performative, discoursive iconoclast be in a world driven to such variance amongst thinking agents?
Perhaps nothing. Just as "there can be no poetry after Auschwitz," perhaps too, 'there be no shitposting once shitposting has become a fixture of the zeitgeist.'
"Memes, a.k.a. internet jokes" are now a central cultural form. How can the transgressive be articulated, when, from some standpoint, potentially anything articulated will offend someone?



Thank you for considering my ideas.


I give up. Today i won't get dubs.


This leads me to a finer point, a question, somewhat like a thesis; in "Is Yuri on Ice" truly unproblematic enough to be considered genuinely progressive?
I think the answer might be more nuanced than simply "there's fags doing the dance of their people, so it must be."

Fuck you, indeed.


>all of these pathetic attempts at dubs

Check em


It's not pathetic to try. Luck will prevail.



>this thread


Delinquent dubs!

digits of an arbitrary number which replicate

For real now. Can I get some dubs as well?

Alright check these

Nah fuck you leatherman, why don't you and I settle it here with these trips?


I'm going to end this thread with my dubs granted by god himself

>this thread

The biggest issue with Viktor and Yuri's relationship is the presence of a clear power dynamic; a clear hierarchy in the Confucian sense that informs the sexual hierarchy of Viktor and Yuri's romantic involvement.
Yuri is clearly the neo-confucian lesser, the pupil and the kohai, and thus, is the lesser in their relationship. Viktor meanwhile, plays the agressor and instigator. It doesn't take a genius to decode this as "one plays the role of the woman, one plays the role of the man." The text itself essentially forces even the transgressive act of homosexuality into the heterosexual binary.
Yuri can never be 'his own man' in any sense of the word, as he is Viktor's protege athletically, and consequently, ""wife"" sexually. Were Yuri more of a romantic actor, this problematism might be escaped.

See, everyone? Keep trying and you will succeed.

Someone stole all the dubs and trips.


Now that's what real luck is. I can't ask for more.

why are people still replying? is dubs not enough to end this thread? so then trips it is.


PogChamp1000 dot gif


All of that just to said that Yuri is the one who bites the pillow


nani the fuck

You have cheats enabled.

looks like OP is right and they are so BTFO they are trying to derail the thread, how cute

Dubs not good for enough for you satan?